Execution day, Not really!

Light woke up and got into the bath he put on the clothes the guard handed him the night before.

He hears the door opening and he puts it on the cuffs and sees a female guard.

"I wonder if she knows," Lights thought as he checked her out.

"Walk in front of me," She told Light as she looked at him in disgust.

"Why did they order me to take this rapist to the guillotine "She thought as she walked out of the cell with Light in front of her.

" What's your name, "Light asked as he turned his head

"Why should I tell a rapist" She retorted

"Harsh, Take it as my death wish please and I really don't what happened but that bitch deserved it but please. " Light begged her, making faces while looking back.

"It's Sadie since you are going to die" Sadie replied looking a lot calmer

"But what if I don't," Light said with a cheeky smile but she couldn't see it.

"You are oddly cheerful for someone who is about to be executed even though his fake" Mani's voice sounded in Light's head.

"Well have fulfilled every man's dream of fucking at least once before death," Light said has puffed his chest

"Don't be proud of that fool one pussy isn't nearly enough for satiety the milfs, the wives of powerful people, goddesses and so much more" Mani said in an angry tone.

"Why is he so confident and why did the organization give a death row inmate such a room what is really going on"She tried putting everything together in her head as they finally reached the opening of the dungeon and Light walked out and saw a huge guillotine on the court

" Wow, they love going old school"Light rolled his eyes as a high muscular man stepped onto the podium.

"We are all here to witness the death of this Boy Light Akashi " A fiendish smile appeared on the man's face as he brought out a black sword

"Witness glory," The man said as his smile grew wider and cut the rope holding the guillotine blade.

"I'm really going to die" Light thought as his face fell

"What's going on," The man said as the blade of the guillotine didn't drop he was looking around and saw a man in a pure white cloak

"Get everyone away from here the rest of you get that man" The muscular man shouted at the guards

"He fucking knew but was this planned by the organization" Sadie mumbled while guiding people away from the court.

Meanwhile, The man had jumped down from the roof.

"You are gonna regret this get him" The muscular man laughed as he ordered the guards who attacked in unison

"Fools," The man said as the guards flew in different directions

"Useless fucks" He said as he charged at the cloaked man.

"Soo close" The cloaked man sounded disappointed

"What is this," The muscular man said as his punch was about two centimeters away from the man's face

"Down" Cloaked whispered into the muscular man's ears as he walked past him

"Bastard" He screamed turning to punch the man but he was slammed to the ground.

"Too weak" The cloaked man yawned as he walked over to Light and grabbed him

"The higher-ups are going to kill me" The muscular man mumbled before going unconscious.

"What's going on?" Light asked the cloaked man

"Change of plans I will explain on our way to the face " The man replied through telepathy

" The face" Light was confused

"Now" He mumbled as he and Light were teleported into a tunnel.

"This kid has two consciousness," The man said as he looked at Light from the corner of his eye.

"He knows that I'm in you," Mani said in a serious know

"How?" Light was confused

"Telekinesis" Mani replied Light and he turned his head towards the man

"Sir" Light sounded a little nervous

"Don't worry everyone has their secret" The man said as he entered the teleportation device.

"Come on," He said as Light entered the teleportation device

"A desert, 1what is that," Light said as he put his hand on his eyes seeing a tiny building.