Unexpected climax

Light and Taria appeared on the seventh level examining everywhere it looked like the fourth-level forest but the air was harder to breathe and the aura of so many different high levels best was evident.

"I can't even take any of these guys on the way I am," Light said, He could feel the pressure in the air it was choking.

"We just have to quietly find the number 1 and stick close we can't be separated from each other. We can't die on the final day it will be disgraceful" Light said, looking at Taria signaling that they had to move.

" Why do you think he would hunt for the Low S tier today," Taria asked.

"Because it's the best time and judging by his personality he would fight it today and expand most of his energy fighting the S-tier since the S-tier that is here would be top class so he would want to fight it at the end" Light replied.

"How are you sure he wouldn't ignore it," Taria said.

"I read up on him he would fight it"

"And when they start the energies will fill everywhere so we just need to hide till then," Light said.


"KEUK" Light coughed out blood as he was sent flying through the trees.

"COUGH! My insides I couldn't even react damn" Light coughed out blood putting his hands on his stomach and slowly returning to his feet.

"I couldn't even see it!" Light raised his hands to block he was sent through the tree he hit.

"A slim orc" Light commented as he finally saw the creature which looked like an orc but extremely slim they had terrifying speed and strength ranking as one of the strongest advanced-level creatures.

The slim orc pursued after Light punching him into the ground and creating a crater Light eyes went white the slim orc grabbed unconscious Light by the neck with a sadistic smile on his face raising his hand wanting to stab through Light chest.

*STAB* A knife went through to the slim orc's back from on top of a tree branch with Taria looking down at the orc it tossed Light away like a pile of nothing jumping towards Taria.

"FUCK!" Taria shouted managing to get away from the orc in time to jump back.

"Weave," Taria said, interlocking her fingers there was a string attached to the knife that was lodged in the orc's back the orc moved to grab Taria he was suddenly tied up in strings with tiny little balls all over the strings Taria jumped down before snapping her fingers.

*BOOM* The deafening sound of the explosion didn't even faze Taria staring at the smoke hoping for the best brought out her twin daggers preparing for anything.

The orc emerged from the smoke with a few burns its eyes were glowing red in anger.

"Twin wind slash," Taria said, white slashes came out of her dagger hitting the orc but it didn't stop the charging orc the slashes just made a little cut on the orc's body.

"This is the only way," Taria said, raising her daggers to block the orc punched the daggers which shattered pushing Taria into the ground.

"Light! Light!" Mani screamed in Light's head with manifested in Light's body manifested in his head.

"Did I die?" Light said, looking around the dark room which suddenly turned white looking around he saw someone who looked like him but the person's eyes were completely red.

"Mani is that you," Light asked, but the face started fading away from Light whose vision became distorted the next time he opened his eyes he saw the Taria on the ground with the slim orc standing over Light closed his eyes slowly opening them Taria was in the hands of the slim orc struggling to free herself. Light eyes closed trying to move unable to move.

"Perfect" Mani mumbled, The image of Jada's and Evie's dismembered bodies played in Light's head to Mani's pleasure who had a twisted smile on his face.

"Why is this happening," Light said, his thoughts were not being processed only the images continued to play in his head.

"STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Light screamed, drawing the attention of the orc which squeezed Taria's neck causing her to pass out.

The Orc walked calmly over to Light grabbing him by the top of his head and raising him his black eyes had a red glow in a second the hand holding the top of Light's head was cut off which alarmed the orc jumping back Light used his bare hands to slice off the hand of the orc.

[ Extreme rage

Maniac mode has been activated.

Skill level: Mortal level VII ]

Light picked the hand of the orc that dropped down on the ground the orc sensed the aura of Light it tried to run away but it was unable to move Light's intense killing intent was so massive it made it impossible to move. Light walked over to the orc giving it a resounding slap with its hand which sent the orc flying. Light looked at the sword which he took the sword glowed bright red. Light walked over to where the orc landed the orc jumped at Light with a punch Light raised the sword the orc's fist was split into perfect halves Light used the orc's hand which was in his right hand to stab through the chest of the orc which fell to the side.

"ARRRGH!" Light let out a terrifying sound which made the surrounding beasts quickly evacuate from the area the aura from the scream was like an electric shock.

[Maniac mode has worn off ]

"Huff Huff" Taria panted sweat running down her face the sound of the scream had woken her up. Taria looked to the side Light was a little far away from her turning his head towards her his eyes were red like that of a beast before he fell. She stood up and rushed over to him.

"So disgusting "Taria looked at the horrific sight of the slim orc turning to Light who was on the ground.

"Was he hiding his strength?" Taria thought, turning him over and bringing out a wide scr7yeen running it all over Light's body.

"All his wounds are internal I can't heal him but I can revive him maybe he would heal himself, " Taria said bringing out a black metal rod today with a blue tip she flicked the red switch.

*HUMMMM* The rod was humming she placed it on Light's body he immediately rose.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Light shouted, glaring at Taria with anger in his eyes.

"You would have died if I didn't do that I couldn't heal you all your wounds are internal I thought maybe you would be able to heal yourself," Taria said.

" I can't say anything for your safety so just forget about it" Light replied.

"I may but you will be bombarded by questions from the teachers once you get out of here," Taria said, waving it off and standing up stretching her hand Light took it standing up.

"What's next?"

"We wait for the show to start," Light said, clicking on his watch to check the notification he received.

*You have received 200 points*

No 6: Jake Hart with 13,255 points* Light scrolled up and there was something evident everyone's increased their hunting rates on the final day but something came as a great shock to him the No 2 Noel Peter was not on the list.

"It will start sooner than I expected," Light said, staring into the distance he could sense bits of energies colliding signaling to Taria they needed to move Light headed to the direction he sensed the energy. After running for a while they emerged from the trees what they were looking at was a city that looked like a city from the middle ages and in a particular area the sun didn't shine. As they walked through the city there was no living creature in sight the bodies of what seemed to be humans but with much paler skin their bodies were compressed they had been hit with intense pressure.

"Vampires, this level is really scary thank the gods they have been cleared out but the interesting thing is the monster that cleared them out," Light said, looking up at the palace which was painted in black and stood out from the rest of the normal looking houses and the energies clashing in there was making the ground quake a little Light had a nervous smile on his face while Taria looked reluctant to approach the palace.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to," Light said.

"No, I'm going, " Taria said, her face looking resolved both she and Light started running towards the palace through the night of the city which offered little illumination but they ran until they reached the front of the palace with the killing intent coming out from the palace was so fierce it caused Taria to have a nosebleed.

" Are you ok?" Light asked, She nodded wiping off the blood from her nose and giving him a thumbs-up.

"We need to find another way into the palace" Light said, He moved away from the main entrance and went round back with Taria he saw another entrance.

"Wait" Light put his hand on his lips telling Taria not to follow him.

*THUD* Light's body slammed into the ground because of the change of gravity.

".....His gravity..field...." Light said, managing to raise his head he saw Chris Fett clashing with a monster that looked almost human like it had fangs and pale skin.

The vampire was not using any weapons but with its extremely long finger clashing with Chris's sword they were both pushed back. Chris moved at tremendous speed punching the vampire and sending it through the main door immediately following after him. Chris moved his hand the vampire slammed into the ground.

"I'll destroy you," Chris said, a vein bulging on his head.

"Blood bullet," The vampire said, a red blast came out of the vampire's finger flying towards Chris's head he moved out of the way but it grazed hide face blood seeped out of the small cut on his face he used his hand to clean off the blood looking to where the vampire was but it was not there.

*BANG* The vampire's fist connected with Chris's face but he didn't move from where he was his feet looked like they were cemented into the ground because of the tiny craters under his feet. The face of the vampire changed Chris used his sword to stab through the chest of the vampire who faded into dust.

"Huff Huff" Chris panted, sweat dripping from his face as he raised his sword high in the air.

*STAB* A red sword went through the chest of Chris who tried to move his head to see who had stabbed him but his body faded to dust immediately Light put his sword back in its hilt.

*You have received 28600 points for killing Chris Fett*

*No 1: Jake Hart with 41855 points*

"You killed him," Taria said, rushing over to Light he instinctively jumped away from her.

"You think I want to kill you," Taria said, looking a little disgusted by Light's reaction.

" I can't be too careful," Light said.

"There he is" Light heard looking down there was a hoard of people running towards him.

"It's too late," Light said, with a confident smile.

"The artificial dungeon has officially ended prepare yourself you will be transported back to the assessment room," An automated voice said the people charging towards Light started to be enveloped in blue light.

"See you in the real world and I hope you don't have trust issues," Taria said, She was enveloped in the light.

"Time to know if my whole world will change from now," Light said, as he was enveloped in the blue light.