Mysterious backing

Both me and Charles were pushed behind bars, there weren't any investigation taking place they seemed keen on sending us to prison

Charles's condition was becoming worse due to his injuries, I shouted at the officerd " Hey you bastards can't you see he is bleeding, send him to a hospital "

The fat officer who arrested us looked at us coldly and spoke in harsh voice " murders don't deserve mercy "

" You fucking bastard, you still haven't proven us guilty, Don't you know that we are innocent untill proven guilty, even if we are guilty you should provide us access to basic healthcare "

He was about to scold me when his phone rang , he picked up and spoke in a pleasing tone, " Yes, I have arrested them young master, they won't be able to see the lights for a minimum 10 years, didn't I do a goodjob master Wordsworth, can you please recommend me about my promotion, yes, yes thankyou young master "

So he is that Peter's dog, after he finishes talking I shouted at him " aren't you Peter's dog, don't you have a sense of shame "

" Oh, you little shits shout as much as you want, you both are going to prison for sure, no change in that "

" Coughhh" Charles vomited blood, fuck this isn't time to argue with that bastard

I looked at the system for purchasing any recovery potions

[ >low grade recovery potion - 500 LP

- hastens the process of healing by X5 times

>medium grade recovery potion - 5000 LP

- hastens the process of healing by X10 times, heals moderate injuries


. ]

I didn't look for more as I didn't have enough LP for other potions( currently 2400 LP ), I immediately purchased the low grade recovery potion

A red bottle appeared in my hand, I was still wearing my handcuffs, but I was able to unscrew the cap and pour the contents into Charles mouth

The officer seeing this shouted " Hey what do you have in your hand, it wasn't there when I checked it before "

I finished pouring all the potion into Charles mouth as he fell asleep, but hearing that officers voice I became irritated, I threw the bottle on his face, causing him to bleed

He was about to unlock the cell to beat me, but few people entered the station, it was Silvia, Laura and a mature lady version of Laura along with two bodyguards and a lawyer

The fat officer seemed scared seeing them but after few seconds he regained his composure and spoke " Oh, for what reason have the female tigress of the city is here to visit my station ? "

The mature lady or the MIlF version of laura spoke in chilly tone " Release the boys, I don't care what they have done "

The fat police officer gave an awkward smile " I would be glad to do your request Miss Nia, but currently the case is out of my hands "

" What do you mean Sir, can you elaborate it please ?" the lawyer who came with them asked the officer

The officer received a message in his phone, seeing which he smiled happily and took the remote and switched on The TV to news channel

' Two high school students of rising Sun high school, Steve,16 of class 1-A and his fellow classmate Charles,16 brutally assaulted bystanders and one innocent person was stabbed to death in the incident near the gaming cafe from the school ' The news host spoke

and a video was played on the news channel, it portrayed me beating the shit out of the thugs, Charles beating the shit out of the boss, and finally it showed the corpse of the thug who came at me with knife

fuck, they fucking edited the video, removed the parts where they attacked us and made us look like bad people

' Are schools safe with violent students roaming around like this, is our country education system become worse allowing thugs and murders to study with other students ' another host was debating with the first host

" I don't care about it, you fat bastard will you release him or not ? " Silvia shouted at the officer but was pulled by the woman Nia

Nia asked opinion to her lawyer " can't bail be atleast applied ?"

The lawyer shook his head " Sorry Miss Nia, there is recorded proof of assault and murder, this is a non-bailable case, I am afraid it isn't possible to bring him out, but don't worry mam, I'll do my best do obtain minimum prison term possible "

" You bastard, if you can't bring him out then get lost " Laura shouted at the lawyer, while Silvia started crying

But the news changed,

' Sorry for the wrong news viewers, we have recieved new info from the government, the two boys who are wrongly accused of murder and assualt are actually brave heros who fought against thugs, with each of them having many criminal cases on them such as thef, rape and murder, especially the man leading them is confirmed to have committed 5 murders, the government decides to award them bravery award for the both for accomplishing heroic deeds '

' here is the video of the full incident which occurred '

Now the complete video of what occurred replayed on the news, such as the thug pouncing at me with knife, the boss firing gun at me

The fat officers face started sweating, his phone rang, he picked up with his trembling hand and placed it on his ear

He spoke with shaking voice " yes sir, yes sir, I'll do it immediately sir "

He took the prison key from his subordinate and ran towards our prison room and unlocked the prison

" Sorry mister Steve Felix, I didn't know your background, Please forgive me " he bowed asking for forgiveness

My background ?, my family comes from a normal background, I didn't know anyone with powerful background too, but it seems like someone is helping me

Jus looking at his pig smile made me irritated, let me take advantage of the mysterious background that he was speaking about

" Oh, there seems to be mosquito sitting on your cheek let me help you by killing it "

I slapped his right cheek hardly after channeling my Qi to hand causing a tooth to fly out of his mouth

" It seems I missed that mosquito, It landed on your left cheek, let me deal with it before it can bite you "

after slapping him more than ten times, I finally calmed my self down and spoke " Why don't you thank me for helping you officer, don't you know a mosquito can cause dengue, malaria, chikengunya etc, I prevented you from various diseases, Shouldn't you be grateful to me "

" Thank you Mr.Steve, I am very glad for you to help me " He gave a smile with his swollen face, he looked like exactly like a pig now, with his fat face becoming fatter after becoming swollen

I carried Charles our of the cell, he spat out blood again and face became pale

Shit, it seems like the potion wasn't effective, he should have been injured seriously from inside

Silvia and Laura were shocked, while Nia ordered her gaurds " Bring him to the car and take him to hospital "

But Charles coughed even more blood, making his face become bluish, shit he won't last till he reaches the hospital

I checked the system to look for anything to help out Charles and saw

[ Yin-yang Heavenly Medical Arts - 1000 LP

- unable to use effectively without Yin-yang cultivation technique

- able to use the Yin-yang Medica arts which is said to have capability to bring back the dead to life

- Improves understanding of human body ( anatomy, acupuncture points, Qi pathways etc ) ]

I Immediately purchased it and stopped the gaurds " Give me a minute, I'll just patch him up "

Nia looked at me puzzledly before ordering her bodyguards to stop and looked at me to see what I can do

I placed Charles on the floor and examined his body and noticed that the broken rib punctured his lungs causing internal bleeding

I channeled my Qi into his body and pulled out his broken rib and tried to patch his bleeding,my Qi already reached zero but I didn't stop and exhausted my Vitality to patch up Charles, finally after patching him, I smiled in relief, but my head started spinning and I lost consciousness


I woke in a hospital room and saw Silvia, Laura, Nia and Aunt Jean next to me

Seeing me wake up, they smiled in relief my aunt Jean jumped into my bed and hugged me tightly while crying, I pulled her head and gave her a deep kiss to calm her down

She calmed down after kissing me and realised that there were others watching she jumped out the bed

Both Silvia and Laura widened their mouth witnessing the scene, Laura whispered in a low voice " Isn't she his Aunt ?"

Aunt Jean's face reddened hearing this, I distracted her by asking " How did you come here aunt ?"

"My colleague informed you were in news Steve, When I watched you face a gun my heart burst, I immediately tried calling you and heard that you were admitted to hospital and I came here as fast as I can " My aunt spoke while crying

I got up from the bed and hugged her " See, I am alright aunt, don't cry "

Laura asked a question this time " isn't she your aunt ?, your relationship looks weird"

I took hold of my aunt's hand and introduce d her again to them " She is Jean, my aunt and at the same time she is my girlfriend "

Silvia trembled while pointing at me " Isn't incest illegal in our country nolsia "

I pinched Silvia' cheeks" So that's why don't say this to others in class for now, I'll marry her once I become powerful enough to control the government "

Silvia swatted my hand and turned her head and pouted, while Laura was still in shock

" Bold words young man, it would be considered as treason if others hear your words " Nia who accompanied Laura spoke

I wasn't sure about that relationship with Laura, when she introduced herself " I am Nia, mother of Laura "

I thanked her " Thank you miss Nia for coming forward to help me, I am Steve, a junior of senior Laura "

" I know about you boy, my daughter didn't stop talking about you from yesterday and she begged me to help you after police caught you, didn't expect you to capture my daughter's eye "

" Hahaha " I gave awkward laugh while my aunt pinched my ass without others noticing it

" How long was I out by the way, how is Charles ?" I asked miss Nia

" you were out for half an hour , and Charles surgery just got over now, he is next room to ours, let us visit together"


I saw a man who resembled charles sitting next to Charles with a waking stick

" Good evening Sir, I am Charles's friend Steve from same class, sorry for making you see your son in this state "

The man looked at me and smiled " I am Simon, Charles's father young man, Don't worry about it , in fact I should be the one thanking you, The doctor told he was already healed and only needed surgical fixing for his broken bone, you were the one healed him right ? "

I nodded my head " But even then it's my fault to leave Charles to fight with that man, instead of finishing myself "

He pointed to one of leg and spoke " That men broke my leg, making me limp for the rest of my life, Charles who was watching it happen to me blamed himself for it, after beating up the bastard he must have been freed of his guilt and would be able to have a brighter future "

" Hell ya, I should have been there encouraging my son when he was beating the shit out of him, Now with miss Nia helping me I don't even need to worry about revenge from them " He thanked miss Nia

Miss Nia nodded back,

" anyway, I'll take care of him Steve, you can go back home and take rest"

" Take care uncle "


We proceeded to head towards the basement as miss Nia insisted on dropping us in our home

Miss Nia ordered her bodyguards to come in different car and drove the car, I was forced to sit in front passenger seat by the girls

Laura and Silvia were sitting on either side of Aunt Jean and seemed to be whispering to each other

Miss Nia was driving to our house, when I recieved a message

' Curious about who saved you, If you want to find out meet at forest behind the park nearby your house at night 2:00 am

PS if you don't come, I'll come to you '

Sigh, finally I get to meet the person who helped me


writing new novel 'Tale of succubus mom', this story takes place in the same world as this novel

***focuses mainly on femdom***