Chapter 9: Goodbye

His eyes snapped open before dawn from a long restlessness. He had fought for too many hours to stay dreaming, and he knew there was nothing left to do but get up. He got up, turned off his alarm, and stumbled into the living room, where he stood in front of the window for several minutes. It was dark. He couldn't remember the last morning he woke to darkness. All he was thinking about was that his life was about to change. He was about to lose his childhood friend, the only person he used to spend his most time with.

"Coffee" Miss Areena handed him a cup of coffee and sat on the couch.

Leo sat on the couch next to her mother, took a sip, and grinned at her mother, "You are awake? I thought you are still sleeping. I was about to wake you up."

Miss Areena glanced at the front wall, "How can I sleep knowing all that is happening? It is looking like I am about to lose my only family." She heaved a deep sigh and looked into Leo's eyes, "You know they are the only ones who stood by me in my bad times. When you were young and I didn't have anything to feed you. Asmar and Layla helped me. They are so generous. I don't know whose evil eyes have snatched their peace. Layla's conviction, and now Aaron's illness. . ." the tears began streaming down her cheeks. Leo placed the cup on the table and hugged her mother.

"Mom! just pray for Aaron. They will be back after his treatment." Leo massaged her mother's shoulder. "Don't cry, mom! We are going to see off them." Leo grabbed her mother's shoulder by losing the hug and looked into her eyes, "Get ready, I am coming in two minutes." Leo got up and strode to his room.

Miss Areena watched him going from behind, and whispered, "My son! I wish I can do anything for you. May you be saved from evil eyes. May your heart will find peace after moneeza." She was sitting on the couch when Leo came and beckoned her to come out. She stood up and followed him.

It was 6 A.M when their car stopped in the parking lot of the Quosina building. Mr. Asmar was standing in the parking lot in front of luggage lift and the luggage was being loaded on the carriage. Leo ran to help moneeza, she was carrying bags and was about to fell. Miss Areena strode towards Moneeza's apartment to help Miss Layla.

After doing their work, Moneeza and Leo were standing next to eachother against the pillar and looking at the sky, Moneeza broke the silence.

"I didn't know life would take us at this point. I would lose all my friends. My mom survived jail. Aaron is in serious illness. We are leaving this city. I am totally broken." Her voice was heavy.

Leo craned her neck towards Moneeza, his voice barely came out of his throat, "I am still wondering how I will manage everything without you." He looked at the building, "I used to spend all my day here at your place, and now I am losing it all." He glanced at Moneeza, she was still looking at the sky. "You are going away, your parents are forced to move out of here, and Aaron is fighting for life. I have done everything I could do and yet, I wish to be with you." He was barely speaking.

Moneeza glanced at Leo, "You have done a lot, Leo. We can't thank you enough for your support. You helped us a lot."

"I didn't help you. I helped my heart to find peace. You are the peace of my soul. I don't know why I am addicted to you." He confessed.

Leo was looking at Moneeza everytime she spoke something. Moneeza's hair was blowing in the wind. He haven't seen anyone beautiful than her. His heart was beating fast. He wanted to touch her hair but his hands trembled and before she noticed, he put his hands behind his back. Moneeza's soothing voice striked his ears.

"I know but Leo! this is not how life is. There is time for everything. We don't know what good has been written for us. Maybe we will meet again at some other good time."

"I wish it to come shortly."

Once again silence spread and no one was speaking. They were looking at the carriage and were in deep thoughts figuring out what they should talk about.

Moneeza tucked her hair behind her ear and looked into Leo's eyes. "You left Aaina alone in her bad times even though she needed you badly. You stop asking Ella about her. You stayed with me only, and I appreciate it but Ella and Aaina both are your old friends too, you shouldn't have done them this."

"I leave them because of you. Aaina uttered profanity against your family. It's because of her curses that Aaron is in hospital. How can I keep in contact with her?" Leo gave her a skeptical look.

"I appreciate what you have done for me but you failed as a friend to Aaina and Ella. You shouldn't have done this."

"Ella herself broke the connection. I didn't ask her to leave."

"Ella told me, you misbehaved with her just because she forced you to meet Aaina."

"You know I have never placed anyone above you."

"so you agree that you failed as a friend?"

"I admire you moneeza from the day I met you. I didn't know you could be so valuable to me but you are. And you know what I can't place anyone above you and that's it."

"Leo! we are best friends. We knew every tiny details of each other. We have the exact bond with Aaina and Ella. Aaina didn't need me but she needed you, and Ella, she was left alone in all this tragedy. She was confused, worried, and broken but she didn't leave any of us. You should apologized her."

"I know it was my fault, but I am not strong as you are. Ella knew I am emotionally weak in your case but she insisted to meet her. She knew my anger issues but yet, she wanted me to stay at Aaina's home. . . . ."

Moneeza cut his words in between. "She was right. Aaina needed you, you should visit her."

"Okay, I will apologize everyone. Happy?"

Moneeza hardly passed a smile. The sadness on her pale face faded Leo's smile.

"You are going away moneeza. I know you are not leaving in good times but please let me see your smile for a few minutes. God knows when I will see you again."

A tear rushed down her cheek. She wiped it instantly, "I am trying really hard to not make these moments more painful, but it's not in my control." She snapped her eyes shut, " I am missing Aaron's giggling, his teasing, his support, his weekend plans with us. And I don't even know if I will see him again or not." She sobbed.

"Be brave Moneeza. You are the sole support of your parents. you should not cry."

Moneeza nodded her head when she saw someone coming towards her.

"Is that Ella?"

Before Leo could look, she reached near, hugged moneeza tightly and started weeping like a toddler.

"I am sorry moneeza, I didn't come to see you, I was split between you and Aaina."

"Don't cry, Ella. You have done an incredible job. Leo was here all the time." She losened the hug, and wiped ella's tears, "You did what was right. One of you must be with her, and you have fulfilled your obligation well."

Ella nodded,

Leo took the gift from her hands, "What is this?" He tried to open it but Ella snatched it, "It is moneeza's gift and you are not allowed to open it." She gave gift to Moneeza, "Moneeza don't open it until Aaron's got medically fit. It's something very special and I want you to open it when you feel happy and satisfied." Moneeza took it and before she could guess, Ella spoke again, "and one more thing, when you will open it. You should make a picture of yourself and shared that with me." Moneeza grinned, Leo looked suspicious, "Are you sure, it's a special gift?" Leo inquired, "Leo!!!!!" Moneeza gave him a shut up call. Ella gave him a cold glance. "Okay sorry!" Leo looked away.

Ella clutched moneeza's hand, "I will miss you a lot. I can't handle anything without you. "

"Don't worry Ella, Leo will help you and Aaina. I am leaving him here on my behalf." Moneeza looked at Leo, who was already looking at her.

"Leo, Now they are your responsibility. Aaina has mourned a lot. Now you are the only one whom I can trust for Aaina. Please try to get her through this trauma. Consider yourself moneeza for a few days."

Leo was looking at the floor, and moneeza was waiting for his answer.


"I am not strong as you are. But I will try my best."

Moneeza smiled, and hugged both of them.

"Let's go moneeza." Mr. Asmar's voice came.

They strolled towards the car.

Mr. Asmar shook hands with Leo and grabbed them tightly, "Leo! you are like Aaron to me. I am feeling heavy to leave you here, but I am still with you. You can call me anytime and ask me for any help you need. You will always be close to my heart."

"uncle what I am now is because of you. I don't need anything now. You are Moneeza's father and you know better about her life, yet, I want you to please take care of her and never let her give up on her dreams."

"I will surely do" Mr. Asmar hugged him and sat in the car. Moneeza and miss layla met everyone standing there and sat in the car.

Mr. Asmar drove the car away.

Moneeza was waving sadly at Leo through the glass window, they had tears in their eyes.

life is not the same for all and everyone has to pass through hurdles to get to the destination. Leo supported moneeza in every matter but moneeza didn't know how difficult her life going to be without Leo.

(to be continued.....)