Origin sword

[A/N: There has been a massive edit in chapter one: prologue check it out]

" This is as far as I go, " The driver said dropping off Light and then speeding away. Light walked for some time until the sound of the thunder rumbling became even louder.

"Olympus mons," Light said, looking up at the thunderclouds with different colors of lighting and different beasts flying around.

"Why are we here this place is even giving me chills," Mani said.

"The dimensional energy won't be noticed if there is something with much more power, and I'm scared also, " Light said, walking through the barrier that protected Mars from Olympus mons.

"Won't there be beasts down here?" Mani asked, Light brought out the cube from his storage pouch.

"And I still need to figure this shit out," Light said looking at the cube weirdly.

"You might want to be fast with that, " Mani said, Light looked to his left side there was a horde of beasts.

"I'm just one why are they so many!"  Light said, hurrying to find how to activate the cube.

"Well, the only people that come here will be extremely strong so a Weakling like you is rare chow" Mani replied.

"I can't remember how to activate this shit"

"Arrrgh, they are getting closer" Light started running, but they continued getting closer.

"Yes, I remember," Light said, biting his hand so hard that it bled pouring the blood on the mini dimension.

"Open!" Light screamed, He suddenly teleported away from there.

"Huff Huff, There has been too much excitement for one day," Light said, after catching his breath.

 "Wow," Light said, as he stared at the beautiful scenery in front of him.

" She wasn't kidding when she said it's a forest," Light said, as he stood on the cliff looking down at the numerous trees.

" I wonder how big this mini dimension is"

"Well, I can do it later now the most important thing," Light said as he pulled out the sword from the storage pouch.

"I can feel the power but now to see what it can do," Light said as he pulled the sword from its sheath it suddenly shone a bright red light enveloping Light.

"Where did you find me child" Light heard a deep commanding voice which compelled him to speak.

"You're my grandfather's war weapon " Light replied.

"Then we can talk," The voice said as Light suddenly appeared in a white plain.

"Who are you," Light asked, What looked like a middle-aged man with white hair, he had bright red eyes, and he was shirtless and looked like a model who a lot of girls would swoon over.

"I'm the origin sword the sword you have in your hand," The voice said.

"So, you're a soul sword," Light said.

"Yeah, and you said I used to be your grandfather's weapon nice to meet you I'm the origin sword made by the origin god himself," The man said.

"Origin god? Who is that" Light asked, with a confused look.

"The creator of the universe who was the pinnacle of existence he is the reason all of you have powers what you guys called the 'origin beam' it's as a result of his death and that's all I can say," The man said, with a cheeky smile on his face.

" I won't ask for more information I know what you'll say but can I ask you how you got to my grandfather," Light said.

"It's a long story and your body can take much more of my power," The man said.

"But I feel ok"

""You may feel ok here, but you will probably die if you use more than five minutes here," The man said, then leaned over and whispers something into Light's ear.

" Be careful, around that dude sitting over there I don't want the same thing that happened to your grandfather to happen to you" Light turned his head to the left he saw someone sitting with the same looks as him but bright red eyes, and he was in constraints,

"Is that Mani?" Light said.

"Get stronger you need to be mortal level:VII to wield me and I hope you listen to me unless" Light heard as his consciousness faded away.

"Keuk keuk" Light coughed a mouthful of blood as the sword fell out of his hand he fell unconscious lying in his own blood.

Two days later, Light woke up courtesy of a loud shout in his own head.

"Why are you so loud!" Light shouted.

"You've been asleep for two days and I have tried my best to wake you up," Mani said.

" Was that you? And why were you in constraints?" Light asked as he sat upright.

"Yes, and it was the sword that put me in the constraints" Mani replied.

"Why do you look exactly like me?" Light asked.

"I take the body of my host no matter" Mani replied, Light fell into deep contemplation.

"Should I be careful around Mani, but he is with me everywhere I go, and I still need to know more about this and the only way is to grow stronger" Light said, tightening his fists.

"What were you thinking of?" Mani asked.

"Nothing important let me eat, so we can get out of here," Light said bringing some snacks out of his storage pouch before stuffing them into his mouth.

"Time to return," Light said, as he held the mini dimension cube in his hand with a look of worry.