Trouble for The Carriage and The First Kill.

"Lady Carmine! Listen!"

My head guard Lucius opens the carriage door while we are still riding.

"Lucius! What is going on?!" I ask.

"Milady! We're under attack by bandits! They outnumber us!"

They outnumber my guards?

"Milady! Do not come outside under any circumstances!" Lucius shouts while riding his horse.

"But Lucius! Please! Don't be reckless! Five of you cannot face them alone!" I try to persuade him.

"No buts milady! What are we going to do? You will not come out of the carriage!" Lucius says.

After saying that he closes the carriage door.

"Milady! please don't do anything reckless! Think of your father!" My maid begins to persuade me.

"But Felia! He said that they outnumber them!"

"Please milady! You are Carmine de Weskin! The only heir to the noble family of Weskins! If you die no one would know what would happen to the Weskin family line!"

"Listen Felia… If I'm a Weskin then I must protect my subjects! Let me do something!" I answer back.

I try to reach the door…

"No! You will not go out of the carriage!" she gets in front of me.

"Please try to understand-!!" I was stopped mid-sentence when I heard an explosion at the back of the carriage.

Following that explosion, our carriage was flung into the air.

"Wha-?! Felia! Hang on!" I reach out with my hand toward Felia.

The carriage which was violently flung into the air ended up flipping over with us inside.

After a while, I open my eyes.

"Fe..lia? Where are you?" I say it in a daze.

"Milady! You're bleeding!" Felia gets up in a rush to me lying down.

I'm bleeding? Where?

I put a hand to my head feeling pain and find that I'm bleeding because of an injury to my head.

"Felia… My head… I feel dizzy…" I say that in a vision of blur.

"Milady don't wo-" She stops mid-sentence.

"FORM A PERIMETER! PROTECT THE CARRIAGE AT ANY COST!" I hear Lucius Screaming in his stern voice.

Lucius… Please don't die… You have a family that is waiting for you.



I hear Zendek, Valim, Justiv, and Roder reply in unison.

"CHARGE!" I hear an unknown voice.

"Who is that Felia?... I hear an unfamiliar voice…" I cannot even speak with this dizziness, how am I going to use magic?

"I think they are the bandits… Lucius seems to be in combat with them…"


I hear swords clashing.


"COMMANDER!" Valim Screams.

"What's wrong?" I ask Felia.

"Lucius… no… he's knocked out…" Felia says in disbelief.

"Lucius!" I say while I crawl towards the door.

I open the door a little bit to see what is happening but what I see sends despair to my heart.

My guards… they're all defeated.

All of them lie on the ground, without a sign of movement.

I hear someone walking closer so I close the door.

"BRING HER OUT!" I hear a voice order to bring someone out.

In the next moment, the door to the carriage breaks open.

"COME HERE!" A hand comes towards me and grabs me by my hair.

"Milady!" Felia leaps forward to stop the man but the door on the other side of the carriage breaks open too.

The man on the other side drags out Felia with me.

"AH!" I scream in pain as my hair is being pulled because of his grip.

"Who are you people?! Why are you doing this?!" I scream in desperation.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" the man holding me by my hair lets go but slaps me on my face.

"Loot everything from the carriage! Leave the guards alive! Make it look like a bandit attack! Kill the two as if they resisted!" The Commander on their side gives them orders.

'Make' it look like a bandit attack?

Are they not bandits?

Wait… Is this a planned attack?

No… It can't be… is everyone going to die… because this is my assassination?

Assassination… Yes. I understand now.

"GET THEM ON THEIR KNEES!" A Bandit shouts.

He is probably the superior here…

Then the Bandits holding Me and Felia drag us into a line and place the tips of their swords on our chests.

"Felia!" I scream.

"Milady!" She says back.

"KILL THE MAID FIRST!" The Commander shouts.

"FELIA!" I scream in despair as I see that the man holding Felia is getting ready to thrust his sword.


The next moment these words come out of her mouth, and the man thrusts his sword into her chest.

"FELIAAA!" I scream once again, seeing the blood gushing out of her mouth and chest.

I try to get Myself free but the man holding my hair tightens his grip.

"Ah!" I let out a scream in pain.

"We're gonna get a hefty pay for this ain't we boss?" the Bandit holding me says.

"Think about money later! Kill her! We have to fulfill the mission given to us first."

"Here we go!" The Bandit putting the tip of his sword on my chest says.

He gets ready to thrusts the sword.

"Mi…lad…y" I hear Felia's faint voice.

I turn around.


The moment these words were to come out.

I Catch a glimpse of something in the air coming from a distance. Followed by a screech of great intensity.

The speed was too great to follow.


The object crashes into the ground near some bandits and sends the two of them flying.

The scale of the impact was so great, that one's eardrum would shatter if they were near that explosion.

A wave of debris goes through and a huge cloud of dust goes up.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" The Commander screams in confusion.

"Commander! Something fell from the sky!" A Bandit, a bit closer to the dust cloud says.

"You three! Go check it out! Give me a report!" The Commander gives the orders.

After hearing those words, three of the bandits go towards the dust cloud and slowly with caution, step into the dust cloud still up in the air.

The area remains quiet for a moment.



A scream comes from within, breaking all the silence.


The sound of swords being unsheathed is heard.


Another sound of metal Is heard soon.


Metal clashing and breaking from the cloud are heard, along with flashes of light and a slash to the flesh follows after.

"AHHHH! MY HAND!" A Bandit screams.


I hear a female voice screaming in anger.



The sounds follow bright flashes. The flashes are made when metal collides with another.


A slash to the flesh.

"AHHHHH! COMMANDER, IT'S A MONSTER!!!" Another Bandit screams in pain.

"YAH!" I hear a bandit charging and try to swing his sword.



After those sounds and flashes, the body of a bandit flings out of the dust cloud.

No… It wasn't a body anymore… The lower half from the waist is gone…

"PEOPLE! TAKE YOUR STANCE! KLL IT!" The commander shouts.

The man holding me Lets go and gets in position.

What is see in the cloud is truly terrifying yet magnificent.

I see a silhouette of a person along with wide wings towering over him.

The person in the dust stands firm.

He flaps the wings and all the dust that was in the air has been cleared

"Wha-?!" the commander exclaims in terror.

What is that? A person… with wings? I've never seen anyone like this…

As I say this, the wings retract into his back, and upon looking closer…

Those hands… they're… Claws?

I see huge knife-like claws that probably replace the fingers in place.

Yes. They are that big.

I snap back to reality.


I look back to where she was.


I find that she is on the ground… lifeless.

Is she dead…? Please…

I look back…

The person in the cloud has become much clearer to see…

"huh?" comes out of my mouth.

It's a… girl?

I see the figure of a young girl standing in the crater.

The men that were in the cloud before her lie without any sign of movement.

Two of them have no hands. The lower half of the body also lies there. Their armors and swords shattered like toothpicks.

Just as I look in the direction in utter disbelief, the girl says something.

In the next moment, a golden ball of light flies towards us is great speed.

"PAY ATTENTION! I AM A BIGGER THREAT TO YOU FOOLS!" the girl screams in a roar that echoes in the grasslands.

A chill runs down the spine and the air grows heavier. The atmosphere around us takes a turn for the most terrifying.

Every single bandit is paying attention to the girl. Not a single soul is looking back at us.

That's when the golden ball of light gets close.

"Wha-?!" I say.

The ball of light goes towards Felia ignoring me in front.

"Hey! Wait! What is-" I was stopped mid-sentence when I hear a voice from the ball of light.

When one looks closer, one begins to see a girl… Yes. A girl, the bright golden light emanated from the girl. Enveloping her.

"Thank goodness. She's still alive…" She says.

"What? She's still…"

"If we hadn't gotten here in time, every single one of you could have died."

"Wait! Tell me who you are first!" I say trying to inquire what this mysterious appearance was for.

"I'm a fairy. My name is Twixie. That right there is my Magnificent Master. She got too angry when she saw this girl being stabbed. She won't be pulling any punches I think…" she says.

She is… a fairy?

But… fairies are legendary creatures… said to have gone extinct many years ago…

And that… is her Master?

"Who are you people? Why are you here…?" That is what I ask.

"Does that really matter right now?" she retorts.

"No, it doesn't…" I say accepting what she just said.

I just forgot what was happening in a daze.

"Let me heal her then!" she says.

"How are you going to do that? Do you know Healing Magic…?" I ask

"You're saying that to a fairy? You must be dumb then." She says in an annoying tone while flying over Felia and looking at her.

"Now… what spell to use… hmm… that one?" she says while she puts a finger to her chin and looks up, perhaps this was her thinking pose.

"Please… Hurry…" I say.

"I know… I know…"

In the next moment, she gets down to Felia's body and places both hands on her chest.

"[Eden's Blessing]…"

The moment she gets those words out of her mouth, Felia is enveloped in a faint green light.

The light glows for several seconds.

I look back to inquire about the situation over with the girl with wings but…

The bandits are all standing there, unable to move from the terror the girl is emitting. The aura is so intimidating that not a single soul dares to move.

"I guess she is so angry that the concealment isn't working properly…" The fairy mutters to herself.

The next moment I look towards Felia, the light has disappeared and I hear a faint grunt from her mouth.



"Mi..lady?" Felia says.

"Felia!" I leap and hug her while she is lying down.

"Oi! Don't hug her right away! The pain hasn't completely receded!" The fairy tries to push me away.

"Unggghhh.." Felia grunts as I get off her.

"Let me cast healing on you too." The fairy says.

"But I'm not injured…" I say to deny her help.

"Says the person in a daze with bleeding from her head. You must've grown even dumber than before now that you've hit your head,"

This fairy is extremely rude, isn't she?

"Please, You have helped us but you are being extremely rude…" I retort respectfully.

"Oh sorry, sorry… I think I might be catching some of Master's anger..." She replies.

"[Eden's Flower]…"

She places a hand on my forehead and speaks.

The hand glows white and the pain and dizziness fade as the wound on my head disappears.

It felt weird being healed. The place where my head must've hit, felt itchy as it was being healed.

"Um… I don't know if it's rude to ask this but… What is your Master?" I ask the fairy.

"Hmm… I think I shouldn't be the one to tell you that, She can tell you herself if she wants to." The fairy replies.

"I-I see…" I say.

I look back and find that they are still within their place, not moved a single bit.

The girl looks at us. No… She looks at the fairy and in the next moment, the aura grows softer.

She begins to move toward the bandits.

A clamor goes through the bandits.


I hear The voice of the commander of the bandits.

Magic Weapons?

"Master! Be careful!" the fairy shouts.

Does her master need to be careful? I guess they are magic weapons after all.

"As if magic weapons could do anything against her. He-he…" She then says to herself while chuckling.

What? What was that about? Magic weapons… won't… do anything?

"Bring out all of them! Kill that thing!" the commander screams as she walks calmly towards them with her claws out.

"Got it, Commander! The bandit replies when he takes out some weapons from their horses.

"Take each! Make a Vanguard! Charge!"

I see Five weapons. All of them containing immense power. The strength of an elemental weapon can be roughly gauged by the intensity of its color.

Three of them are Bright. One with the fire element is the sword having bright red color. The other one is a spear that has the intense color of the wind that is, green. The next one is a hammer that shows the color of earth, Dark brown. The other two, Two knives of water element with light blue color and an ax with the element of darkness to it.

"All of you! Take your positions behind the vanguard!"

Every single bandit gets into position.

"I'm just gonna stay here and watch this show… I don't wanna get caught up in that…" I hear the fairy behind me mutter to herself.

Why is she sitting on top of Felia's palms? And when did Felia get up?

I guess I was too focused on the battle and the magic weapons.

These people… are making me more pissed by the moment.

I grumble in my mind as I watch them bring out a bunch of colorful weapons.

What did he call them? Magic weapons?

I guess they have the elemental powers, judging by the variance in their colors.

They are getting ready to charge on me…

But will it work though? I broke their sword by just flicking them with my claws…

I didn't mean to kill the other one. I swear. Even though I'm screaming that I will kill them, It's not like I love killing. But when I accidentally failed to pull back, trying to break his sword, the slash just went through his body…

And... I didn't feel anything... when I killed him.

I deliberately cut off their hands so they couldn't get up again. But yeah, they're alive, just knocked out. I guess the other one won't be because he's all over the place right now.

More importantly, they are charging towards me.

The Bandit with the fire sword leaps at me. I catch his sword by my two fingers or I should say, my claws.

"Wha-?!" He blurts out in surprise.

"DIE!" just as he curses me to die, he lets off the attack by releasing fire from his sword.

I was like come on man, I didn't feel the lava back in the cave and you're thinking that something like this would burn me up? I guess it's more powerful than the lava but, come on.

Just as the fire dissipates.

See? Nothing.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!" he screams in terror as if he had seen a ghost.

I twist my claws that were holding the sword. The sword shatters with a boom


"AHHH!" the Bandits

Oops. I shouldn't have done that. His hand's gone now.


I wasn't gonna say it out loud though…

Next, the Bandit with the hammer comes close. What I didn't see was that something else was coming closer.

"[TING]!!" it hits my head.

I look up to find that the hammer was on my head and I was now a bit pinned to the ground. Yup, Like a nail.

"Huh?!" the bandit looks at me in surprise.

I grab the hammer and snap it in half between the handle and the head of the hammer.

The hammer falls to the ground and I pull myself out from the ground where I was pinned in.

Whew. That sure surprised me a bit. I guess I was a bit too focused on the hand that got blown away.

I charge towards the bandit that had the hammer but a pear comes in sight. The bandit plunges the spear towards my head.

That won't work. Would it?

I retract my claws in an instant and catch the tip of the spear in my hand.

I close my hand tightly and the spear's head shatters with a boom.

Now that I have retracted my claws, I won't have to worry about killing anyone by mistake.

I charge toward both of them and give a punch to their guts. I pulled my punches to the extent, where if I was human, you would ask me if I was poking them with my finger.


Even after pulling my punches, both of them spit blood and fall to the ground unconscious.

The two others with the magic weapons stand back frozen.

I guess it can't be helped.

"Surrender Yourselves! Surrender and you won't have to die! Or Fight to the death in despair!" I scream allowing them to give up.

The moment I spoke, both of the bandits fall to their knees and one of them even pees himself.

"How Filthy." I try to sound dignified as I showed my disgust.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! KILL IT!" the commander screams from the back.

But the people in the front won't listen.

I can already see it, in their eyes. They have no intention of fighting anymore. The eyes of despair that had given up. If I was in their place I would feel the same if someone as powerful as me were to kill all of them.

"Fools! Put down your weapons! Put them down if you want to live!" the Bandit that previously had the ax screams as he stands up with his trembling legs.

As he spoke, the sound of metal falling to the ground is heard. Yes, all of them put down their weapons.

"FIGHT! KILL IT" the commander still wants to fight I guess.

I walk towards the commander.

"Let me tell you something. I'm not 'IT'. Let's teach you some respect shall we?" I say as I walk towards him.

I flap open my wings to intimidate him.

"Eeeep! Stay away! Don't come any closer!" The Commander exclaims in fear as i keep walking towards him.

I flap my wings and cover the short distance in an instant then by getting close to him, I grab him by his neck.

He starts to choke just by me holding him.

"I guess dimwits like you should just die…"

I really am pissed off at this guy. Even if the bandit who hurt that maid was someone else, he was the one who gave the order.

"[Shing]" I bring out my claws.

"Die… Rude man." I tighten my grip around his neck and he begins to choke even more.

"gghh..." He pleads for his life, gurgling, as some white stuff starts to come out of his mouth.

I tighten my grip with my claws even more and they start to make his neck bleed.

His eyes roll backwards and his heartbeat grows slower and slower.

I guess I still won't feel anything.

"Master! Wait!" I hear Twixie from behind.

What now?