Evolution, A barrier and A screech.

Let's skip ahead. It was the usual evolution process. But this is the first time I have gotten to see it. Once I got Anikia to bed, I noticed immediate changes.

The amount of mana that was being sucked in, It was terrifying. I had a feeling that I had awakened a true demon lord somehow. But she'll remain the cute little Anikia that she is to me. To say, I could see her hair color changing in real-time. Her hair color didn't change completely but I could see strands of her hair going white.

After some time, there were a total of 4 white strands in her pitch-black hair. Honestly, o loved the contrast she's got from this. And yeah, the ends of those white hair had four different colors. The elements she now has are four, Space, Which is Purple. A strand with Black, Meaning Darkness. Yellow, as in light. And Red as in Fire.

I think people aren't supposed to have both Darkness and Light. But it can't be said for sure because people don't have multiple elements normally.

[There is a 1% chance to have 2 elements while having three is even lower. So you can estimate from that.]

Yeah. There it is. The interruption in my monologue.

[What do you mean?! I just told you something very meaningful!]

That was a good thing to let me know though.

[So? Are you that happy to be called Mother?]

I think I am.

[Good for you then. Have you ever seen your offspring skill?]

What is that?

[You don't know?]


[Seriously? God… It is a skill… You can give birth without reproduction…]


[Don't act so surprised! I told you before that Elder Dragons don't need that kind of thing! They can do it with magic alone!]

Will I never get married?!

[Do you want to marry?!!]

I don't!

[Then don't say it!]


But… I never thought that… can I get preg… you know?

[Using your skill? No. but the other way? In your human form? Yes.]

Speaking about this makes me all edgy. I keep blushing and Felia and Carmine are looking at me right now.

I'm in the room. Sitting in a chair beside the bed where Anikia is sleeping. Felia and Carmine are both sitting on a sofa. They are staring at me with a stern gaze. They probably think that I'm weird. Cause I'm blushing hard!

Stop this! Don't talk about it anymore!

[If you say so… But You can have a kid. You just don't need the 'external interference']

I said stop it!

[Even with your skill, you can have a child with another man. Using the mana from both of you. The man supplies the mana into your body and…]

Shut up!!!

[Through decent means that is. He can touch you and supply the mana while you activate the skill. And I don't know anything more than that. Maybe it's possible to get pregnant from that? It's just that nobody has seen it happening.]

That's obvious! Who'd do that! Now shut it! Say no more!

[Okay~. Hmm… that was fun. Seeing you blush and all that.]

You little-!

"Velkra? Are you alright? Your face is red and you're fidgeting for some reason…" says Carmine.

She came close to me from the sofa and now she is standing in front of me with her face close to mine.

"Are you not feeling well?" asks Felia.

She's still on the sofa but looking closely, I can see that her cheeks are somewhat flushed. Why though? Did my red cheeks make you blush too?


Shut up! You are the one who made me blush the first time!

"Come on… What is it?" says Carmine while she is close to my face.

She is trying to dig in. that's how curious she is.

"I-It's nothing," I say.

"It can't be. You don't blush or fidget. What's up?" she says.

Come on! Give up already!

"I was just t-thinking about Anikia calling me Mother…" I say.

Is this good enough?

"Liar. It's something else. Thinking about that won't make YOU fidget."

WHY?? Am I not a maiden?? I wasn't though…

"Umm… Come on~! Let it go already! I'm not blushing anymore!" I say.

"You don't see it clearly but I can see that your whole face with your ears is red." She says.


"I was talking about my skill…" I say.


"It's called [Offspring]… It's a skill to have kids without… You-know-what…" I say.

"WHAT??!" she blurts.

Her face goes red and she stands up straight in a hurry.

"See? That's why I told you to let it go…" I say.

Looking behind Carmine, I can see that Felia was about to pass out. Why? Well you know, after all that steam rising from one's head, one can collapse.

"T-Tell me more…" Says Carmine.

This girl is into dirty talk? This is a first. Or it could be just a child's curiosity. I mean I could be considered a novice too.

"Really?" I ask.

"Y-Yes." She says.

No point in holding back then.

"Twixie told me that I do not need to reproduce since Elder Dragons do not. There comes my skill through which I can have kids with another person. The other partner pours mana into my body and then I can have one. And that does not mean that I can't have kids by you-know-what, I can also do that." I said it all in one go, because I won't be able to say that slowly.

"Wha- ah-ah-ah…"

Carmine's going to fall. Felia has already succumbed to the abyss because she has collapsed.

Carmine puts her hands to her face to cover the embarrassment.

"Why are you saying all this??!" she says.

"Well, You asked me to tell you, Right?" I say.

"Ah- Hm.." she says.

After that, I hear a rustle beside me. I look to my right and see that Anikia is waking up. To be more precise, she was awake during that whole conversation.

"A-Anikia? Did you hear something about… "reproduction'?" I say with hesitation.

"Hmm? I did… But I don't know what… it is… *Yawn* I don't know what it is but… am I going to have a sibling *Yawn* you said something about… having kids…" Says Anikia.

She did hear it! Bad! That is bad!


Shut up! It's your fault!

[It's not.]

It is!

"Anikia-chan… Forget what you heard, Okay?" says Carmine.

"Carmine… Are you going to have a kid too…?" she says.

"Huh?? Where'd that come from?!" says Carmine.

"Y-You're awake now Anikia! Let's go!"

"Where? *Yawn*" she asks.

"Somewhere! Yes! Food!" I say.

I turn the conversation away.

[Nice save.]

Hnnngh… Shut it!


After that, we simply got up and went to the bunker. The people were still in their evolution.

Come to think of it… Anikia's evolution was pretty fast. Maybe it's because of the mana outside the bunker? She did pull in a huge amount of mana…

[She is 5 times more powerful than before.]

5 times?!

[It's not that surprising since she's a demon lord…]

I guess that is true. But come on, Can the Hero really be that weak? Maybe… No. it can't be, right?

Right now, I've seen that the people with my blessing tend to take the influence of my characteristics. But… I didn't see that in the case of Zanim. He was pretty much normal and didn't show any signs that he had the blessing of Vejetar.

[I thought about that too. Back at the library, I thought you were a dragon. Not a baby. That is how much power you had. Could you be special by any chance? Well, you must be 'cause you got chosen by the book.]

Hmm… we'll see as we go forward.

"Anikia, I'm going to send Felia and Carmine back to the Human Realm to get the food and some help. Send someone from here… But they are asleep… We'll go too." I say.

"We are going through the gate?" she asks.

"You wanted to call your soldiers back right?" I ask.

"Hmm… so that is why you wanted me to send someone with them…" she says.

"Don't you want to go?" I ask.

"Hmm. I want to." She says with a smile and an adorable little jump.

"Felia. Carmine. We are going through the gate. You guys will go to Diacis and get food and supplies. Ask Albart for some helping hands from the mansion. Anikia will go through with me so we can bring back the army. We will stay here until you get the supplies." I say as I turn to them.

"Go to Diacis? The situation bout food and supplies is pretty dire here… I get it. Do you want to go right away?" Says Carmine.

"But the Barrier…" I say.

"We can do that first. Cant we Anikia-chan?" Says Felia.

"I almost forgot. How could I forget… Mother, Please do something… about the barrier… You can, Right?" she says.

"Of Course! Leave it to me!" I say as I pump my chest with a fist.

Anikia's face lights up and she hugs me tightly.

"Now tell me. How was this barrier created?" I ask.

Anikia thinks for a moment and then answers.

"I don't really know… My parents died and I didn't get the chance to be taught about it…" she says.

If they don't know about it, I can just put up my barrier and ignore the outer one. This will do.

"No problem. Just take me to the top of the castle." I say.

"What… For?" she asks.

"I'll put up my own barrier," I say.

"Your own barrier??" Says Anikia in a surprised tone.

"Yup. Take me there." I say.


After that, we walk through some hallways and go up some stairs and reach the rooftop of the castle. Rooftop? No. it's at the top of a tower.

"I'll do it now," I say.

"It's pretty exciting Anikia-chan." Says Felia.

"…Really?" says Anikia.

"And beautiful too." Says Carmine.

Anikia looks at me with a face of admiration and excitement. Man… it feels pretty good to be loved by someone.

Twixie. Handle the info.


"[Dome of Falling Stars]"

I say that and a dome appears around my hand that is placed on the ground.

"*Gasp*" comes from Anikia.

She watches in awe as stars fall in the layer of my barrier. I extend my barrier up to the point where it goes over the gate. Then I stop.

"Amazing!!" says Anikia.

"Isn't it?" I ask.

"Yes!!" she says.

"Now let's go to the human realm," I say.

"Right away?" asks Felia.

It'll be better to wrap the problem of food and supplies faster and then think about what to do about this place as soon as possible.

"Yup. Right away." I say.


What the-?!

"What is that??!" shouts Carmine.

"Mother… It's that…" says Anikia.

What Is 'That'??

"What is it?!" I ask.

"The creatures that came with 'them'" she says.

Creatures??! What the hell…