23-Back To Nabu Island

Dad came back a couple of hours after that.

I could hear mom telling dad everything downstairs, she ended the conversation with "you'll tell him no, right?"

I was all the way up here, and still felt a shiver run down my spine.

A few seconds later I could feel dad's footsteps coming towards my room. Dad opened the door,

"So Aska, your mom told me that you want to go back to Nabu island" - dad started the conversation

'I could feel mom outside the room. I guess she is here to make sure he doesn't change his mind' Aska thought to himself

"Before we talk about anything else, mom and I made a deal, whatever you decide we will do, no objections. We also agreed that the both of us will try to convince you to the best of our abilities" -Aska

"That explains her attitude" dad mumbled to himself

"So, I decided to help you with that multiwavelength engine/generator project you've been working on" - Aska

Dad just looked at me wide eyed, for a second. Mom, who was standing outside the door, burst in,

"That's cheating!" - mom

"We agreed if I convince him, and he says yes, then you'll let me go" - Aska had this smug look on his face

"Honey, you will say no, won't you?" - mom looked at dad.

"Well, um, I mean this matter is of much importance to Aska. So maybe we need to consider this thoroughly before we make any decisions" - dad said nervously

"Hum? what are you saying honey?" - mom said. Both dad and I could feel the murderous intent coming from mom

"I mean this involves Aska's future so we should make sure, as parents, that we are not holding him back, and that he grows up without any hindrance" - dad said nervously,

"You're just chatting shit at this point" - mom just couldn't hold back anymore

'pfft. hahahah' Aska was holding back his laughter so much his eyes got watery

"What do you mean? I'm being serious, I think we should be able to push our son to do better, not hold him back" - dad tried to defent himself.

"So, what your saying is, you want him to go, all on his own, and train with that maniac" - mom

"Well, maybe not on his own we ca-" dad didn't finish, mom cut him off "What happened last time? I went with him and he was still kidnaped right from next to me, and we could do nothing about it!"

"I think we can do this, lets all go together, I won't let him take me anywhere you don't know about. Besides I think he won't do anything crazy like last time. Especially after all the trouble he went through" Aska cut in the conversation with his parents.

"Aska, I know your strong, but if he tries to kidnap you again, I doubt you can change the outcome, and having the both of us there, would not change anything either."- mom

"What if I call dad?" - dad

"Grandpa, why would you call him?" - Aska

"We can invite my parents to go with us, tell them it would be a 2 in 1 trip. They can relax and spend some time with us, and at the same time Aska can train in martial arts. Having dad there will be better for sure" - dad

"will it be ok with them, I mean having them travel all the way here, especially so soon after they left?" - mom

'Woah, mom agreed right away when she heard that grandpa is coming' Aska was surprised.

"I'll call them, if they say yes, then we can go" - dad

"Fine, if father is there, then we can go" - mom


The next day dad called my grandparents and told them the whole story.

My grandparents showed up at our doorsteps a week later,

currently grandma and I are sitting in the Livingroom, she keeps giving me candy while we're sitting there in silence.

The silence was broken a moment later,

"My grandson was kidnapped and you didn't tell me!" I could hear grandpa yelling at my parents from the other room.

"Wait dad, we can explain this."

"Explain what? A year ago he was taken for a full month, and you didn't tell me!" grandpa was still yelling at the two

"Father, let us talk about this, he was taken by-

"I don't want to hear it. If you want him to learn martial arts, send him to Korea, I'll teach them there" - dad

After some more shouting from grandpa, and more explaining from dad and mom. It turns out they didn't want him to overreact so they didn't let him know about me getting taken for a month.

They walked out of the room, mom looked sad from getting yelled at, dad was also out of breath from all of the yelling, grandpa just came towards me with a smile on his face.

"Aska, if you want to learn martial arts, I can teach you" -grandpa

"Thanks grandpa" -Aska

Grandpa talked to me about his martial arts techniques, after some more convincing, especially from me, he agreed to let someone else teach me martial arts.


My grandparents stayed the night, we decided to go to Nabu together. Next day,

Aska was standing looking at the door, his eyes were wide open,

His grandpa was clenching his fist in anger,

'Just how shameless is he?' Aska was looking at a red haired man, he had a muscular body, it was Yujiro Hanma.

"It's been a month since summer break started and you didn't come to see. Thought I should drop in and see what you up to" - Yujiro

"I was going to go there next week" - Aska answered before any of the grown ups talk.

"And what? Spend a measly month and a half training. We're leaving now" - Yujiro

Just as Yujiro took a step closer to me grandpa stepped between us "Hold it. Who said you can just take him whenever you want. Who do you think you are"

"Step aside old man, you have no business in this." - Yujiro

"That's my grandson, I damn sure have business in this" - grandpa

Their tone was low, but they clearly sounded threatening. I was worried for grandpa, but from the corner of my eye, I can see grandma. She looked relaxed, not worried at all about what happens next.

After some more squaring up, Yujiro told me to get ready, we are leaving in a day.

My parents were regretting getting me mixed up with someone like him.

Just before he leaves Yujiro spoke to my parents,

"The only way I'll let him go by himself, is if I finish training him. Unlike Zenitsu, I don't consider disciples like my own children. But that kid has potential, so I'll train him." - Yujiro

"I'll let you train him as long as you answer two questions" - dad

"What is it?" - Yujiro

"Why are you going this far for our son?" - dad

"Weakness of any kind disgusts me. But someone with potential being weak, disgusts me even more. Make no mistake, I'm only doing this because I believe the world should be ruled by the strong. I get stronger by defeating strong opponents, your son is merely a future investment." - Yujiro

"I hate your answer, but I guess that will have to do for now. Secondly, would you promise me not to hurt him in any way" - dad

"I can't. I'll train him in martial arts, I'll train him until his bones break, heal him, and then train him till he breaks them again." -Yujiro said with a grin on his face

Mom had this worried look on her face, but before she could talk I stepped in, looked him straight in the eye, "Then I'll take you up on your offer. But I won't be an investment for you. Truth is, you're just a stepping stone to me. I will beat you"

Yujiro's hair floated up, his grin became even wider, bloodlust was exploding from him. "Then don't give up on me halfway, because I'll train you till you break"

Next day all of us were on a plane, heading towards Nabu Island, yet again.


Hello everyone sorry for the late chapter. I hope you like it.