demon dragon

I communicated with my birds telepathicly to know the location of of the demons, they have surrounded the village completely in all directions

there were nearly 100 demons around the village, I headed towards the front were the 50 demons advancing forward to attack the village head on

I didn't have any experience in archery or I would have taken down one by one with arrows

I had already built various traps around the village, I have dug pits and filled them with spikes, I wasn't able to build more complex traps in short time

just as I expected nearly 20 of the 100 demons got stuck in the deep pits and got pierced by the spikes

I stood infront the village entrance waiting for them to appear, surprisingly they were all looking like human only with horns

Seeing me the one leading the demons came forward and approached me " are you the one who cured the village? "

" What if I am ? "

" You are a capable human, just stop what you are doing and join us " The man proposed to me

" If not ? "

" We will have to eradicate y- " before he can complete the sentence a huge boulder smashed his head, splattering his brain matters out

It didn't stop with that and more and more boulders came raining down like missiles destroying the demons, those who were near the village tried jumping in the moat to escape from the hail of stones, only to be hunted by the phiranas in the moat

I had already planned this before and signalled the birds to take of with heavy stones as much as they can carry and with my signal nearly a thousand birds which were flying at the altitude of 1000-2000 feet dropped the heavy stones like a bomber plane

the villagers to who on the watchtower woke up and shot arrow at the fallen demons aiming at their hearts

despite getting crushed, their regenerative capacity is high and the only way to truly kill them is to damage the heart, after taking care of the smashed demons next to me, I looked at the man who led other demons

His half face was gone, but he was regenerating rapidly, but with me here he won't get a chance to survive, He looked at me with his one eye and started laughing " Hahaha, do you think you can escape your death, you are - " I stamped his head and completely obliterated it

after ensuring that no demon was alive around I sighed, guess this is it for tonight, I lied down on the floor to take a breather, communicating with 1000 birds at same time made my head burst, I closed my eyes to take a short nap

" ROOOAR " a huge roar swept through the forest making me open my eyes, The animals inside the forest started shivering and hid themselves, the villagers who were awake fell unconscious

a huge dragon was spitting fire all over the forest, it was 100 meters tall and wife

" Fucccckkk, there are even dragons in this world " I wasn't able to react till the dragon grabbed me by it's claw and started flying above the clouds

Fuck it started crushing me with its claws, I tried to communicate with it with my best taming skills, but the dragon's consciousness was covered by something like a veil and I wasn't able to communicate with it

I was able to see a black gem embedded at the dragon's forehead, guess it must be the reason

I held the dragon's claws and stared circulating Yin-Yang cultivation technique and absorbed the demonic energy from it, my Qi channels was rapidly eroded by the demonic energy

" Help m-e " The dragon talked telepathicly with me, yes atleast what I am doing is not in vain

I absorbed the demonic energy into my body and even my consciousness started fading away, I gritted my teeth and held myself from falling under demon energy's control


Finally after some time I succeeded in absorbing all the demon energy leading the crystal on the by dragon's head to break

The dragon screamed in pain and started falling down, fucking heck, I was falling from a 20,000 feet high, I'll be smashed like a fly on window, If I fall from this height, I didn't have any Qi left in me too, all my Qi channels were filled with Demonic energy

If I allow this demonic energy in my body I'll completely turn into a demon, Sigh I guess there is no choice, I gritted my teeth and burst open my Qi channels, expelling all the demonic energy out of my body

The dragon had lost its consciousness and was falling down rapidly

" Fucking bastard atleast leave me " I tried pushing it's claws, but it was holding me tightly

Fuck, I was getting closer and closer to the the ground

" Wake up you fucking bastard!!!! " I roared at top of my lungs trying to wake up the dragon

finally the dragon opened its eyes, But fuck it was to late, The dragon wasn't able to take off and crashed to the ground, thankgod curled it's body to protect me

Even though my fall was cushioned by the dragon the aftershock and the vibrations due to the impact went into my body breaking my bones, crushing my organs, and my already torn Qi channels were completely obliterated, My conscious was fading away


I opened my eyes and only felt all my body covered with bandage, I was in some well built room, not the hut at the village

" Ahhh, Brother Steve woke up " I heard Diana's scream, she jumped into my bed and hugged me happily

shitt my body still hurts, please move Diana

" Move away you little brat, can't you see he is injured " a fiery red haired woman tossed Diana away

hmm, who is she I don't recall seeing such a beautiful woman, she had stunning figure and a dominating aura to her

" Ahhhh " Filo who entered the room looking at me held her scream and started crying, she came forward and knelt next to my bed and held my hand

" Thank God, you are alive Steve, I thought I would lose you " Filo started sobbing more

" Don't cry Filo, ain't I still Alive" I held her hand tighter

" Stop this sob story, and start cooking the dinner Filo , he must be hungry after sleeping for So long " The fiery red woman threw a huge deer she was holding around her neck on the ground

Filo nodded her head and got up to prepare for Dinner

I looked at Diana who was hugging a fat chicken happily " Look chicken brother Steve woke up "

The chicken too looked at me bowed it's head, hmm the chicken is showing some human expressions, is it a special chicken?

" who is this red head Diana? "

" this Sister is Sister Edna, she is a fire mage, she protected us from thiefs while coming to the town, she also took care of all the housing, food and other expenses for the last month " Diana introduced me to fiery red haired woman