Troublesome Deal

"I won't last much longer," Light said, arching his head as a huge circular appeared on the tree he was resting on Light made a run towards another tree.

"How do I block something I can't see," Light said, moving around to make it hard for the person shooting to aim.

"There is a way you just have to focus" Mani replied.

"That doesn't help," Light said.

"They say blind people have a special trait of seeing energies and that's the only way you can escape," Light said.

"Point!?" Light said as another tree fell to the side making another run to a tree

"Close your eyes strip yourself of your senses and sense the energy of the attack," Mani said.

"Ok" Light replied, closing his eyes, but he couldn't see anything only black.

"I can't see shit," Light said.

"Then you are going to die," Mani said.

"Thanks a lot, There is only one thing I can do if I'm going to survive this" Light said.

"What are you going to do?" Mani asked, Light suddenly came out hiding firing shots randomly running while shooting in every possible direction running wildly.

"Ahhhh!" Light screamed in pain as a circular cut appeared on his stomach he held his weapons tighter.

"Poison slash!" Light shouted, and a huge green gleam went in direction of where Light felt the attack came from.

"You may escape from the attack but not the gas," Light said, the slash faded away turning into green mist.

A few seconds later,

*You have received points from killing Park West*

"I barely survived that, " Light said, looking at the hole at the side of his stomach and taking a step forward.

"It's over" Light laughed, as he fell to the floor with a smile on his face his weapons finally fell out.

An hour later, Light woke up looking around he was in a dimly lit room he was on a couch and was bandaged up and shirtless.

"You are awake" Light heard he immediately became alarmed looking back he saw a beautiful long, straight black haired girl with beautiful emerald green eyes with glowing brown skin, She had a button nose thin brown lips her index finger on her cheek a slight smile on her face. She was putting on a black obdse chest armor covering only her breast with a golden gorget and what seemed like a huge leather belt with multiple pockets and plenty of small knives and long black sleeves with tight black pants with blue stripes on the sides. Light tried to move but his face twisted in pain clutching the side of his stomach.

"I haven't fully healed you yet," She said, taking her seat on the black armchair beside the couch which Light laid on and managed to sit upright after struggling for a couple of seconds.

"Why didn't you kill me?" Light asked, with a serious look on his face her look was still the same with a slight smile on her face.

"I'm Taria, Nice to meet you. First, killing you would get so many people on my back, and for a mere healer that won't be good," She replied.

"You could have also left there why did you pick me up," Light asked.

"I knew if I saved you, you'll owe me a favor and your points tell you are strong, and I need protection I'm just a mere healer," Taria said.

"What if I decided to kill you here," Light said, Taria just smiled and said.

"You won't have much of a chance with that injury"

"For a mere healer you are quite confident that you would be able to kill me and a mere healer won't be on this level, " Light said.

"Maybe I'm not a mere healer" Taria replied, with a cheeky smirk on her face.

"So, do you agree or not?"

"Do I have a choice?" Light said, with a nervous smile.

"Let's shake hands on it," Taria said, extending her hand for a handshake, but Light was a bit reluctant.

"There is nothing to it," She said, urging Light to shake her hand Light finally shook her hand.

"Now that is over I can heal your wound," She said, standing up and walking over to Light.

"Can you lay down?" She said, Light gave a nod leaning back on the couch she pulled off the bandages placing her hands on his stomach his wound.

"She is so pretty why don't you? You know" Mani said.

"She is, and she also ruined my ice-cold death scene" Light replied.

"Who cares about that just do the deed. I wonder if you could fuck as much in here without worrying about ever giving birth just unlimited sex the ultimate bliss " Mani said, with a voice sounding like he was passing a prophetic message.

"Done!" Taria said, wiping the sweat off her forehead Light sat up twisting his body he knew he was healed, and she also handed him his shirt.

"Thank you," Light said, a genuine smile appearing on his face without knowing to put his shirt on.

"You need to have something to eat follow me, " Taria said, Light followed behind her, and she led him to the dining room. It was well-lit with a square table and two chairs which were on opposite sides.

"Have your seat let's eat?" She said, Taking her seat and pointing to the other seat which had a weird white goo on the plate Light smiled awkwardly taking his seat.

"Thank you for the meal," Taria said, She started eating it slowly her face twisted in agony she took another spoonful.

"Bleh!" Light spat it out back into the plate after taking a spoon of it trying to frantically clean it off his tongue.

"How do you eat that? Light asked.

"My parents allowed me to take bad-tasting rations as an example that you won't be given the luxury of eating good food" Taria replied.

"That doesn't mean you should eat this shit," Light said, bringing out his food preserver. Light removed the plates from the food preserver sliding Rice with curry sauce and slices of steaks on the sides taking one for himself and putting the food preserver away.

"Come on, eat," Light said.

"No, I'm not going to eat" She replied.

"Ok, More for me," Light said, stretching over to take it.

"No! I can't take any more of this shit" Taria said, pushing the other plate away.

After they had finished eating Light asked.

" Where are my weapons," Light asked.

"Oh, I forgot! Here" She said, retrieving his weapons from her storage cube and handing them to Light.

"Fold" Taria said, the house closed together turning into a mini bungalow which she picked up putting in her storage cube.

"Let's go!" She said, looking back at Light.

"This could become quite troublesome, "Light said, as he stared at the enthusiastic Taria who was a few feet ahead of him