36-The Game

[Would you like to play a game?]

"Would you like to play a game?"

Aska stairs at the paper in disbelief for a moment, then he steels his nerves and picks up the paper.

"Well done young man, as I would expect from my newest character" - The author

"Cut the crap. What is this game about?" - Aska with anger in his voice

"For the next week, I'll give you tasks. All you need to do is to complete the tasks, that's all" - The author

"And what's the nature of those 'tasks' that you'll give me" - Aska still sounding angry

"Simple really, I'll give you one task each day. Complete the task and your mother lives another day, after the week is over, you'll get to have her back, as long as you don't get caught that is. Simple right? Also I don't need to warn you what will happen if you tell anyone about this game, do I? You're smart enough to know what will happen if you do" - The author

"That doesn't answer my question" - Aska sounded even angrier than before

"It varies depending on my mood. Anyway your first task is up. Oh! before I forget, keep the phone and the paper on you at all times, or the task won't count as complete. Now go across town to a food truck located at the intersection of xxxx street and xxxx street. Once your there call me back and tell me what's on their menu"- After saying that the author hang up

Aska sat down on the bench, his breathing started to quicken, it was dead quite and there wasn't a sound around, or maybe Aska can't hear anything over his loud heartbeats. Aska had sounded angry when speaking to the author, but he was putting on an act, in truth Aska was scared.

Minutes later Ask had calmed down a bit, 'He has everything, and I have nothing. He holds all the cards and I'm just his little toy. I need to find him within the week'

Aska pulled out his own phone, he saw that he was still in messages with Momo, he stared at the screen for a few seconds before he opened another app, he checked the intersection the author told him about, it was roughly an hour and a half from where he was currently.

As Aska was about to put his phone away, he gets another message. It was Momo, she was asking if everything is alright.

Aska got up from the bench and started walking towards the nearest bus station. While walking he kept staring at the message Momo sent him, 'Should I let her know?' Aska kept contemplating if he should let her know about his mother. Shaking his head, he decided to keep her out of this.

Aska kept walking but moments later his phone started ringing. Aska was so annoyed with all of it, he was going to throw his phone away. He was able to compose himself, and answered the phone,

"Hello Minamoto"

"Principle?" - Aska said surprised

"Yes, it is I your adorable principle" - Nezu in his usual cheerful tone

"Sorry principle, it's not a good time to talk, can we talk later?" - Aska trying to sound as respectful as possible.

"haha world leaders would kill to have me call them, but here you are brushing me off, well I know how you feel after all." - Nezu with a calm voice

"I'm sure you're right, but let's postpone this call" - Aska still trying to be respectful

"You were absent today without a notice, Aizawa called your parents to check on you. Your father told us about what happened to your mother. I just wanted to see how you're holding up" - Nezu

"I don't feel like talking about it right now Principle" - Aska with whatever respect he could muster up before

"Well, All might decided to help in this case. He couldn't watch crime happen without doing anything." - Nezu

"There is no leads principle, what can All Might do? If it was a fight I would feel relieved, but tracking down, not so sure about that" - Aska

"Well Aizawa decided to help as well, so don't lose hope" - Nezu

"Thanks principle, but why did you really call me?" - Aska

"You're right, I called for something else. From most of the investigation I've done before, the closest relative to the victim commits a crime a week after the incident, it's too frequent for it to be a coincident, don't you think?" - Nezu

'He's asking me about that, is he trying to test me?'Aska taps his pocket feeling the phone the author left him.

"Sounds odd, but I'm not sure principle" - Aska

"...Alright Minamoto, If he contacts you in anyway let us know" - Nezu said then ended the call

Aska stopped his walking and looked at the sky above him, taking a deep breath, he starts thinking about what he just heard 'commit a crime? but what kind of crime? I can steal something if it's to save my mom, not sure if I can go further' Aska was thinking about those 'tasks' the author told him about. 'For now I have to read a menu for him. I'm sure he just wants me to be at a certain place at a certain time, but why?'

Aska kept thinking, all the way until he got to the food truck the author told him about. Taking out the burner phone he calls the author,

"I take it you're at the food truck" - The author

"Yes" - Aska

"What's the special tonight" - The author

"Yakisoba" - Aska

"Good, you're task is complete" - The author

"So what now?" - Aska asked unsure of what he means 'task is complete'

"Nothing, wait till tomorrow, I'll call and give you a different task" - The author said that then hang up

Aska stood there without moving, he watched the two people inside the food truck making food for the few customers around.

After finding nothing suspicious about them, he just left.

an hour an a half later Aska was inside the hotel room, he didn't say anything to his father, he just went straight to bed, or at least tried

The next morning, he was going to skip school again, but the principle called him again telling him to come to school regardless.

Currently Aska was walking to his class barely going to make it in time.

"Hey Aska, Why weren't you here yesterday, everyone texted you in the group chat" - Sero was the first to speak, when he saw Aska enter the class

"Don't bother, he didn't answer personal messages, why would he answer the group chat" - Momo answered right away, with a pouty tone.

"Sorry, yesterday was a very tough day for me" - Aska apologized to no one in particular

"Hey man, are you alright? You don't look so good" - Kirishima

"Aska just walked to his seat, "I'll be fine" is all Aska said.

Mr. Aizawa walked in and started the homeroom period

Classes went like normal, nothing much happened. Everyone tried to cheer him up all day, but he just kept to himself. Before school ended, Aska was called to the principle's office

When Aska got there he saw All Might, Mr. Aizawa, hound dog, and the principle himself

"Hello there Minamoto, why don't you take a seat" - the principle pointed at one of the leather couches in his office

"Sure, but why am I here?" - Aska

"you said you weren't sure if we can track the villain or not, so I wanted to show you that we will do the best we can, I'm aware that Gang Orca and Miriko are on the case, we spoke to them and they were more than happy to get our aid...well one of them was, I had to remind the other of a few embarrassing moments from her stay at UA, but it all worked out in the end" - Nezu said in his usual cheerful tone

"Thanks, but I'm sure you didn't bring me here to say that" - Aska

"You're correct yet again Minamoto, seems I'm getting bad at this. I'll just cut to the chase, the reason you're here is to ask you in person, have you been contacted by the author?" - Nezu

Aska hesitated for a slim moment, but before he could speak,

"I see, so you've been contacted by the author" - Mr. Aizawa

"Yes" - Aska gave up on lying

"Why didn't you tell the principle sooner?" - Mr. Aizawa

"He said she'll die if I tell anyone, I don't know if he can hear me or not. He told me to keep a piece of paper and a phone on me at all times" - Aska

"Please tell me that phone and paper are not on you right now" -All Might

"No, I knew you would talk to me about this, I left them in my bag back in class" - Aska

"Good choice Aska, from what we know his paper can't hear us, and I'm sure the phone works as a tracker and microphone, but again that has it's limitations" - Nezu

"Should we grab the phone" - All Might

"No, if we temper with it, he might catch on, and even if he wanted to use the signal from the phone to hack our servers, he will fail." - Nezu

"So what now?" - Aska

"What did he tell you?" - Mr. Aizawa

"He said that I'll play a game, he will give me tasks, If I do all the tasks for one week I get my mom back" - Aska

"Did he give you any of those 'tasks'?" - All Might

"Yes. Last night he asked me to go to a food truck at xxxx street and xxxx street, and read the special on the menu for him" - Aska

"That's all?" - All might asked in a skeptical voice

"yes, that's all" - Aska

"Well that's expected. He would always start with something small and stupid like that, but by the end of the week, he'd ask you to kill a family or something" - Nezu shrugged

"So now what?" - Mr. Aizawa

*knock knock*

"Come in" - Nezu

"Excuse me, did you call for me Mr. principal. Oh sorry I'll come back later"

"No Nemu, come back, you're called here for this" - Nezu

"Oh ok" - Nemu

"Aska this is Nemu she is a third year general studies student, I think her quirk would be very helpful" - Nezu

Aska looked at the girl who just got here. She was about the same height as him, green hair, green eyes and a cute face nothing too outstanding though.

"Hello, I'm Aska"

"Hi, As the principal said, I'm Nemu"

"Well Nemu, why don't explain your quirk to him, so we can move on to the next step" - Nezu

"Sure, My quirk telepathic link. I can create, well a telepathic link between me and other people, as long as I'm touching your hair, I can send telepathic messages, and receive them" - Nemu

Nezu throw a pair of scissors at Aska, Aska caught it and snipped a small piece of his hair, and gave it to Nemu.

"I think Nemu should take a piece of hair from one of us to keep us connected with young Minamoto incase something happens" - All might

Aska throws the scissors back at Nezu, who catches them. Nezu looks at the scissors and his other hand. He kept looking at them with a pained expression. Aska could see Mr. Aizawa roll his eyes at this.

"You do it Aizawa, I'm busy with all the school's paper work you cut a piece of your hair and give it to Nemu" - Nezu

"*sight* yes, Mr. Principal" - Aizawa takes the scissors and cuts a small piece and hands it to Nemu.

"With that being said, I think it's for the best to not tell you too much of the details of our plan Aska. All you need to know is that Nemu will send you a message once every hour, an-

"Wait! I will?" - Nemu cut Nezu off

"Yes, you'll send him a telepathic message once every hour. Anyway, when he gets in touch with you again, try to stall and not do the 'task' for as long as possible, or at least wait until you telepathically tell Nemu. Nemu after Aska lets you know of anything, you will make another link with Aizawa and tell him exactly what Aska tells you." - Nezu

"Yes principle" - X2


Hello everyone, I hope you like the chapter. I know some didn't like the previous chapter, I understand OC arch and all. Anyway if you enjoy my story please leave a review.

Also, some complain about the slow update, not sure if I ever mentioned this before or not, but I go to dental school, and it's HARD like really really hard, so most of my time is spent studying or work, also please wish me luck I have an exam coming up soon.