Demons appear

After the Fucking the succubus thoroughly the pink mist subsided and the post orgasmic clear hit me like a truck, I had chills all over my body, is futa even real ? or is she a transgender female after plastic surgery 😱

" Hey Ella are you a woman ??? " I put forward my doubts seriously 😰

" Hmm, You are worried about my cock is it ?, Sigh, we elves originally are born as seperate genders, but depending upon the person we fall in love with we change accordingly to the person's gender " Ella played with her nipples

" So what does this mean ? " I Slapped her cock 😑

" I am a bisexual elf born as woman, I didn't like becoming pregnant, So I developed a cock instead of uterus " Ella spoke while rubbing her cock

Sigh, thankgod she is not some Thai transgender female, I didn't ask for further detail and plunged my dick into her asshole👌👈

It felt so fucking good, I could feel her ass tightening around my dick, " Aaahh, Fucking Bastard Take your dick out, it hurts when you go in dry !!"

Is it, I wrapped my hand around her dick and circulated my Qi, Stimulating the Ero zones making her cum immediately

She arched her back and spurted her load out, I blocked her penis head with my hand and collected all her cum

" What are you doing, it feels electrifyingggg !!!! " she screamed unable to stand the simulation

I took Ella's cum and lathered it over my cock as a lube and went deep inside her ass

*Aaah* *Aaaah* Ella moaned in satisfaction with each thrust, I lifted her off floor while ramming by dick deep into her and held her above ground, with Ella's dick dangling infront Sarah

I thought Sarah would be interested in what we were doing, but she froze in shock looking at one direction

Where is she looking at ?, I turned my head and saw a 2 meter tall ferocious dog or maybe wolf baring it's fangs at us

What the fuck, Such a huge wolf !!, I put Ella down and tried to communicate with the wolf only to have no response

While I tried to call it with my beast tamer skills, it pounced at me baring it's fangs at me, I just condensed all my Qi towards my hand and punched towards its chest

I pierced its chest easily making it go limp, but it didn't immediately and howled before dying

" How come it's here now, this is too early, shit, fucking shit, I should start preparing Immediately " Sarah tried to run away, but Ella caught her with vines

" What do you mean by that you succubus ?? didn't you cause it ? " Ella tightened her vines around Sarah's neck

Hmm, I thought that woman Sarah was possessed by succubus, but she seems to know more than that, I patted Ella's back to stop what was doing

I caught Sarah in my arms and asked her " why don't you spill it out fully Sarah ?"

She seemed shocked that I called her name when I assured her " Didn't I help you regain control over your body, shouldn't you atleast do me a favor by saying what is happening ? "

Sarah nodded her head and explained " Can you see the black lines all over the wolf, it is due to Demonisation effect, it improves an animal or humans strength exponentially and makes them lose rationality "

" But didn't you blabber that it shouldn't be happening now ?" I caressed her smooth ass cheeks

She looked at Ella before spreading a pink barrier around me , " What is this ?" I asked her

" This is my illusion Barrier, I don't want her to hear what I am about to say, I'll only say this to you, as you saved me " Sarah sighed

" Demons will attack and conquer the earth , it should have been occuring after 9 years, but I didn't expect it to happen so early "She spoke gloomily

" How are you sure about it ?, wasn't it you behind this ?? "

"No it isn't me, I am not sure about it, I should leave immediately with my son to a safe place, Ok, bye, bye "

She tried using illusion on me, but I caught her ass tightly and channeled Yang Qi making her go limp

The pink mist around me broke and Ella was looking at us doubtfully and asked us " What the fuck where you doing?"

" Tie her up Ella, don't loose her, let me check the surroundings"

Ella nodded and tied Sarah with her vines, I tried to communicate with the animals in the forest around me and finally a caught the attention of group of bats, they hanged on the vines Ella made, one even tried to hang down on my dick which was still semi-hard, only to get knocked down by me

I asked for their help to check the forest for any anomalies, they flew around in circular formation, with each flying in each direction using their ultrasound to scan the forest and telepathicly pointed towards four different locations where abnormal animals were detected by them

I took four stones the size of ball from forests floor and covered it with my Qi and threw them at the four directions, killing four more demons easily

They checked further but found no more abnormal animals, but one of the bats went missing while roaming around the forest

When I ordered the other bats to check they too went missing, I should just go there and check myself

" Ella there is something abnormal at the centre of the forest let us go and check it "

Ella nodded and carried Sarah like a shopping cart in forest floor

" Can you put me down you bastards, I'll fuck all your family members if you don't put me do mmpphh " Sarah was forced to shut her mouth as a ball gag made of vines was tied around her mouth

Hmm, Ella's vine ability sure seems interesting, it would be nice to have such a ability

As we were walking forward, I was suddenly pulled back by Ella, I looked at her pointing forward only to notice a squirrel vanishing at a black rift infront of me

" A S-space rift " Ella exclaimed

" What does that mean ?"

" it allows to enter another space, it can be within a world or to a different planet, even a different galaxy!! " Ella's eyes glittered

I tired putting my hand in, but was pulled back again by Ella " What are you doing Steve ?, it might be a one way trip to the next side and you might die while space jumping!!, Don't just jump in without knowing anything "

" I should inform this to the headquarters and seal this area to prevent any further civilian movement " Ella turned called a number

I looked at the dark space infront of me when a notification poped up infront of me [ Planet - ULAG

currently occupied by demons ]

[ Time rift detected along with space rift ... ]

[ Time jump possible to three years before demons take over planet ULAG ]

[ Generating a new mission ... ]

[ Mission : Go back in time to stop the demon invasion of planet ULAG

Reward : ??

Penalty : System removal

Duration : Start the mission within 3 days before the space rift closes ]

What the fuck is thiss, Is the system asking me to go to another planet???, I am not sure I can come back, hmm it only mentioned about system removal as penalty not my cultivation method, Is it okk to lose my system ?

I was in deep thought when Ella came back elated, " let's head back to HUNTER CAMP Steve, we should register you as a hunter, You do control animals well Steve, but your combat power is sure superior, you might directly jump to D rank hunter "

huh ?, when did I accept to join her organisation ??🤷🏼‍♂️


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