45-Sports Festival (1)

Ms. Midnight started talking and a screen behind her started to show different events, until it finally landed on an obstacle race.

'Really? I thought it would've been different.' - Aska wasn't too shocked, as a speedster himself, he has no worry.

Everyone lined up in front of the starting line. 'How should I handle this. I kind of want to give everyone a chance, but I also want to dominate this whole thing' Aska thought as a smile crept on his face

As Aska looked at all the students lined up to start the race, Aska just wanted to knock them all out, 'I think I might be addicted to the feeling of conqueror's haki' Aska thought as he watched the count down. Once the buzz went on, everyone rushed into the doorway.

Watching all of the students stuck together in the doorway, Aska smiles even more, and suddenly teal ripples were projected out of his eyes, and suddenly all of the student's were knocked out.

Watching all of the students pass out, everyone in the arena was utterly shocked. "What the hell was that! Class 1A rep, Aska Minamoto has knocked down all of the contest! Some weird move had knocked them all cold!" - Present mic shouted

Aska started to casually walk through the corridor. Once he made it out, he started to jog. Not long after, robots started to block his way.

Using his magnetism, Aska lifted all the smaller robots up in the air. With a wave of his hands, the robots smashed together.

Applying more force Aska was able to squeeze the metal together and formed a make sift surf board.

Aska brought the board closer to himself and jumped on top of it. As Aska was gliding through the air, he saw a bunch of zero pointers rushing towards him.

Aska stretched out his left hand, and purple lightning flickered. Suddenly all the robots were frozen in place. Aska didn't even slow down at all. After Aska passed through the area, with another wave with his right hand, all the heads on the zero pointers behind him were twisted out of place.

Without even looking back at the zero pointers, all of them were taken out. As he was gliding around the arena, he can hear the audience's reaction from all the way over there. He kept gliding until he reached an area with deep pits in the earth with pillars connected with ropes.

Aska wasn't even concerned and obviously he passed through with no issues. Moving on was another obstacle. The mine field, at this point Aska was board. He crossed the finish line and all the contestants were still at the starting line.

"For the first time in UA sports festival history we have a winner who's done it this easily! None but him is standing! Our first round winner, and class 1A rep, ASKA MINAMOTOOOOOOO!" - Present Mic shouted out, and all the spectators were cheering very loudly.

Looking around, Aska can spot his parents in the stands, and with a big smile on his face he waved at them. With this absolute win, Aska's speech earlier made more sense to the spectators. At this point some pro heroes have already decided to invite him for the internship week.

Not long after Aska finished, the rest of the students started to wake up. The ones to first stand were the stronger students. Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Takashi, and surprisingly Midoriya, along with a bunch of other students. Aska made his way to the center area where Ms. Midnight was.

After some time, some students started to finish the race.

Second place was Bakugo, then Todoroki, after was Takashi, then it was Midoriya, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, and after that Aska didn't care much.

Once everyone finished, they all gathered up in the center area.

"Only the top 42 will advance to the next round, but don't be too let down if you didn't make the cut. We've prepared other opportunities for you to shine" - Ms. Midnight said as she looked at all the students standing in front of her.

"Now the real fun is about to start. This is your chance as students to shine and stand out, so do your best" - Ms. Midnight said and then waved her hand and the wheel on the screen started to spin. "Let's see what your next game is. And your next round is... Capture the flag! Let me explain something first, students will be assigned points based on their results in the previous round. The points increase in the increments of five. So 42nd place is 5 points, 41st place is 10 points and so on. As for 1st place they're worth ten million. I don't want to restrain anyone, not in this game at least, so students have the freedom to pick who their teammates are. Students can form groups of two to four, you have 15 minutes to build your teams. The flags will have the collective points for all the members on the team, get started!"

'It's a little different than cavalry battle, but almost the same. It seems like they're trying to force us to show a certain criteria of our skill sets. Let's see...who do I want on my team' - Aska thought as he looked around.

Most students wanted to form teams with people they knew best, only few people were interested in making up teams with people from other classes.

Not long after, Aska had already decided on who he'll try to take into his team, he approached his first pick,

"Momo, do you want to be in my team?" - Aska

"huh? Sure" - Momo didn't hesitate much, and just accepted

After having Momo on his team Aska went for Kirishima, but Bakugo had picked him already, he thought of going for Tetsutetsu, but he gave that idea up. Looking at someone else Aska adjusted his plans and decided to approach someone else

"Hey you're Kosei Tsuburaba from class 1B right?" - Aska

"You know me? I'm kind of surprised to be honest" - Tsuburaba

"You don't have to surprised. Anyway would like to be in my team?" - Aska

"I thought of asking some of my classmates so..."- Tsuburaba

"That's alright, good luck" - Aska said as he walked away and started to think of who would substitute Tsuburaba.

"Wait! I think I'll join you" - Tsuburaba called out a moment later as he ran to catch up with Aska and Momo

"Huh? What changed your mind?" - Aska

"I thought about it. You have a plan don't you? I mean we never talked to each other before, and you knew me, so you you must have a sure way to win this right?" - Tsuburaba

Aska smirked, "You bet"

Looking around Aska was looking for his third target. Takashi, was standing in the middle of the arena, it seems that no one asked him yet, that is until Aska approached him.

"Hey Takashi, you're not in a team yet, right?" - Aska

"I'm still thinking about who I want on my team" - Takashi

"Why don't you join my team?" - Aska

"Why should I join your team. Buzz off" - Takashi

"Well, unless you want to be in the team that loses then by all means. I just need someone who can attack like you" - Aska

Eyeing Aska for a moment, "What's your plan?"

Aska smiled and started to explain. "The team will be Momo, Tsuburaba, you and of course myself. Momo's job is to provide us with support and certain equipment that might be needed, while Tsuburaba's job will be mainly defense. His quirk is solid air, and that will be very handy for defending against other students. He should be able to block, even if for just a moment. Then you're job is offense. Using your sound waves, you can disturb the ground our opponents are running on, or just attack them straight on. Lastly me. I'll be going after other teams' flags"

Takashi had a thoughtful look on his face, "Alright sounds like a good plan to me" With that, Aska had his team.

After the fifteen minutes were over, Cementoss came on stage and with a fresh supply of cement, he built a moderately complex maze on the stage. The walls of the maze were seven meters high with certain small cleared areas scattered across the maze. Everyone was a little confused by Cementoss' actions.

"Alright students, capture the flag UA style is different from what you're used to. Of course its a game, but games here have a purpose as well. Listen well! Picking a strategic place for a pro hero agency is very important. Having a place that allows a hero to get exposure to the public, will of course grant them more popularity. But not all heroes get to pick however they please. Smaller heroes have to work around the bigger heroes to survive. Across the maze there are small areas, that's where you'll place your flags. Those who have the highest collective points get to pick first, this is a balance between intelligence and abilities and since you can't move your flag base you have to pick carefully! Now, Aska Minamoto you have 10 seconds to pick one of the cleared areas as your flag base" - Ms. Midnight explained

Looking at the big screen behind Ms. Midnight, Aska can see a bird-eye view of the maze. There were plenty of options. Some clearings were very close together, while others were in the center surrounded from every corner by other areas. There were three or four areas that were strategically advantageous.

"I think we should take one of the areas around the corners. It makes it easier to defend" - Tsuburaba was the first to speak

"I agree, if we have a limited area to worry about, we can focus our efforts at that area" - Takashi said

"I agree as well, lets go with that one in the bottom left corner, the other areas around it are a good distance away, and all of them are packed in one direction, so we don't need to worry about getting flanked, or attacked from the back easily" - Momo added

"What you all said is true, but I'm not here to play it safe" - Aska said

"Aska Minamoto! You and your team have to pick, your time's up. Do it now, or I'll pick for you~" - Ms. Midnight instructed them from her podium

Aska walked forward and pointed at the clearing in the dead center, "We pick that one!"


Hello everyone, I hope you like the chapter. Feel free to leave suggestions for future chapters.