Tongue bath ***

While I was scanning through the dresses on choosing what to wear, I spotted Diana shopping along with Filo

There weren't any ready made clothes for me to wear in the clothes shop leaving me no choice to appear naked in front of them, it might be because I had already appeared naked infront of them I didn't feel much of a Shame in being naked infront of them

To be Frank, I didn't mind being naked in this world, There is no cameras which can make me go viral, But still I didn't want lose all my sense of rationality and become a free bird

So I took a towel and wrapped it around my waist before appearing before them.

Filo and Diana were busy choosing the dresses and didn't notice me, I sneakily went behind Filo and hugged her from behind, covering her mouth

Filo was shocked to the extreme sensing some one touch her, Diana too was spooked out and was about to scream, but I gestured her to remain silent

Filo started shivering and tried to push me back, but with her ordinary human strength it would be an impossible task to push an cultivator like me

I wanted to tease her more and wanted to scare her by changing my voice, but before I can execute it, Filo moved backward and rubbed her but against my crotch, making me become erect

The towel that was wrapped around my waist fell down pushed by my erect dick

" ehhhhmm " An old man who came behind the counter coughed interrupting us

I took the towel and wrapped it around my waist freeing Filo from my clutch, Filo's face had become red from embarrassment, Diana too who was watching by our side became embarassed and hid behind Filo

I walked forward and asked the old man " Do you have any readymade clothes For me ? "

The old man nodded and went back to bring some clothes for me after observing my size

Seeing he had gone back, I looked at Filo who was blushing and had her head down and asked her " How did you know it was me ? "

" I was able to smell your fragrance from your hand " Filo spoke in a low voice before covering her face with a cloth

I looked at Diana and asked her " Why are you here ? "

" We came here to buy dress for Sister Edna as she came home naked without any dress to wear " Diana puffed her cheeks and turned her head away from me

Even though Diana is just a year younger than me, I didn't feel sexually attracted to her, She just looked cute too me, It might be due to me having MILF fetish

I pinched Diana's cheek and Squeezed her ass with other hand , whispering into her ear " Just eat more and fatten up, I'll take your virginity when you reach 16 "

Diana yelped and escaped my clutches again hiding back behind Filo

Filo who was listening to us pinched my waist and twisted my flesh

I leaned towards the jealous Filo and placed my head near her Ear " Is Filo jealous of Diana, Don't worry let me take care of you tonight "

Filo's hand trembled but she didn't loosen her grap and twisted my flesh even harder, I didn't know the reason why she was angry, but before I can ask, the old shop keeper came back with several dresses

" These are regular readymade clothes for adventures, it is made of cheap fabric as the dress gets torn easily in fights, if you want a proper attire you should only get specially tailored clothes "

I looked at those clothes, though it didn't suit my taste I choose one and wore it as a temporary measure

After wearing the dress, I looked at the old man and asked him " Do you stitch any type of clothes "

The old man frowned before asking me " what are you expecting ? "

It was hard for me to describe, I can only draw and show it to him, wait a minute I looked at Diana and asked her " Do you have phone with you now Diana "

Diana shook her head and pointed towards Filo who was still hiding her face under clothes

" Filo Can you give me the phone ? " I asked Filo

Filo trembled before pulling the phone hidden deep inside her cleavage

I didn't know why Filo was having it, But I took it from her and showed the old tailor various dresses asking him to stitch it for me

" Can you Do it ? "

The old man who was stunned seeing my phone and focused on observing the various design exclaimed " SO MANY TYPES OF CLOTHES, NEVER IN MY LIFE I WOULD HAVE IMAGINED IT "

He looked at me with sparkling eyes and held my hand " young man, these after finest clothes I have ever seen, if you could allow me to sell these types of clothes, I would sell all clothes free for you as long as you can provide me with various designs like this "

Hmm, the old man is trying to take advantage of me, I patted his shoulder sending some Qi into him " Old man, I'll help you can sell these designs without any problem, I'll even help you set up various branches, don't try to Con me, I am fine with reviving 20% of profits you get from my designs "

The old man was covered in Sweat and nodded in relief after I took back my hand " Nice dressing with you young man, I am fine with, I am Gucci by the way, I'll tailor these sets of clothes you have requested within a week "

Diana poked my back " I too want clothes from the smatphon stitched for me "

" Oh, what do you want ! " I gave her my phone

Diana opened an cartoon and pointed out a cindrella like dress, the old man looked at it too and scratched his head " I don't how is it puffy like that, but let me try it, i love challanges "

Filo who was hiding under the clothes came out and took the phone from me and opened a video and pointed a girl dressed in high school girl uniform

Hmm, did I have such a video in my phone, Diana too pointed at it and asked a similar dress

The girl in the video had a short skirt above her knees and thight fighting shirt, She was currently hugging another girl dressed similarly

Wait what is the title of this video , I checked the title " Two high school girls eats each others pussy out "

Did they watch this video ? Shit, It must be one of the video that I downloaded last minute and forgot to put it in safe box, let me ask them later

After thinking a bit I gave the Gucci many more designs for women dresses from various videos, as the dresses they are wearing currently didn't suit their appearance

After giving our measurements and picking up a dress for Edna we went back home

" Filo did you watch that video fully ? "

" What video ? I don't anything about it ! " Filo denied and hurried inside the home

Edna was currently hugging our two eggs and was sleeping comfortably, seeing us enter in she welcomed us

" oh, your back Steve, didn't you get caught by town's gaurd for parading naked ? " Edna stood naked with her hands on her hips

I threw the Cheap adventure dress I brought for her and caressed the Eggs " When will they hatch Edna "

Edna didn't wear the dress and threw them back to the ground and scratched her head " How did I know ? I haven't heard a human cross breed with a dragon, dragons roughly take 10 years to hatch, your humans give birth in 10 months right ?, So if I take the average I guess it will be by around 5-6 years for our babies to hatch "

" WHAT !! " Filo exclaimed

" They are your babies ?!! " Filo gasped in shock

" yes these are our babies " Edna hugged me along with the Eggs

" You are the dragon which we found ?!! " Diana too was shocked for another reason

Edna nodded and opened her wings, Filo was about to fall back in shock, while Diana jumped happily " Did Edna can you transform fully !!, Can you let me sit on your back " Diana was hugging Edna's hand

I caught Filo in my arms, while Edna pushed Diana back " Don't touch me brat "

Diana jumped like a Rabbit and hugged our eggs, " Are these small brother and Sisters, will they look like human or Dragon " Diana was fully attracted to it

" don't touch my babies with your filthy hands brat " Edna flicked Diana on her forehead, causing Diana too flinch in pain

" Why are you like this Edna ? " I rubbed Diana's forehead and wiped her tears

" Hmm, you should have seen when these two lowly humans were eating each other's Pussies "

Diana's face became red, Filo denied " No it wasn't what it looked like ! "

" You guys became so horny eating the aphrodisiac cake that you started mastrubation each other, Tch, It doesn't have much of an effect on women's but you two were going at it like horny goblins "

Before Filo and Diana can explain further, Denis the chicken entered the house with dozen of chicken eggs in his hands

' Master I am back ' Denis clucked via telepathy

" Oh, Chicken brought some Eggs for omlette" Diana hurried to pick one egg from Denis's wings

' Master, Please stop my sister, these are my offsprings, She shouldn't eat them '

' What do you mean ' I asked Denis back

' I just ate one piece of the cake that fell down, I didn't know what happened, I was sleeping in a chicken pen and those stupid chickens didn't care about our babies and proceeded to eat rice even after our night ' Denis cried in sadness

' Did you just say you fucked chickens '

Denis hid his face behind his wings, while turning away from Diana who was trying to take a egg

I stopped her " Don't play with them Diana, they are The chicken's babies "

" So what, you didn't allow me to eat chicken, why can't I eat it's egg" Diana's mouth watered looking at Denis and Eggs

Sigh, it won't do any good if hide it any further, She might eat Denis one day when I am not at home

I patted Diana's head and pointed at the chicken " Diana that chicken is your brother Denis "

' Master !!! ' Denis clucked loudly, worried about Diana's reaction

Diana looked at me before looking at the chicken " Don't joke with me brother Steve "

I called Denis in normal voice, rather than telepathy " Just come here Denis, Or you'll be eaten by your own sister some day "

Denis the chicken walked slowly before us and rubbed his neck on Diana's feet

Diana picked up the chicken and looked into his eyes " Are you really my brother Denis " And spoke in a shaky voice

Denis nodded and tried to pat Diana with his wings

Diana trembled and tears started rolling down her eyes, she looked at me " you are not pranking me right brother Steve ? "

" Why will I play with you in such a serious matter " I pinched Diana's cheek

Diana's tears broke out like a dam and she hugged the Denis the chicken tightly " Uuuwwu, are you really my brother? Do you know how I missed you - -- " Diana wasn't able to speak more and only hugged Denis the chicken tightly

' master, Please help me, my sister is crushing me ' Denis asked for my helo via telepathy

I ignored him and looked at Filo who held her mouth and was sobbing watching them, While Edna looked at it and clicked her tongue " Now that little brat won't allow me to eat the chicken "

I patted Filo's back trying to console her, Filo looked into me and asked in shaky voice "Is it true Steve ?, It is too touching to watch Diana meet her brother !!, Is it possible for my husband to stay alive like this ? "

I wasn't sure how Denis came back to life and I don't know anything about Filo's husband, I leaned forward and whispered in her ear " Who knows your husband may be alive or not, But even if He is alive are you sure you don't want to have some fun Me " I squeezed Filo's butt

But before she can react Edna held crushed my hand pulling it back " What are you doing Steve, it's bad to touch other's woman, come Let's take a bath "

Filo was standing still not knowing how to react, Diana hugged Denis and Went to Sleep after crying intensely


I wanted to go to the river to take bath, But Edna pulled me to the bathroom inside house

The bathroom in this world aren't supplied with water with pipes, we have to carry buckets of water from river to take water, and Don't start about how we Go to toilet

Edna sat on a stool and ordered me " Come wash my body "

I took the soap, it wasn't good as the morden earth but it is enough to latter the body

" Don't start with the Soap, use your tongue " Edna took the soap from my hand and threw it out

" Where Did you get this Idea ? "

" I saw it in your phone this morning when Filo and Edna were eating each other out "

ahh, Edna watched the Femdom porn I downloaded, Sigh I should have hidden in properly " Should I do it ? "

" I don't know, If you don't do it I won't allow you to fuck me " Edna folded her hands making her boobs more prominent and crossed her leg, Hiding her pussy

Did she watch the video Fully ?, sigh I removed all my dress and kneeled down and took her leg and started licking between her toes

I didn't want to let her down, She is the mother of my babies, It is fine in allowing her to take the lead once

" Why are you getting hard you bastard ?! " Edna stepped on my dick with her other leg

Ahh, it might be also because I love to worship my woman, It is one of my fetish, talking about my fetish, I remembered how the Elf Ella fucked my mouth with her dick, Fuck that was too extreme, I'll fuck her ass next time

Edna pulled me by my hair " You are thinking about other woman right ?! "

" No Edna, How dare I think about other woman when I am worshipping a beautiful body like yours "

" Hmm, you have fine tongue, put it to good use " Edna nodded satisfied with my reply, pulling my head to her pussy


read chapter 19 on my book ' tales of lust ' for futa action with Steve, Not for those who are disgusted by Futa on male sex scenes, won't affect the flow of story

(' ' )single quotation marks are used in case of telepathic dialogue

The next chapter is femdom, but Steve won't always be like this, Only to those women he loves he will show his submissive heart, and will ravage those arrogant women if they cross a line

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