Subordination and Going Out for Food.

A while goes by, as I sit down on the stairway, waiting for them to wake up.

I want to think more about this.

Why? Why did they make this sudden decision?

It's not like they have seen my achievements. I haven't done anything for them either. Aside from saving carmine, I have done nothing significant for them that they would make this drastic decision.

Why is it drastic? It's because of the word 'Subordination'. This word has it's own significance when you say it. Being a noble of a country, also one of the top ones, they shouldn't make this important decision like this. What about the King?

That's the question coming to mind right now. What will be his response. Subordinating his noble. It can't that negligible can it?

What problems will ensue? Or it's just that I could be worrying too much.

From the impression I've gotten until now, Elder Dragons are pretty much the biggest authority in this world. Even if they don't interact with humans, their will cannot be neglected. It is because they are the biggest forces of nature in this world. Anger an Elder dragon and you'll regret it. That's how it is. The fear. And mucfh of it is also respect and admiration.

I can see within their eyes, how much they blindly respect me. how much I'm revered by these people. The purest example is of Felia. Those eyes brimming of ambition to serve me, I won't forget them.

Then it would be better to return the admiration with trust and responsibility. I will be responsible for them. No matter what happens, anyone who chooses to follow me, I will protect them with my life.

This will be a big difference from my original demeanor. But, this is what I wished for didn't I?

To be a better and reliable person. To be strong enough.

My wish is being granted.

They will be mine forever.

"I feel bad for them… they are lying on the floor…"

I see the family and the servants all lying unconscious on the floor in front of the stairs in the hall.

"Why don't you put them to bed then?" Says Twixie.

"Hmm.. Okay."

I get up from the stairs, walk toward the pile of people lying on the ground, without a sign of waking up.

They are sleeping so sound, like some kids, tht one could ask if they are sleeping because they played all day long.

"…But I don't know where the rooms are…" I say.

"That's not a problem, we can just bring Carmine and others to their rooms. Then we can put the pillows from the guest rooms to make a temporary bed for them."

That Is a good idea…

Then the same magic spell as before?

I walk toward the Weskins Family.

[Wind's Embrace]

I say in my mind.

The four members of the family and Felia rise up in a gust of wind.

"Let's go then."

We walk up the stairs with them in tow.

"Will their appearance change somehow?" I ask Twixie.

"Hmm… Probably. Humans are like water. They take shape when they are influenced by someone other than Humans. The same cannot be said for others. They are influenced but not to the degree of humans," she says.

"I see."

We walk to the rooms where the family sleeps. First we enter the room for the couple floating in the air.

I take off their shoes and put them in a corner. Then I put them to bed and put their blankets on.

Next is the turn for the cute Lucy. I never had an interaction with her before. I mean I just got here. It would be true to say that I knew nothing about people here.

We go into Lucy's room. Just what you would expect from the room of a girl her age. Pink and girly. It's definitely not that pink but you can see the emphasis for a girl in here.

I take off her shoes too and put her to bed.

Then comes the turn for Carmine. We go into her room and find that she has a good taste in furniture. Probably her parents who suggested this. But the demeanor you get from this room is that of a mature college student.


Where should I put Felia then?

"Twixie? Where is Felia gonna go?" I ask Twixie.

"You could put her in your bed. I'm sure she would be overjoyed at that." She says.

She'll probably have a heart attack from the excitement… Or embarrassment.

Once I had put all of them to bed. I go around the house to collect all the pillows in the guest rooms and some from mine.

I place them in order and put some sheets on them to make a make-shift bed. I didn't know where all the servants slept so I had no choice but to do this.

I put them on the make-shift soft and comfy bed and put some sheets over them just in case they feel cold.

I feel like a mother caring for her dozen kids.

"What to do now?"

"You could go outside you know? We haven't gone out. You were just born and I was sealed away. But it feels like It was yesterday though…" says Twixie flying around my head.

Go outside, huh?

I wonder what it's like out there. We came here at night so we didn't get to see the people that time.

It'll be pretty nice to have some fresh air. There are no cars here. No pollution. So it means that there is fresh air everywhere. This world is practically all green. Earth, was like a land of concrete. Even if there was green there, it doesn't mean there wasn't any damage to nature. This is a preserved world. No harm done to its atmosphere.

I hope there are no fuels in the future that would cause pollution. No industries that would cause it either. Maybe I should influence them? Like think up some ideas, to integrate magic in everything? That is probably how it will go.

We should head out then. Probably get a bite to eat too…

I walk toward the mansion's exit. I get out and close the door behind.

Then I exit the main gate and find Lucius there.

"Oh? Lucius?" I say.

"Lady Velkra. Good Afternoon to you." He says.

I guess it's not morning anymore. That stuff took a time didn't it?

"Lucius. The family and the servants are sleeping right now. Some things happened. I hereby order you to guard and look after the estate. Don't ask any questions. You will find out when they wake up." I say.

"Sleeping? But it's midday isn't it?" he says.

"I just told you not to ask questions right? Take them with you and guard the mansion along with the others. They will want to join the lucky ones too." I say.

Only the servants and the whole family was there. It didn't include the guard knights on the estate. I would have to ask them their consent first. That's how it works.

"How much authority do you have?" I ask.

"Me? I'm the head of security here so they obey me…" he says.

"Then, it's good. Do not go inside the mansion. Guard it from the outside. I'll be back probably by sundown so wait for me until then."

"As you wish, Lady Velkra." He says.

Back by sundown. That's the goal. I'm gonna head to a diner and eat something!

It's been so long!

I walk towards the exit of the Noble's Ring.

Just as I step out, I see people walking around. The town is bustling with happiness.

The people. They look happy. This, is a thriving Kingdom. Not like the plain Noble's ring back there. It's not that I hate anything in there. It's because I never was a first class citizen so living a commoner life is much more normal to me.

I walk towards the main road in front of the Noble Ring's gate.

So many stalls. So many things to look at.

As I walk through.

Oh! That's meat! And there's a vegetable stall!

The meat looks so tender…. The vegetables so colorful…

It's midday so it sparkeles even more.

As I look beside me, there is an old man, sitting on the floor putting crafts on a piece of cloth. The crafts seem to be small accessories for girls.

Should I but one? I'll check it out.

By the way I took my cloak on the way outside and I'm wearing my mask too.

There are a few confused gazes here and there. Some people might think I'm weird.

I don't want them going crazy over me because I look like a magic race, my face with scales and sharp teeth too. And the most important, my face cannot be seen here because I would have to take the mask off. I can't do that because of my aura. The Weskins and the servants together can bear it but others might take it for something dangerous. It's pretty normal for people like these to not notice anything weird but you can't say anything about a few exceptions.

Like that guy over there. He's trying to appraise me but he's confused why he can't. looks like an adventurer because he's wearing some armor and has a sword on his waist too.

Just as I see a sword, I get a flashback of the time I vut that bandit in half. I guess it's true that you can't forget your first kill.

What happened to the I wonder.

Where was I then? Yeah. Buying an accessory.

I step to my left and start waiting for my turn.

Once everyone who came before me had left, I step closer to the crafts placed on the floor for show.


I see hairpins… what are these? Nose pins? I can see earrings too. He keeps some lipsticks. And some other things I have no idea about.

What should I but then? Hairpins?

Wait… I never thought I'll be buying things like this…I guess that means I could be accepting my new body.

Hairpins it is… I guess.

"Hello, gramps. How much are these?" I point to a flower shaped silver hairpin.

It has a small red stone in the center. Definitely matches my appearance.

"Oh! Little lady! You like this? It's 50 Vezas."

Vezas? I've never heard of that before…

Will the money we took from Albart work for this?


"Let's go outside then"

"But Masterr~… We forgot to take money from the treasury…"

"What! You should've taken some! How are we gonna eat now?!"


"Now what do I do?..."

"Um… We could take some from Albart…"

"Take some? How?"

"I think he should have some in his pockets or something… Right?"

"You're telling me to steal?!"

"It's not that we can help it! He's your subordinate now anyway!"

"Oh. You're right about that. He won't be mad about a coin or so right?"

[Flashback End…]

Hmm… I took two gold coins…and a silver one…

"do you have the change for one gold?" I ask.

"1 gold?! No, no little lady. I'm not that rich." He says.

"I-I see… then a silver?" I ask.

"Silver works." He says.

He reaches out to his bag on his right and takes out the same hairpin on display.

"There you go."

He hands me the hairpin as I pay him up.

"Here you go little lady." He says as he hands me the change.

And what does he mean by 'Little' Lady? Am I that young? He can't even see my face.

The change… I gave him a silver and he returned me 50 Copper… so that means… ! silver equals to 100 copper?

"Gramps, How much did I give you before?" I ask.

"That was a small silver wasn't it? Did I make a mistake?" he asks.

"No no. the change's okay."

So, that means there are Small and Big coins too.

Then Which is the gold coin with me?

"Hey Gramps. Which is this one?" I ask him.

"My! That's a Big Gold one!" he says in excitement.

I guess commoners don't see these often.

Sorry. Albart.

I put the hairpin on my white silver-ish hair. I don't know how I look. I'll look in the mirror once I head back.

I need to find a place to eat first.

"Gramps. Is there a place to eat nearby?" I ask.

He should know.

"Hmm… there is one if you head straight and then turn right. It's one of the best diner in this area. I recommend you that one cause you have mo-ney!" he says in a cheerful manner.

He's such an innocent man.

"Thanks gramps." I say as I let out a small chuckle.

"Thank you for your patronage!" he waves at me as I walk away.

Honestly. That makes me want to protect him.

I walk the direction he told me and find a place with a sign above it's door.

It's door is like the ones you get to see in cowboy movies. Get it? Unfortunately, I don't know what they are called. Do they even have names?

I walk towards the entrance and push open the door.

The moment I open a door I hear a ruckus of people eating happily.

The scene is full of mostly adventurers, probably higher ranked cause they have some shiny items. As I walk in, the whole place goes silent.

I walk towards a table and take a seat.

What is this? A cowboy Movie?!

Come on! Don't give me that suspenseful silence! Eat! Eat your own food!

Don't interfere!~

The waiter slowly comes close.

"M-May I get your order please?" he says.

He's a man. Probably 20 years old. The woman on the counter must be his mother . I think. She looks like one.

"Hmm… what do you have?" I ask.

"U-Um… the special on today's menu is Curry… and we have stew too… with some bread?" he says.

"Bring out whatever you think is good. I just want to eat something 'Delicious'" I say.

"C-Certainly!" he says in a nervous tone.

What's wrong here? Is my aura leaking or something? Even after wearing this mask.

I mean that is the only thing it can be. It can't be because I'm a woman right? There are other girls here too.

Twixie did say that my aura can't be contained fully… then these Adventurers must be sensing that?

"Can you wait a bit? Your order will be out soon…" the waiter comes out running.

"Okay." I say.

Was that a good response? I didn't phrase it badly right?

"Y-Yes!" he says and paces to the kitchen.

I wait some time, bearing the silent stares.

Come on! Eat!! Enjoy your food! I'm just a stranger here! It's not nice to stare at someone!

"Here you go…" the waiter comesup from behind with my food in his hands.

He puts it down on the table in front.

The food has a plate of curry. And what is this? Is this rice?!

I never thought I'd see rice here! I've seen so many fantasy tropes where there would be no rice in the world and I would have to find it! This is happiness!

"You just made me…" I say.

"Eeep! What is it?! Do you not like it?..." He says.

"You just made me so happy!" I say while I pat on his back.

Everyone lets out a sigh of relieve.

Even the adventurers were worked up? I wonder if they're afraid…

But… how do I eat? My mask… I should take it off…

I take off a mask.

At the same time, every adventurer flinches. They slowly turn back to look at me.

"OOOOH!" a tremor goes through the crowd.

I look up, startled and every single neck turns back to their tables quickly.

What is this? A comedy trope?

I should eat my food…

I take a spoon of rice and curry together. I put it in my mouth…

"OOOh! AH~!"

"What is it?! Was it too hot? Do you like it?" he says.

Why are they so afraid?

"It's DELICIOUS! It was just a bit hot!" I say back.

The people in the diner let out a sigh once again…

What is going on here…

I munch through a bunch of plates.

"[burp]" I let out a small burp.

"Was it to your liking?" the waiter asks.

"Hmm. It was delicious." I say back.

"I see! Thank you for coming here!" he says.

"So? How much?" I ask.

"Please. We can't charge you…" he says in a whisper.

Can't charge me?

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Only I'm the one who noticed this but… You have a very faint crest of Nobles on your coat. It's The crest of Weskins Family… that's why you don't have to pay."

That isn't a reason I don't have to pay.

"Tell me how much it was. I'll pay properly. No more complaints from you." I say.

Hearing those words from a woman. And a girl like me must have mede his heart skip a beat. That's why he's blushing like a moron.

"C-Certainly! It was 1 small Silver and 5 Copper Vezas." He says.

So 150 Coppers huh?

I pay him up from my pocket.

"Tell me one thing. Why are they so worked up?" I ask him.

"That must be your aura… even I'm sensing it… then they are Adventurers. They must be startled that they won't be able to do anything if you got mad…" he says.

So they are Afraid… Pfft~

I let out a laugh.

"That's the most ridiculous thing!" I say.

" I think it would be ridiculous to you… you are emitting an aura greater then any one here…" he says.

He says that and walks away quietly.

I get up from my table and prepare to exit the diner.

That's when one Adventurer steps in front…

"Hey miss, Can I talk to you for a sec?" he says.

Who is he? He looks like a dragon… humanoid dragon…

He has wings sticking out… and a head of a lizard…


I perform an appraisal on him to find out his race.

Hoo… I see… so he's a Dragon newt…

"Why did you appraise me right now?! Huh?!" he says that as he grabs my hand.

"Let go of my hand, fool" I say.

I should take off my mask for this. He's grabbing my hand even though I'm a girl?

I take off my mask.

"What do you think you are doing?" I say.

He meets my eyes.

At that moment, his whole body shivers and he frantically lets my hand go. Backing up a bit in surprise… he suddenly gets on one knee and puts a fist to the ground.

"FORGIVE MY INSOLENCE! YOUR MAJESTY!" he says in a loud voice.

Huh? He shouldn't know about me being an Elder Dragon.

Then why?!