Willis and Vejetar head to Marcella.

"What do you like to eat, Velkra?" asks Vejetar.

"ME? Hmm… I can eat anything that's tasty… But lately, I wanted to have some fish but I heard that fish isn't found easily in this region…" I say.

Vejetar looks up at the ceiling for a moment and thinks about something.

"Het Willis. Come with me, 'Kay?" he says.

Willis seems a bit surprised as to why he was being told to come along with another Elder Dragon. He comes close and says,

"What use can I be for to you, Lord Vejetar?" as he puts a hand to his chest and bows.

"We're going to Marcella for a second." Says Vejetar.

"M-Marcella, you say?" Willis stutters.

If I remember correctly, isn't Marcella the Kingdom close to the sea? Wait… is he going there for…

"Yes. We'll get some fish from there. I don't know much about quality so you'll come with me." He says.

"B-But… how will we go there?" asks Willis.

Of course, he'd ask that. Since traveling higher than the speed of a jet isn't within his comprehension. Well, he did travel with Vejetar once. When he came to the Barrier.

"You've already seen my speed, haven't you? So it's pointless to ask how we'll get there. It won't even take five minutes." Says Vejetar.

"Y-Yes. If I'm of use to you…" says Willis.

"Let's go. And yeah Velkra. Don't worry, we'll be back in a blink. We can eat then." He says.

"Just try not to blow him off at high speed. Not everyone is used to breaking the sound barrier." I say.

"Sound barrier? What's that?" he asks.

"I'll tell you later. Be careful." I say.

Vejetar gives a firm and cheerful nod and then heads toward the garden. A moment later, I hear a whoosh. They must have taken off. I hope he didn't ruin the garden.

"So Great Velkra, what do you intend to do with Demons in the future?" says Albart, gaining my attention..

"I still haven't thought much about it… What should I do..?" I say.

"Is their world actually in a shape to be uninhabitable?" asks Caryl.

"Yeah… they only got a month if they stay there…" I say.

"A month you say…?" asks Zanim.

"Actually… it's about three months…" I say.

"I see…" says Albart.

"How about we ask The King for some advice? He might have something that he could help us with?" says Zanim.

He looks like a scholar right now. His sharp features and his confident voice. It's pretty amazing how one can change from evolution. Just days ago, he was a scaly man with a bit of rough speech. I think he might have taken a few lessons from Willis regarding manners. My sleep in the demon realm was about a week here.

"That we can do. I'm sure they will have something to say." I tell them.

But… to think Vejetar will go to another kingdom far away just for me to eat fish. He sure likes to spoil his sister. I think it's better if I just accept him as my brother. He has the character and actions that show that. I never had a sibling before so this will be quite new for me.

I hope he returns soon…

[It hasn't even been minutes…]

I know…

[Perspective Change: Willis.]

I step out into the mansion's garden with Lord Vejetar. He seems a bit excited to go and get fish for Great Velkra.

Why would he want me to come along with him? I suppose it might be my expertise in ingredients. He sure looks through one's experience.

I was a famous adventurer in my prime. I wouldn't say that I am rusted as of now but my skills have certainly degraded to an extent. My sleight of hand and focus had degraded until Great Velkra came into our lives. Since then, I feel as if I'm back in my prime. even though I might look of greater age, I sense the youth inside me swirling. The fire and ambition ignited once again when I woke up after that fateful blessing.

I truly wanted to test my skills and display them to Great Velkra in the fight against that wretched Hero and his party but some events took a turn. It's disappointing to a degree but not as much important as Master Albart's life. He was in danger then. The voice that spoke through the sky was of a woman.

I still cannot comprehend who that person could be to speak from the sky.

Speaking about my prime, I was known as the "Silver Hound's Blade". The name I earned was because of my natural silver hair and my fierce and serious fighting style. I wasn't a man that likes to have company, you see. I loved to work alone and rejected any requests that invited me to adventurer parties.

After a long time of fame and fighting I just got… a bit tired. I have… had a wife and a child. A daughter to say. It's in the past and it's resolved but… losing them took a toll on me.

My wife's name was Elena. We had a daughter, Bena. She was 9 at that time. I suppose I made quite a few enemies in my days as an adventurer and perhaps, that is what came to bite me. I would have been much happier if it bit me but… it bit my wife and child.

Those scumbags… killed them. I was out on a certain quest that was given to me, especially by the guild. That is when in the dark of night, they murdered them.

The day I came back, I saw them covered in blood. Their faces were covered in blood. My house thrashed. I still don't like to think about it but I still can't escape that horror.

That is when I became an embodiment of rage and resentment. I hunted down the adventurers involved. I tortured them to their demise. There was also one more person. The Guild Master. He was the one who received a pay to assign me a quest that day. He was the one who distanced me from them that day. I killed him too.

But surprisingly… even after killing all of them. I felt empty. I felt nothing. Just tired.

That is when I was found by Master Albart, in a valley. I was on the verge of bleeding out. But he saved me. I had a place to live but I couldn't muster up the courage to look at that house…

Master Albart helped me with their funeral. Lady Caryl comforted me. I owe them a favor that I cannot pay. Even with my life.

"Willis? What? Why are you lost in thought?" says Lord Vejetar to me in a loud voice.

As we are up in the air and traveling at such high speed, we can't hear ourselves easily. I only see his lips move.

I get close to him and say,

"I can't quite hear you, My lord!"

"Why are you lost in thought?!" he says.

"I was reminiscing!" I say.

"About what?!" he asks.

"My past!" I reply.

"You better tell me about it sometime!" he says.

"I'd rather not, My lord! It'll only sadden you!" I say.

"Really? How tragic can it be?!" he asks.

"You'll be surprised, My lord…" I say avoiding eye contact with him.

"I can understand a certain degree from your aura!" he says.

"I see…" I reply.

He does love Great Velkra very much. He lost his younger sister if I'm correct. That is why he is doing this much.

"My lord! You needn't worry! Great Velkra surely loves you!" I say.

"Is that really true?!" he asks.

"Yes, it is! I have seen it in her eyes!" I reply.

"Thank you!" he says.

I would never have thought in my life that I would be thanked by a Divine beast such as an Elder Dragon one day. Life is surely unpredictable. Now Great Velkra has a daughter…