6-Quirk Training (3) and I-ISLAND

It's been two month since my fifth birthday. currently I'm on my way back home from the swimming lessons.

"Mom, can we get some apples on our way home" - Aska

"Sure thing" -Mom

We stopped at a fruit stall to get some apples.

"Can we get some red apples please" -Mom to the employee who works at the stall

"No mom, can we get the green ones" - Aska

"ok, can I also get some of the green apples please" -Mom to the employee

After we got apples we got home, today Mr. Zenitsue excused himself saying he had something to do, so no training in the afternoon.

I got pretty far with training with Mr. Zenitsu. Now I can walk around with my lighting energy rotating inside my body without putting too much strain on my focus. Just to be safe, when I'm in swimming classes, I 'turn off' my energy, though water isn't a conductor, but that's only pure water. And I'm not betting on how pure the pool water is.

Now I can let the energy take it's natural course, I can also channel the energy to one part of my body. I started with my finger tips at first, I could only cover the very tips, and nothing more. But that gave an Idea.

If I can cover my entire hand I can make something similar to the chidori.


It has been a month since I came up with the idea of training to recreate the chidori.

During that month I finally got to see Mr. Zenitsu's sword technique, and man that was impressive.

I even wanted to see if I could recreate the rail gun move as well, but the amount of electricity I could gather at a single point is really weak, I'm better off throwing the coin normally, than to launch it with electricity.

So I came up with my next course of action, to manipulate the energy as fast as I can and focus into one point. that way I think I can make chidori and rail gun.

When I told Mr. Zenitsu about my plan, he had to ask mom if he could teach me how to concentrate my energy at one point. Thankfully she said yes.

"Listen Aska, focusing electricity into one point, is something that will take concentration. I know you trained it a bit, can you show me" - Mr. Zenitsu

"Sure thing!" -Aska


a sound of small lighting sparks sounded in the back yard, and there was a thin light blue transparent hue around Aska's hand, with only one or two small lighting bolts dancing around his fingers

"Not bad Aska, you're a natural at this, let me show you how I do it, and then you can try again" -Mr. Zenitsu

Mr. Zenitsu pulled out his sword and started to channel electricity in the air to his sword, his sword started to glow in yellow orangish color.

it looked cool, but what I focused on was the way lightning was wrapping around the sword. It looked like the whole process, was a lightning bolt. It started at the hilt of the sword, and as electricity moved closer towards the tip of the sword, it started to branch out just like a lighting bolt would.

After Mr. Zenitsu's demonstration, I tried to do chidori again, this time I tried to envision the whole process as one big lightning bolt, but something felt off.

As the energy got closer to my finger tips, it spread wider and wider, and that's the opposite of what I want.

So instead of imagining the lightning bolt starting from my forearm growing towards my fingertips, I imagined it starting from my fingertips and growing towards my forearm.

'that feels more like it' thought Aska as he felt that he was on the right track.


It has been a year since I started to train the chidori. My Birthday was two month ago, and like usual, my grandparents came and we had a small party.

As for my progress with the chidori. I'm glad to say that I mastered it. I can use it on either one of my hands, or both. Only issue is I can't put much force behind it, and the output of lightning is not strong enough to smash through a concrete wall, but I can injur someone badly if I aim right. Lately I started to do the same thing with my feet. I want to do something like god speed, but I can't wrap my entire body with lighting just yet. But I know I have enough energy output, to cover my limbs.

In the last year I've been using observation haki a lot. I can cover 50 feet around me. I wish I could cover a bigger distance, but I think the more I use it the wider my range will get.


It was now the last two weeks of summer break

Because of my dad's job we got an invitation to go to I-ISLAND, mom thought it would be fun for everyone, especially me who has done nothing but train and go to school all the time.

I was impressed, I-ISLAND is huge, and it looks insanely fun.

'I thought, I'd just sit around and do nothing, but actually, I want to leave the room and go explore' thought Aska as he looked out of the hotel room window.

"Mom lets go see the island, I wonder if they have any cool gadgets." - Aska

"Of course they have cool gadgets, mater of fact Aska, all the cool gadgets will be here" - dad said without giving mom a chance.

"Ok Aska lets go explore a bit and maybe buy something sweet." -mom

"Oh right, don't forget the company I work for will hold a viewing of our newest products, it will be in showroom 13 at 3 pm, make sure you come, there will be a bunch of cool things to see" dad told us on our way out.

It was 11 am when we left, now it 2:30 pm.

"Mom let's get something to drink, and then let's head to dad's showroom"-Aska

"Sounds good, what do you want to drink?" -mom

"Apple juice!" -Aska

"Let's see… ahh, over there, there is a coffee shop, let's see if they have apple juice" -mom

After we went in, I got apple juice, and mom got a coffee cup.

After we got our drinks we went towards the showrooms.

The showrooms were placed in a massive building that looks like a closed stadium, we kept walking until we got to a massive room with a sign with a big number 13 on it.

When we got there the viewing was just about to start, we watched as different products were showcased and tested in front of people, surprisingly there were a lot of people watching.

Nothing caught my attention except for bandages.

They weren't just any bandages, they are wrapped like a roll as thick as my finger, only a few inches in hight, there was a trigger on one of the sides, when you use the trigger, and place it on the wound, it would wrap itself around the wound.

I thought it was handy.

Then the show continued, there were weapons, costumes, and other gadgets for capturing and the like.

The show lasted for two hours, then the products were placed all around the venue for people to get a closer look, and even try them, of course the lethal gadgets, like weapons were off limits.

"Dad!" -Aska yelled as he waved his hand.

"Hey kiddo, did you see all the cool gadgets, huh? What do you think?" -Dad

"They're so cool. Oh I have a question, does the company you work for make custom costumes?" -Aska

"We do, why do you ask, do you want me to make your costume?" -Dad

"Yeah, I want one of those capturing devices too!" -Aska

"Sure thing" dad laughed as he tapped my head a couple of times.

After we walked around and dad showed us the devices up close, we tried some of them and then went back to the hotel suite.

"How long are we staying here?" -Aska

"Tomorrow I have one more showcase, the day after tomorrow, the crew is free to do whatever they want, then the day after that we leave, so three days" -Dad

As dad and I were talking, mom walked in and told me to take a shower and then we'll go get dinner. After dinner, which was delicious, we went for a walk around I-ISLAND, it looks so flashy at nighttime. As we were walking, we saw a movie theater, dad proposed we watch a movie, and I agreed so did mom.

We did nothing else that night, we went back to our hotel suite then we went to our bedrooms and called it a night.


The next day after breakfast.

"Hey dad what time is the show today?" -Aska

"It will be the same time, make sure you make it, there will be more cool stuff today" -dad

After that dad had to leave to prepare for the viewing, mom and I did what we did yesterday.

One thing we did differently was going towards the obstacle courses, where I saw people using their quirks to compete with each other, they even had a leaderboard.

"I wish I could try" - Aska, to no one in particular.

"You could try if you want" - mom

"Really? I thought you would say no" -Aska

"I would if I saw it was dangerous, besides, you won't do those harder ones, see over there" mom pointed a little further down the street, "that place has courses for people your age, see, there is even someone trying, he looks around your age"

The course was simple. It was track field, but smaller than usual track fields. You're supposed to run down the track, and some targets would come out of the ground and you have to hit them, the closer you are to the center of the targets and the faster you finish the course, the more points you get.

'This is perfect for me to try my abilities'

I stood in line for that course there were only two people in front of me, one was a girl with turquoise hair color, she was up next.

She stood on the starting line, and with the signal she started running.

'She's not fast' - thought Aska.

The first target came out

The girl, put out her hand and she shot out one of her fingers, but she missed, another finger grew in its place, she tried again and she got it.

She kept going. And she finished the course in 10 minutes and some seconds.

The boy in front of me with black hair stepped up to the start line. The signal sounded, and the boy started running.

The boy, unlike the girl, punched the targets with his fists. His fists were glowing red like a hot metal, I think he can increase the temperature of his body, that it would melt anything he touches.

'That's actually a cool ability' -thought Aska

The boy finished the course in 7 minutes exactly.

Next up was my turn.


Hello everyone, sorry for the late chapter.

It looks like Momo has won, so it's set, Momo is the love interest.

I'm looking for ideas for hero names

And hero costumes