16-One Month Survival (3)

Aska has been on the island for seventeen days. He spent the last few days practicing his magnetism as much as possible.

At first he had to form purple lightning cloak around himself, which is weaker than his normal lightning cloak but it can improve. This way he can form a magnetic field around his body.

But now he can use regular lightning cloak, and have a magnetic field around himself. He became better at manipulating the black sand, he even carries it around when he goes out to hunt from time to time.

'13 more days, that's how long I have of uninterrupted training time. I need to kill at least that teleporting bear before I leave'

Aska's way of thinking has changed a lot. Before he only thought of how to avoid them, but now he wants to hunt them down.


'I think I'm ready to hunt down the sound wolf.' Thought Aska as he started walking towards the area where he last saw the wolf.

After an hour or so of searching around, Aska's observation haki has increased in range more than before.

'I found it' Aska was excited when he saw the wolf.

Aska didn't hide, or sneak attack, he just walked out from behind a tree and looked straight at the wolf.

The wolf wasn't as big as the lightning wolf, but it looked strong nonetheless.

Aska didn't wait around, he puts on his lightning cloak, and rushes towards the wolf.

It opens its mouth and sends sonic waves towards Aska.

He dodges to the right, and looks to the are where he was standing, the ground was damaged badly.

'Can he only shoot it from his mouth?' Aska started to analyze his enemies abilities.

He rushed at the wolf, but it didn't back away from a close fight, it rushed right towards Aska

The wolf jumped into the air, Aska decided to attack it from below, he formed a chidori, and went straight for the underbelly of the wolf. Just as he was about to pierce the wolf, he felt disoriented.

Aska jumped back at the last second. His vision was a little blurry.

'Damn! I got reckless and the wolf hit my nervous system with his sound wave. I can't tell which way is up or down anymore'

The wolf didn't instantly jump at Aska, but it walked slowly towards him, as if it has already won.

Aska didn't panicked and started to regulate his nervous system using lightning.

'Thankfully nothing seems to be injured, I'm just disoriented from the sound waves' after Aska was able to regain his balance, he tried to get up but he was too late the wolf jumped on Aska with the intent to kill him.

Aska wasn't able to dodge completely, he had a big slash on his chest, and he started bleeding.

Aska ignored the injury and rushed at the wolf, but the wolf sent a sound wave to the ground under it's feet, causing the area it was standing in to break a part.

'so it can send it from its limbs as well. Is that how it hit me last time?'

Aska had to jump into the air, as to not trip on the broken down ground.

While Aska was midair, the wolf aimed right at him, opened its mouth and sent a sound wave.

Aska used his magnetism to move the black sand he has on him and form a shield in front of him. He could feel the black sand get hit with something, but his magnetism isn't strong enough for sand to protect him completely.

Aska landed away from the wolf while spitting blood from his mouth.

'Even after the sand shielded me a bit, and it's this painful, just how strong is the actual attack?'

Aska looked at an area near by that was destroyed by the wolf's sound waves earlier.

'Well I guess strong enough to cause that type of damage'

Aska kept trying to hurt the wolf, but whenever he got closer it would send sound waves toward his head, and when he was far away, it would send the sound waves toward his feet.

'I can't get close to it. What should I do?' Aska was trying to find a way when he noticed the wolf was standing near an are where there was some black sand.

'This could work!' Aska came up with an idea.

Slowly and very subtly he started to move small amount of the sand towards the wolf's face.

After that Aska willed the black sand to form a star shape as big and fast as possible near the wolf's eyes.

'Too bad I can't go any deeper, or I would loose control over the sand' Aska thought.

The wolf started to shake its head like crazy.

Aska didn't waste the chance, and bolted towards the wolf and was able to slice the neck of the wolf with his chidori and kill it.

After the fight Aska collected the fangs of the wolf, and walked back to his base.

After Aska got back and took a dip in the sea. He started to feel pain like crazy.

"SHIT!" Aska yelled.

'Salt water and injuries don't go together, how can I be so stupid.'

After he ran out of the water he sat down on the sand, his chest still hurting, but he was able to handle it. After he calmed down a bit he started to rethink everything he did during the fight.

'Currently the two strongest on the island are the lightning wolf, and the teleporting bear. But I can't use black sand like today on either of them. The wolf will for sure feel the the magnetic wave, and even if it can't, I won't be able to control the sand magnetically when the wolf uses lightning cloak. And the bear won't be standing in one place'

Aska was thinking about how to fight the island's strongest.

Since then Aska hasn't had any big fights. He took some time to heal up, his internal injury wasn't bad, or at least that's what he thought.


He has been on the island for 20 days and Aska was able to figure a few things out.

'First of all, the main food for the three main species, are the main species. The bears hunt and eat both snakes and wolves, the same for the other two species. Snakes move in groups or individually, wolves tend to move in a pack and bears tend to be alone. Obviously that's not always the case. I ran into a group of bears before, and a couple of line wolves here and there.' Aska thought about the patterns of the animals.

'The northern part of the island is the wolves territory and toward the the south east is the bears and the last third of the island is the snake's. The beach I'm on is between the snake's and the wolves territory'

Aska decided to go hunt again today. 'I think I'll go towards the snake's territory today'

Aska went towards the snake's territory the area was generally quite, Aska kept walking in random directions, with observation haki he saw a lot of snakes here and there, but the were all ordinary snakes. After Aska got to the deepest part in the snake territory, he finally picked up something.

'This one is bigger than the smoke snake!' Aska kept inching closer towards the snake.

After Aska got there, he saw it. It was bigger than the smoke snake, which was way bigger than anything he saw so far, it had green skin and it's eyes are pitch black.

'Holy shit which hell hole did that thing come out of. That thing is the embodiment of evil' Aska thought as he kept looking at the snake.

'Should I fight it now, or wait to figure out if it has a quirk or not, if yes, what quirk does it have' Aska was contemplating about his choice of action.

'I'll wait, I can't get reckless' Aska decided to keep an eye on the snake. He spent the whole day following the snake from a far. 'sometimes it seems to be open for a sneak attack, but I can feel the it's killing intent. It seems it knows I'm watching it, and it tries to tempt me to attack'

After Aska thought about it more, he quietly backed away. Aska got to his base and there was still some daylight left. He decided to do more control drills, until the sun set. he ate some food that he has saved up and went to sleep.

Aska spent the next two days, tracking down and observing the snake. He saw the snake's ability, it can cover it's body with dark green substances. 'Unlike the smoke, that definitely is harmful. I can tell from the track it left behind it. The ground, trees, and anything the green substance touched, it melted

'I can only fight from short range, maybe I should come up with a long range attack'

Aska decided to try and learn something to fight the snake with. since he cant get close to the snake because of the acid

After Aska got back to his area, he decided to focus on long range this time. He kept thinking how should he go about this.

'I hope I can create an arrow like Indra's arrow, but I can't. What if I use black sand to form an arrow and fire it towards my target'

Aska then started to implement his idea, he can launch the black sand pretty quickly, but the black sand would disband on impact.

'I need to harden the black sand more' Aska kept doing it over and over, concentrating more on the compression of the black sand, after four hours of working, he can compress the black sand to the point it doesn't break on impact anymore.

'I'm an idiot, I have a few coins, and a metal piece that I can launch!' Aska realized he has been spending time doing the wrong thing.

'Actually, compressing the black sand gives me more ammunition than a few coins. Either way I can launch a metal object at the speed of a bullet now'

After Aska had spent the entire day working on his ability, he finally decided to try and launch the hardened black sand.

He put his hand out and concentrated on the black sand, and imagined a bullet shape. It was bigger than an actual bullet. It was about the size of a baseball.

Aska looked at a tree not too far away from him, he aimed his hand and willed the bullet to launch as fast as possible towards the tree. He missed the center of the tree by a few inches, but it left a big mark on the area it actually hit.

'This is much stronger than I thought' Aska was actually surprised.

He has gotten much stronger than he realizes.

Aska was so excited about his new move, he kept doing it until it was night time.

Aska new he had a weapon in his arsenal that can be more devastating, if he trains it more.

'It's all about control, I can produce so much lightning, but I need to be able to manipulate it as I want' Aska realized it takes him too long to form, aim and fire his black sand bullet.

Aska spent the next few days working on his control, he kept doing the same process for hours. forming the bullet solidifying it, aiming it and finally firing it.

He has been on the island for 23 days. There is a week left and he needs to kill one of the three strongest, the acid snake, teleporting bear, or lightning wolf.

'Ideally, I wish I can kill all three, but I can't be too reckless, all of them are strong. I need to grow my arsenal with one more move in the next few days and then fight one of them.


Hello everyone, sorry for the late chapter, I hope you like it nonetheless.

Leave any suggestions for future chapters.