Bounty hunters

Light and Rine parted ways Light walked lazily home. Light on getting home crashed on the couch and slept.

The next day, Light woke up feeling revitalized and walked to the bathroom. He walked passes the mirror and remembered what Rine had told him yesterday and looked at the mirror. Light noticed a red hue deep in his pupils and was a little shocked.

"Mani?" Light said, in a tone that made it known he was expecting an explanation from Mani.

"It's nothing, You are getting stronger as the true nature of your power shows. Your eyes real colours will appear" Mani said, Light still stared at his eyes in disbelief before finally walking away from the mirror. He had his bath and got dressed he began cleaning the house while tidying up he found his bounty hunter's card.

"I have seen what I'm going to do today gives me a chance to test my new armor and weapon." Light thought, he quickly finished what he was doing and prepared to leave with his storage pouch and cube

*DING* He received a notification on his phone it was a text from Rine.

"What are you doing? This house is so boring" The text read and Light replied.

"I'm heading out, I want to go out on my first bounty-hunting mission"

"When did you register to be a bounty hunter?"

"A while back and I saw the card while and said why not"

"Sounds fun, can I come"

"Sure, meet me at distinct three in front of the monkey's hunter organization" Light sent the text and walked out of the house calling a hover car. Light told the driver where he was headed and in a couple of minutes, he was there. He got down from the hovercar and Rine was already there waving at him as he got down Light paid the driver and walked towards Rine they walked in. There were a couple of people in the halls they walked up to the receptionist who was a gorgeous brunette.

"I'm here to register to be a bounty hunter," Rine said.

"That will be 10 silver coins," She said, Rine handed it to her.

"What would want you your hunter name to be," She asked, Rine thought of it for a while.

"Silent eyes demon," Rine said, Immediately she handed Rine his card Lught showed his card to her.

"Pick any mission from the wall and bring it back here when it is stamped you can go," She said pointing to a huge board with several other boards with different fliers on it.

"Any? Aren't there some rules like if you are at this level you can't do this mission because of the difficulty level Rine asked, looking a bit shocked.

"That doesn't concern us the price tag represents the difficulty if you are dumb enough to overestimate your abilities you will eventually die and the association does not care," She said, with a smile appearing on her face as she said the last statement which made Light and Rine feel uncomfortable. They walked to the board which had the least difficulty and scanned through it.

"Here," They said at the same time pointing to different fliers.

Light had picked a flier with a bounty on the head of a *silver goblin* in a remote town the reward was set at 10 silver coins while Rine picked another.

"First to do their mission and come back pays for the other's lunch for the next week." Light said.

"It's on" Rine replied, they both dashed towards the receptionist with their fliers.

She stamped Rine's flier first but hesitated a little before stamping Light's flier they both dashed out of the building running to a train station. Light booked the train and he would be there in 15 minutes. Light had arrived at the city but the village was still a distance away from the city the map indicated it was still a 20 minutes walk.

"No time," Light said, putting his hand in his storage cube a scooter appeared placing his leg on it and entering the coordinates he wanted to go it zoomed off. Light had reached the village in five minutes and looking around the village was very old.

Light was stumped on what to do as he saw a middle-aged man running towards him waving at him as the man got closer

"You must be the hunter that took the job and you look very young to be a hunter. I'm Hetro Jofe and the ruler of this town and you can call me Jofe. Walk with me" The man said, walking into the village.

"I'm Li Ahem Jake Hart and how do you know that I'm the hunter," Light said.

"Once, you put a bounty up like mine to kill a certain creature you will be given a card telling you when the mission has been taken. Also, when the hunter arrives because of the tracker on the hunter card that is activated when a mission is taken up."Jofe said as he and Light walked through the village.

"You know an awful lot about this" Light said.

"I worked there but after I lost my powers I returned to manage my father's village after his death but since the attacks, people have started leaving because of fear," Jofe said, Light heard the sadness in his voice and decided not to ask the question on his mind.

"Why did you pick this mission hunters usually avoid missions like this because of the pay"

"I'm just doing it for fun and trying to test my powers and my new armor" Light replied, Jofe looked skeptically at Light.

"I know am not to judge but are you sure you can kill a silver goblin," Jofe said.

"I'll try," Light said, with a cheeky smile.

"So, what information do you have on the goblin" Light asked.

"It leads a group of goblins and grabs some people who happen to wander too deep into the forest and sometimes grab some people from inside the village, " Jofe said, they had walked to the edge of the forest

"Let me suit up and go into the forest" Light said, as he brought out the cube with his new armor placing it on his chest the armor started appearing on his body.