New world

He was shocked and tried to bang his head on the door, I stopped him ' Don't hurt yourself, I am the one who is talking through your head '

He was puzzled "#&#*-* ? ", he tried talking using verbal communication, but I didn't understand anything, he was speaking

' Please communicate via your thoughts, I am not able to understand your language '

He nodded and tried to communicate with me ' How are you able to do this '

I decided to break the truth ' I come from an another world, and this is one of my ability '

' Huh, another world exists ? '

I took out my phone and showed him images and videos of my skyscrapers from earth

' there is world in your hand ? There small people living in it ? is this heaven ?'

I shook my head and ' This is world built by humans no different from you, there is no gods on earth, or I think so '

' then how are you able to communicate with me aren't you go- ' He slapped himself and kneeled down

' Sorry god, please forgive me, it must be my grace to meet you, would you please help my sister '

' I am not god, I am just a normal human like you '

' only God can have powers like this, Please forgive me for taking informally to you God ' he banged his head on the ground

I lifted him up and tried to explain him ' I am not god, I just have some special powers other than normal, please get up '

' please god help my sister, she suffering due to a curse, only you can save her God, I won't move untill you agree to it god, you can take my life to cure her God ' he held my leg and started crying

sigh ,' bring me to your sister ' , he wouldn't budge if i didn't agree to his request, So I agreed to his request

' Thankyou god, I'll remain your slave for rest of your life, She is just in next hut '

He brought me to his sister sleeping in other hut, Her complexion looked pale, her fingers had turned black, I checked her pulse it was weak and She had high fever, upon sending Qi , I diagnosed that it was a case of plaque

But what was unique here is the was trace of Demonic energy in her, I cleared of her demonic energy by wrapping my Qi around it

But as Cultivation dropped while jumping through space, I was only able to clear the demonic energy

Currently I was at 7th Qi refining layer, Sigh I should improve my Cultivation first, The bacteria was still multiplying in her body, I should clear them of to save her

But I don't need to wait for my Qi to recover, I had already had few antibiotics with me which was packed with the *basic survival kit for other world travel* it was a compact size package with necessary items such as a compact knife, preventive medicines, water filter bottle, emergency food, matches etc

I took the antibiotics and injected into her body and checked her body again, the bacteria was rapidly dying and she was getting healed slowly


A week passed since my entry to planet ULAG

I learnt their language in one week and recovered my Cultivation back to Qi foundation layer 9 by cultivating continuously

The man's name is Denis, 20 years old and his sister is Diana, 15 year old, Diana was casted out of the village due to plague she was suffering from, the plague here was referred as God's curse by the church and she was viewed as Sinner who received god's punishment and was forced by the villagers to leave the town

He brother accompanied her to take care of her, they lost their parents in the previous war, Denis was only left with a small farming land that he inherited from his parents, that too became useless as it was unable to bear crops

Both brother and sister pair earned money by doing some meager jobs, it was recently few days back they moved to the outskirts of village inside the forest after Diana caught plague

" God Please have this fruits, I freshly picked them up from forests " Denis gave me some fruit which looked like apple

I already had few of over the past week, It looked like apple but it tasted like mangoes, it was a fine fruit

" Brother I want some meat, I can't eat fruits all day " Diana who recovered from plague looked lively and fought with her brother

" Ohh, sorry Diana, I have set up some traps in forest to catch some rabbits, we can have some meat for lunch, God I'll prepare a proper meal for you this lunch God "

" sigh, How many times I have told you Denis, Don't call me god call me Steve"

" It's just hard for me God, you even removed the curse from my sister easily "

" Sigh, Diana please explain to your brother that I am not god "

" Don't care about him brother Steve, he just wants to call you like that, Now please let me watch the 'Tom and jury' show " Diana shaked my arm

Diana was brighter than her brother Denis, she understood that I was from other world and wasn't shocked, she was grateful that I saved her, she was very cute and lively and wanted to go out

But as she wasn't Fully cured I have her the downloaded shows of Tom and Jerry from my phone, she got quite addicted to it and binge watched it

There was no electricity here, but the hunter phone had special feature of charging with Qi, So I had no problem in charging them with Qi

" Let us go together for the hunt Denis, I'll hunt a big one " I too wanted to have some meat after having a week of boring fruits and non-stop Cultivation

" No how can I allow god to do such a meager job, it's my duty to take care of you god " He didn't want me to dirty my hands

"hmm, you didn't catch any rabbits past week Denis it won't be any different now, let me catch some deer or tiger, I want some meat after days, i can't wait for the day where your trap can catch a rabbit, you stay here and take care of Diana "

Denis blushed in shame and nodded


I left deep into the forest to hunt some prey, Finally I spotted a deer and killed it easily by throwing a stone at it's head

Diana always talked about eating deer meat, she'll be happy eating my cooking

I carried the deer on my shoulder and walked towards the hut, When I came close to the hut I heard a screaming sound from Diana inside, I dropped the deer and ran Inside only to see Denis's chest was Pierced by a man with horns and pale complexion, he was emitting dark demonic energy from him

Diana was trembling and curled up in the corner of house, the man looked at me and asked me " Where you the one who cured her disease? "

" fucking bastard " I was filled with anger and Channeled all my Qi to my fist, and wrapped a layer of burning yang energy and punched his face with full force

" Arrrgghhhh, You bastard, how are you so powerful !!!! " his face obliterated with my punch, and it fell down

I kneeled down and tried to save Denis, but it was vain as his heart got ruptured and blood was leaking like fountain, I used my Qi to hold the heart in place and tried to prevent it from bleeding but I wasn't able to repair it with my current Cultivation level

Denis looked at me and spoke weakly " God- "

" Please call me as Steve, If I was your god would I have allowed you in such a situation, won't I Be able to save you easily" I roared in anger at myself at being incompetent in saving him

If my Cultivation was higher I would have been able to save him, shit, shit

Denis held my hand with his remaining strength " Please take care of my Sister Steve " He took his last breath and his lifeless hand fell down

" No, brother Don't die, please wake up, Don't die, don't die "

I hugged Diana and tried to comfort her , she Pounded my chest " Didn't my brother call you god, Why don't you save him, save him, save him you Bastard " She cried on my chest

Fuck, fuck, fuck , I wasn't able to reply to Diana, she lost her only relationship left in this world, I didn't have words to comfort her


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