Rine vs Kylo(Part 1)

One month and 15 days later, Rine lost the remaining matches to Jake it was a few days before the trip to the artificial dungeon.

"Rine, I haven't still seen your friend, " Rine's mother said, She had a sculpted figure which was twine-thin. Her waist was tapered, and she had glossy white skin. A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes. Her delicate ears framed a button nose. A set of dazzling, angel-white teeth gleamed as she smiled at Rine. It was a pleasure to see her flowing, moon-shadow-black hair. Her eyes were a lot darker than Rine's eyes, and she wore a tight black dress with a thigh-length slit that showed her perfectly shaped breasts.

"He also has to prepare for the trip," Rine said.

"You know I would, but we're busy, and I gave Alan some weapons for you which I specially requested"

"Make me proud," She said.

"Definitely" Rine replied.

"I'm going to miss you so much," She said, grabbing Rine's face and stuffing in it her breasts while crying.

"Larissa, We can go now he is waiting" The head butler Alan said.

"Ok, Rine goodbye," Larissa said.

"Say Hi to me," Rine said, She looked back and gave him a nod Rine headed to his room to rest.

The next day, Rine prepared for school putting on his clothes the head butler Alan walked in.

"Rine, Here is what your mother said I should give you this and your father said I should give you this" Alan said, handing him a pair of black guns and golden armor.

"Where did my parents go this time," Rine asked.

"Young master, I'm not allowed to disclose that information so let's go" Alan replied, Rine, followed behind him with a sad look getting into the hover car and there were at New Age high in a flash.

"Thank you, Alan" Rine said, getting out of the hover car which drove off immediately there was a small crowd already forming waiting for the principal's brief.

After meeting up with Jake the principal started his brief and told them to return to their classes they were also briefed by the homeroom teacher Mrs. Mira on the rules of the artificial dungeon she led them to the assessment room they were separated from Jake and Sakurai because of their combat level. Mrs. Mira walked up to the podium in the assessment room there were over 300 students.

"Second and first years quiet down this is the final brief before you go into the artificial dungeon, and it contains seven levels but you guys are only allowed up to level four and the point system is like this.

Low basic level- 10 points.

High basic level- 50 points.

Low intermediate level - 75 points.

Medium intermediate level- 100 points.

High intermediate level- 150 points.

Low advanced level- 300 points.

Killing is prohibited for you people it is about teamwork unlike the seniors it's all about survival so any intentional death will be duly punished, and we will be watching you closely in case you try anything but duels are allowed if you both consent to it" Mrs. Mira said.

"Now head over to Mrs. Riley to get your weapons assessed," She said. The weapons and everything they needed were assessed.

"Now, Let the hunting begin, " Mrs. Mira said, the portal opened all the students ran inside the portal.

Rine appeared in an open space in the woods, and as he walked around he noticed a pack of bats-like creatures eating a dire wolf.

"Nasty," Rine said, they turned around the bats attacked him, and as he brought out his guns firing a few of them, but they just multiplied more and more.

"Seems I need more firepower," Rine said, switching the bullets into red bullets and firing them causing huge explosions.

* You have received a notification*

* You have received 300 points*

*No 1: Rine Elrod with 300 points*

The hologram from the system watched popped up.

" And they were only low basic tiers," Rine said, He started wandering about he saw Kylo from a distance he immediately turned away.

"Where did you think you are going did you think I won't notice you," Kylo said, as he walked through the portal he had created.

"I just wanted to avoid a confrontation early on, " Rine said.

"Your little hero isn't here to protect you," Kylo said, walking towards Rine.

"He never protected me you were just scared he would beat you up if you tried to beat me up," Rine said.

"Oh, you have become quite cocky," Kylo said, grabbing Rine's by his neck who pushed him back.

"I don't have to be scared of you since you aren't even that strong," Rine said.

"If you aren't scared accept the request," Kylo said, clicking a button on the system watch.

* You have received a duel request do you accept it?


*Yes* Rine clicked on the 'Yes' button.

* The duel has been initiated and the winner of the duel is accorded the loser's points through death or submission* The system watch hologram showed as light from the watch flew out of both their watches into the air displaying the words 'Fight' in the air.

"I will finally make you feel the pain of death," Kylo said, two mini portals opened putting his hands and pulling out two blades.

Meanwhile, outside the artificial dungeon, the teachers were watching the students.

"This is the first duel who do you think is going to win," One of the male teachers said.


" Kylo," Most of them said except Mrs. Mira and Mr. Brown.

"What's your reason?" One teacher asked.

"I just like betting on the underdogs, so I'm going to bet 1 gold coin on Rine," Mr. Brown said.

"I just have a feeling that training with Jake had a positive effect on him," She said, looking at the huge screen in the assessment room as they Rine stared at each other Rine clutched his guns.