Dragonis, The Dragon Kingdom.

Judging from the direction we took off in, we were probably travelling South-East. The clouds whooshed by and made sounds that would be ear piercing for a normal human but this much atmospheric difference wasn't much for the dragon race. Apparently, and also evidently, we were pretty tough.

Scales as if they were made of some higher form of metal. Bodies so much colossal that they could be compared to a small mountain. Jaws that could tear apart any high-level monster there might be out there.

Come to think of it… I haven't had many encounters with monsters. I think it's because who I am. Perhaps, monsters do stay away from me since I am a higher being.

[To speak precisely, your aura is of a certain type, that scares away even the higher-level ones that the smaller ones just don't dare to come close. Though this is completely instinctual]

Yeah. I knew that since I'm not wearing the suppression mask she gave me before. Honestly, it didn't bother me wearing it but keeping my face hidden among my own retainers would be rude. Now that I'm used to having my face seen I don't really care and I'm not leaking that much aura. Maybe I'll wear it on special occasions like when I wanna sneak out to mingle in the city or something.

"Velkra, I think we should change to our original forms. I think it would be faster since we could draw more power." Said Vejetar as we were soaring through the endless blue sky and bottomless sea beneath us.

I did agree with him and it has been so much time since I've been in that form. I don't know why but whenever I change into that form it just feels so natural and refreshing like I'm free from some kind of binding.

"Okay. Here I go!"

I flapped my wings so that I could gain altitude and then changed my form smoothly from human to dragon. It was then that I turned into a pure white dragon that had rainbow colored spikes that ran down the spine to the tip of the tail. These colors meant my elements I think. If I consider this world's standard, this is pretty amazing, to have all elements.

[To say it again, it is impossible in nearly every case and I don't even know if there should've been a person like you. You're like… too powerful.]

But I think I lack a lot in the department of mastery for my skills and spells, so I doubt I am drawing their full power. It wasn't like I obtained them from scratch. This knowledge is like it's borrowed and I have to make it mine in order to understand it.

[I don't know if this isn't powerful enough. You'll get even more destructive? Geez…]

Hey… it's not like I asked for any of this I was going with the flow of my life, who knew I would become a dragon in another world?

[Well, I know that…]

While we were talking in our heads, I saw Vejetar gain some altitude as well and he transformed. What I saw was mesmerizing. I had never seen green that deep before. It was like I could see vast grasslands embodies into one dragon like form, while the belly remained white.

His tail was double the length of mine and was like flowing wind. His form was truly one of the best sights I have seen in my both lives. Though my form isn't bad either. I just can't look at myself the way I can see others well.

Now that we were in our dragon forms, we could communicate through telepathy, a trait exclusive skill.

"Where we are headed, is an island that has not been discovered by human or Majin civilization till now. Well, it's not and island… no matter, you'll understand when you see it."

[author note: I will be referring to magical beings as Majin now]

"How long will it take for us to arrive?"

"Hmm… if we travel at double this speed we should arrive in about 15 minutes or so. Let's go then." He said.

After that I flapped my wings with twice as much force than before and we could have broken the sound barrier more than four times by now. This wasn't the speed that's achievable by any other species.

"Do all the dragons in the kingdom stay in their dragon forms? That must be really expensive, space-management wise, you know."

"No, we don't."

"Huh? But I thought dragons above than Greater Dragons only had the ability to humanify…"

"That. With passing time, considering how long dragons could live, we had to come up with a solution for you so called "Space-Management". For that, we learnt from humans. Buildings, residential areas, districts. Basic infrastructure you may say. For that to apply we had to develop a special kind of spell. All of us worked together to study the skill of humanification so that we could turn it into a spell. And we succeeded. There is a barrier around the whole kingdom that allows the lower evolution dragons to have this benefit as well."

"That's really amazing… to think you turned it into a spell that can make a barrier… then can't you transfer that spell so everyone can have it?"

"That spell is very mana dependent. Lower evolution dragons could barely hold it. We do have those in form of pendants but without much control over it, their transformation is painful and unstable. Think like your body is stuffed into a mold smaller than you. What would happen?"

"Geez… that does sound painful. But how does the barrier stay up like that? Do you guys supply it with mana?"

"Hardly. I'll show you once we get through the Illusory veil."


Several minutes went by and I saw a wall of clouds, like a tsunami standing in our way. I looked in Vejetar's direction and he nodded. He then spoke some cryptic words that made a green line shine from the middle of that wall, which then made the clouds part.

Several seconds later we passed through. It was unbelievable. My breath got caught in my throat in a state of awe.

Floating islands. I could see seven colossal floating islands hovering in the sky. Beneath those islands was a purplish-blue rift, like a crack in space. It seemed ominous but I could sense what it was. It was concentrated mana. Mana that was so pure that you could pick it up in your hand like solid mist.

"Vejetar, what is that rift?"

"That is the Mana Rapture. When mana concentrates so much that it contorts space. Now you know how we keep the barrier up."

Amazing. Utterly dumbfounded, I focused on the structure of the seven islands. There was a Central Island, and from what I could see through my eyesight, it had shopping districts and commercial stuff. Like a city. The other six islands surrounded the central one, and each of these six was of separate elements. These were housing facilities for different elemental dragons.

"We will be landing on the central island. You see that Huge manor near that colosseum? We will be landing in that garden specified for landings."

"I see…"

This was just like a whole different world. They were influenced by human infrastructure so much that its flawless. So organized.

We entered Kingdom's boundary and headed to the manor. We could hear cheers of joy but mixed with confusion as we passed over the central district.

Landing in the zone proved easy and we both took our human forms.



I heard a voice then all of my perceptive skills warned me of danger. Even the world perception that I had turned off, switched on and informed me of and incoming attack. In mere milliseconds, or perhaps even faster than that, I saw a pair of pointed claws plunging towards my face.

But that was not enough, I saw a high velocity spinning spear of water aimed for my head as well. They must be testing me. Better answer with sincerity then.

Faster than the claws approaching my face, I manifested my own very long claws and stopped the attack but another claw came flying which I butted away with the sharp edge of mine. Unfortunately, the wrist went flying, detached from the cut I had given it.

As for the water spear, I partially transformed my mouth and spat some dragon breath of mine to evaporate it. But several more came after one, which I scattered by [Dragon Roar], roaring, as the name. Apparently, this skill was good at scattering mana-based attacks.

"WA-HA-HA!! Look! Look Julie! My hand just went fyoop! She just cut it off!" bellowed a burly, fiery man, with flowing red hair and feisty eyes. Definition of fire itself.

"I know so can you calm down? I told you we won't be needing this but you went and did it anyway." Said a gentle and kind faced woman, with long blue hair and light blue eyes. She was like flowing water herself.

"You got to test the newbies!"

"Newbie? She's Omni-Elemental! She could wipe you out by herself!" said a gloomy girl, black hair partially covering her face, eyes deeper than any black and ghost-like pale skin. She's definitely darkness.

"Gelda…?" said a man with short blonde hair and golden eyes. He exuded an aura of a gentle and a righteous man.

"What's wrong, brother? What about my sister?" said one of the girls, cheerful, brown hair, grey eyes and a strong build.

"So, you already noticed that much." Said Vejetar.

What were they talking about? Who is Gelda?

"Attention everyone, I introduce you to the New Elder Dragon among us. The Omni-Elemental, Celestial Dragon, Velkra. Velkra, welcome to Dragonis, Kingdom of Dragons."

The clapped with smiles on their faces but the blondie's eyes were sorrowful.

"HA! I'm Vatra! Fire Elder." Said the fiery man.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Velkra. I am Lumino. Light Elder."

"How beautiful you are… I am Julac, otherwise Julie, Water Elder."

"Hello! I am Grielda! Earth Elemental!"

"H-How a-are you….? I'm… Nuran. Darkness…Elder…"

They were very different in personalities and certainly very quirky…

"I'm looking forward to our journey together… My siblings." I said

This is gonna be one interesting journey.