Chapter 2: A Terrible phone call

"Hey, Moneeza! What's up?" Leo joined Moneeza on her way to the department.

"Hi, Leo! Nothing good. After yesterday's party, I feel like I can't walk." Moneeza replied, looking at him.

"Same, It was hard to get up in the morning," Leo said by kicking the gravel.

"Weather is so cold. I wonder how you all managed the party at night."

"You know we can do anything for you."

"Oh Leo, you people are making me an addict of yours."

"It's because you deserve all this. You are so humble and nice. One can do nothing but loves you."

"You are driving me over your head."

They both were talking to each other on their way to the department.

"No, as I said, you deserve all the happiness in the world."


Moneeza waved her hand to Aaina, who was standing at the distance near the stairs of her block. Aaina waived back.

"What about today's test? How's your preparation?" Moneeza asked Leo.

"It's good, but not so well. I am sure I will pass this test."

"You are so confident of your abilities." Moneeza praises him by passing him a smile.

"Yes, I am!" Leo smiled back.

"That's good. I like this attitude."

"Yes, ma'am! I know." He lowered his voice, "I learned all of this from you." and whispered in her ears.

"I am glad you remember all your lessons," Moneeza said, smiling.

"Hey! Aaina, you are looking so worried? Is everything all right?" Moneeza asked, reaching her and looking into her eyes.

"Yeah! Mom caught fever last night, and dad is out of the city. No one is there to take care of her."

"That's sad," Moneeza took out her phone from her bag.

"What are you doing?" Aaina asked, looking at Moneeza's phone.

"Calling mom so she can visit your mom. She is also alone at home."

"That's great. I will feel free during the exam."

"Yeah, right! Moneeza, you are great," Leo said, looking at moneeza, "as always"

"Shut up, let me call her." Moneeza silenced Leo.

"Hello! yeah, mom! Please visit Aaina's mom. She is ill; stay there unless Aaina will come home." Moneeza listened to her mom for ten seconds, "Okay, but must visit her" she cut the call and placed her phone back in her bag.

Aaina hugged Moneeza tightly; her eyes became watery.

"Aaina! don't cry, friends are meant to sort out each other's problems, and we are best friends; we must take care of each other." Aaina wiped her eyes from her hands and smiled.

"By the way, where is Ella?" Moneeza looked behind Aaina.

"You know she is a bookworm. She must be in class trying to revise everything before the exam," she said, smiling.

"Let's go to her. She will die of tension," Leo said jokingly.

"Leo!!!!!!" Moneeza hit her elbow to him.

"Ouch! God, where I got trapped"

"Between three girls. Now stop teasing, and let's go." Aaina said, pinching his hand.

"Ouch! why don't you cut your nails?" He said by rubbing his hand.

"So that she can pinch you whenever she wants," Moneeza said, looking at him.

"An innocent man trapped between long nails witches," Leo said by looking at the sky.

Aaina and moneeza started walking toward the class, and Leo's voice forced them to stay and look at him.

"The integration of hardware and software with network connectivity to support critical infrastructure is called ICS," Leo said at the top of his voice. Moneeza and Aaina gave him a sharp look. He started walking, looking at the floor. Everyone in the corridor was looking at him as if a clown was passing through them. Moneeza and Aaina were trying to control their laugh.

"Hey! why you both are laughing? I was revising the only thing I knew."

Moneeza and Aaina started laughing hard.

"Look! stop laughing. You will forget everything too," Leo said to them warningly.

"We never forget anything because we are studying from day one of the semester. Aaina said while his eyes were on Ella.

"Ella! Stop studying. " Aaina closed her book.

"Aaina, I still have a lot to revise. "

"No worries Ella. Let's discuss the whole syllabus once." Moneeza said by placing her notes on the table.

"Yeah! That's a great idea."

"The integration of hardware and software with network connectivity to support critical infrastructure is called ICS." Leo again interrupted and then ran away. Aaina stared at him, and moneeza chuckled. Ella was laughing.

Their discussion continued when Leo appeared again.

"The professor is coming" Ella glared at him.

"How difficult it is to be a friend of ladies. I mean, you ladies will eat an innocent man like me." Leo took the book from the table.

"Leo!" Aaina said, clenching her teeth.

"Okay, sorry! I am going" He placed the book back.

The professor came, and they all sat down for the exams.

2 hours later:

Ella and Leo were standing outside the room waiting for Moneeza and Aaina to come.

"I hope I will pass this exam," Leo said confidently.

"Are you sure? You said you know only one definition." Ella said, looking at him.

"I forgot that too" Leo rubbed his eyes.

"What? Don't say this. You are kidding." Ella's eyes widened.

"I am serious. I invented my answers. " Leo winked his eyes at her, "but I am a genius, and I will pass this exam too.

"shut up," Ella said to him by looking at the door of her class.

Moneeza and Aaina were coming from the corridor, talking to each other, when Ella ran toward them.

"Question 3 was not from the syllabus."

"It's from chapter 2, page 29."

"Moneeza, I think you will top the exams."

"I am not sure, But there is no single question whose answer I didn't know. "

They both were talking when Ella and Leo reached them. Leo responded to the last sentence moneeza said.

"Woah! that's great. I forget the only question I know".

"you always lie. I am sure you will get higher marks in this exam." Ella looked into his eyes, "Liar."

Before they both argue, Moneeza cut them off.

"I am so tired. Come, guys! let me drop you at your places." Moneeza said by walking towards the parking.

"Woahhh! Let's go." Aaina said excitedly.

They all reached near the car when Moneeza's phone rang. She picked up the call, and her phone fell from her hands. She was shocked, started breathing rapidly, and sat down. Her friends were consoling her and asked her about the matter, but she was not speaking. Leo called back from her phone, but no one was picking up the call now.

That's the phone call that changed Moneeza's life completely. Mishappenings started, and then she would never sleep peacefully again.