26-First Day at UA

A couple of weeks have passed since I got my acceptance letter. Lenox sent to me. He passed the recommendation exam, actually, he more than passed, he got the highest score this year

My school starts in two weeks. I just received the rest of my costume that dad ordered for me.

Those two week were nothing but preparation, I tried my costume, and it fit perfectly. I also tried the sword I got from Mr. Zenitsu, and played around more with the yoyo.

Two weeks passed in a flash, and finally the day has come.

I ate breakfast, I put on the school uniform that was sent to me prior to today. I take the train, to get to school.

I got to campus. I asked a few people I saw on my way, they were able to direct me towards class 1A. It was a massive door, I took a deep breath and opened the door.

The first thing I saw was Bakugou fighting with another boy. The boy had mini speakers on his finger tips, and there was a bigger speaker on the palm of his hand. He had his uniform sleeves rolled up and there were three more speakers on each forearm.

Both of them were loud and, angry.

'Great! I have to deal with two loud boys with anger issues' Aska just ignored them and walked to his assign seat.

It was the same assigned seat that Mineta had in the original show.

I sat down, and started to observe the class. There was another girl, who was invisible, she was sitting all the way in the front. It was just us four in the class.

Little by little, people started to come in. The fifth person to come in was a girl with black hair tied into a spiky ponytail. She looked around for her seat, It was right behind me.

After she sat down,

"Hello my name is Momo Yaoyorozu" she started

"My name is Aska Minamoto, nice to meet you" - Aska

She just looked at Bakugou argue with the speaker guy.

"What's their issue?" -Momo

"I have no idea, they've been arguing since I walked in" - Aska

We just sat there watching the two of them go back and forth.

'I know this will lead to more trouble but honestly, they need to behave' Aska thought before he spoke up,

"Can you two stop, this is annoying" - aska

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" - Bakugou shouted back at me, and the speaker guy just looked at me with angry eyes.

"I said to be quite, you are annoying" - Aska

"Oh I remember you. You are that bastard who split the giant robot in half" - Bakugou said in a much quitter voice, while he walked closer to me.

I was still seated and I wasn't going to stand up to talk to this hotheaded idiot.

He stood in front of my desk. "I have an issue with you as well" - Bakugou

"Not interested come back later, and please keep it down" - Aska

Bakugou was about to reply back, but in that brief moment of silence, the door opened, and walked in the blue haired boy from before.

Bakugou just clicked his tongue and walked back to his seat, which was two seats ahead of me. The speaker guy had already went back to his seat.

Bakugo sat and put his leg up, just as he did that. The dark blue haired boy ran up to him.

"Take your feet off the desk, this is a prestigious school, this behavior is unacceptable" - Iida

'Great! Another argument started' - Aska rolled his eyes at the scene.

"It seems all of your efforts didn't exactly pay off" - Momo said with a chuckle

I rubbed the back of my head and chuckled "yeah, it seems so"

After that, people started to come in. I saw familiar faces. The enter class was almost the same.

'It seems I took Mineta's place, and that speaker guy took Koda's place'

Midoriya, was able to make it to his seat before Mr. Aizawa came.

He walked to the front of the class. With his presence, everyone went quite.

"It took you 11 seconds to stop talking. That won't do, you wasted precious time" he said with a tired voice.

"Well, it doesn't matter. My name is Shota Aizawa. Put these on and follow me" - he said as he held a gym uniform in his hand.

We all changed into our gym uniforms, and followed after Mr. Aizawa

"We will do a quirk apprehension test" - Mr. Aizawa

"What about orientation?" - said a pink girl.

"If you really want to make it the big leagues you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies. Here in UA we don't adhere to tradition. That means I get to run my class however I see fit" - Mr. Aizawa

After that he gave a second to everyone, then he continued, "You've been taking standardized tests most of your lives. But you never got to use your quirk during physical exams. The country's still trying to pretend we are all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational. Minamoto you managed to get the most points on the entrance exam. What was you furthest throw with a softball when you were in junior high?"

"You can call me Aska, it was 70 meters I think" - Aska

"Right. Try doing it again, but this time use your quirk" -Mr. Aizawa

He gave me a ball, "Anything goes, just stay in the circle" -Mr. Aizawa

"Alright" Aska loosened up his shoulder, he covered his entire right arm in electric glove, and he threw the ball, and even added more lightning power behind it.

Everyone could hear the sound of a thunder clap. Mr. Aizawa hold out the phone and shows the result, it was 1.6 kilometers (one mile).

Everyone looked excited.

"I want to try it too. This looks fun" - Ashido

"So this looks fun huh? You have three years here to be a hero. You think its all going to be games and play time? Idiots. Today you are going to compete in eight physical tests to gauge your potential, whoever comes in last has non, and will be expelled immediately" - Mr. Aizawa

Everyone had a shocked look on their faces, except for me. I knew this was coming.

'May be I should add some fuel to the fire' thought Aska mischievously

"I heard about a teacher who expelled an entire class last year, for deeming them untalented, I think that was you wasn't it Mr. Aizawa?" - Aska

when the entire class heard this, they got even more surprised.

"That may or may not be true. The truth is, if this class doesn't show potential, I'll send you all packing" - he said with a smile.

Everyone looked nervous, then Uraraka spoke up, "You can't send us home, it's only the first day it's not fair"

"You think natural disasters are fair, power hungry villains, or catastrophes that wipe out entire cities. Life is full of unfairness. It's a hero's job to try and come back that unfairness. For the next three years, UA will throw one terrible hardship after another at you. So go beyond Plus Ultra style. Show me it's no mistake you're here"

After that speech, everyone had a determined look on their faces.

After that the tests began.

First was the 50 meter dash.

I got up to the starting line, I put on my lightning cloak. On the mark I dashed, my score was 1.2 seconds.

Second test was grip strength

I put on the lighting glove and gripped the handle. I made sure to hold back a bit, as to not destroy the thing. My score was 855 kilograms

The third test was standing long jumps

I put on my lightning cloak, and jumped all the way across the sand

The fourth test was repeated side steps.

I put my lightning cloak back on. And did repeated side steps as fast as I can.

The fifth test was the ball throw, I was told I don't have to do it, since I already did it in the beginning. And of course Uraraka scored ∞.

Midoriya stepped up to the circle with the ball in his hand. it took him a second and he was finnaly ready to throw the ball.

He threw the ball and it was 46 meters. He looked shocked. Just then Mr. Aizawa walked closer to him. The rest of the class couldn't hear what they talked about, but I can, besides I already know what they talked about.

Midoriya took another shot. I already knew what he did, but I was able to see it with observation haki. Bakugou looked extremely shocked though.

He ran towards Midoriya but Mr. Aizawa stopped him.

The sixth test was sit-ups, which I did with ease.

The seventh test was seated toe-touch. Thanks to all of my flexibility stretches, I was able to pass it with ease as well

The final test was long-distance run. I finished the run without sweating a single drop.

We all gathered up to see the results.

The list was displayed, I took the first spot. I scanned over the entire list. I noticed one name that I didn't recognize, Itoh Takashi. I assumed that it was the speaker guy. Just like everyone, I looked at last place. It was Midoriya.

"And I was lying. No one is going home. That was a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all" - Mr. Aizawa

Some students had a surprised look on their faces.

"Surprised non of you figured it out. I apologize, I think I should've said something" - Yaoyorozu

"I don't think that's true. He really was going to expel last place. But I guess Midoriya impressed him enough to not expel him" - Aska

"Really? How do you know that" - Yaoyorozu

"What I said earlier is true. He really did expel an entire class. That's why second years have one less class, you can ask the upperclassmen if you want to make sure" - Aska

"Is that really true Mr. Aizawa?" - Yaoyorozu

"Collecting information is a part of the job. I'll leave that part for you to figure out. Anyway were are done for today, don't forget to pick up a syllabus in the classroom. make sure to read it over before tomorrow" -Mr. Aizawa


Hello everyone, I hope you like the chapter.

DISCLAIMER: The kid with speakers, is NOT my OC. He was a character design I saw online, and he works perfect for a future purpose. I'll be sending him to America, So he won't stick around for too long!