65- Capture The Flag (3)

I did it! I made a pat-reon. pat-reon.com/Kerolos_Hanna. or just look up Kerolos_Hanna. I have five chapters a head, and I will publish three chapters a week, I also made it very cheap. So check it out!!


*15 Minutes Earlier*

"You damn showoff! You just had to go and try and one up me huh?!" - Lenox shouted as he pointed his spear at Aska. Aska didn't say anything but smirk.

Aska coated himself along with his newly created sword. He put on his lightning cloak, and even the lightning was coated in armament.

Lenox on the other hand increased the heat. The circle of melted ground under his feet, widened.


Aska and Lenox dashed at each other. Lenox swung his spear vertically at Aska, while the other held his blade as if to thrust into Lenox's chest.

Lenox's spear had longer reach than Aska's sword, so he was able to struck Aska first. Unfortunately for Lenox, Aska was faster. Aska tilted his body slightly causing Lenox to miss and slice off Aska's arm. Aska felt the heat from his spear, but no pain from getting his arm cut off.

Aska pushed his blade further he was able to thrust his sword into Lenox's chest. Even If Aska was faster Lenox was still fast himself, he was able to dodge slightly so that Aska's sword won't hit any vital points in his chest.

Lenox jumped back to put some space between them, but Aska didn't give him a chance. Lenox was jumping backwards while Aska was very close to him.

The students around backed away to give them space. Whenever thy passed by other students some would get some burns on them or electrocuted. The intense power leaking from the two made it so that no other student can get close to them.

*Clank! Clank! Clank!*

Aska and Lenox exchanged many clashes with their weapons. Lenox was able to push Aska back a few meters.

Aska put his hand out and purple sparks danced around his fingers. Lenox looked below his feet, as if to see something. Within a second Lenox produced so much heat from his feet, causing him to fly upwards.

Just as Lenox took off of the ground, a few iron rods shot up from the ground. Lenox flew higher as the rods followed.

Lenox looked behind him, he saw the iron rods, he focused more heat and he broke the sound barrier as he flew a around the arena.

Lenox's eyes widened as he felt an intense amount of heat gathering up behind him. Looking back he saw a massive lightening sword getting formed behind him.

Lenox stopped his flying. He clinched his fist and a red transparent sphere formed around his fist. Lenox punched the iron rods that were following him, the instant his fist came in contact with the rods, they melted immediately.

Lenox clinched his hands together and the melted iron, that was falling, suddenly stopped and gathered together. Lenox stretched out his hand and the melted iron spun around and formed a sword of it's own.

Aska, who was still standing on the ground, was watching Lenox fly around. Once he saw Lenox stop, Aska sung his arm downwards, sending the massive sword above to launch at Lenox.

Lenox had also sent the molten blade at the. But Lenox flew back as fast as he can to avoid the backlash from the sword collision.


As both swords collided the air shook and the students below felt heavy pressure push down on them.

Lenox Landed a dozen meters away from Aska.

"Not bad for our first exchange in a while" - Lenox

"I thought so as well. But you will lose this one" - Aska

"Why do you say that?" - Lenox asked with a calm face

"Your heat, how high can you go?" - Aska

"Enough to beat you" - Lenox

Aska and Lenox stayed in their stare match for a few more seconds. At that moment, Takashi came out of no where and attacked Lenox.

"๐ˆ ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ค ๐ ๐š๐ซ๐›๐š๐ ๐ž ๐ฌ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ฒ ๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ" - Lenox said in an angry tone as he clenched and then released his fist. This sent a powerful pressurized wall of heat that knocked Takashi away.

At the same time, Aska looked to his side as he can see the blond girl from earlier, the one that uses wind. She was running straight at him. 'Did she not learn from before?' Aska thought.

"๐•ด ๐–”๐–“๐–‘๐–ž ๐–Œ๐–Ž๐–›๐–Š ๐–œ๐–†๐–—๐–“๐–Ž๐–“๐–Œ๐–˜ ๐–”๐–“๐–ˆ๐–Š. ๐•ฑ๐–š๐–ˆ๐– ๐–”๐–‹๐–‹" - Aska said as florescent blue ripples shot out of his eyes and knocked out the girl completely.

Aska returned to look at Lenox, and just as they were about to engage in round two,

*Boom, Boom*

The sound of explosions nearing towards them could be heard.

A moment later a short girl stopped right next to Lenox, while a blond boy landed next to Aska

Aska looked at Bakugo, he can see sweat drops rolling down his face. He was slightly breathing heavily. Aska then looked at Toph, who stood next to Lenox. She was in the same condition as Bakugo.

"Tch! That girl is so annoying!" - Bakugo

"It's not my fault that you can't handle one small blind girl you, crazy boom boom boy" - Toph laughed at Bakugo

"SHUT UP! I'll blast you to hell!" - Bakugo

"Calm down. She's only riling you up. She is blind, but she relies heavily on her hearing. That's why she knows where you are. Your quirk isn't the most stealthy" - Aska said in a calm tone, though he kept eye contact with Lenox

Toph took a step forward as she did a sideways chopping motion with her hand. Slabs of earth started to protrude outwards at an angle. Bakugo jumped away and dodged the slabs. Aska on the other hand condensed lightning in his hand and shot it in the form of a stream right through the incoming attack.

Once the earth slabs were destroyed, Aska saw Lenox's hands clapped together, with a big sphere covering his hands.

Aska knew what Lenox was trying to do. '*Sigh* It seems I'll use it after all' Aska thought as he closed his eyes for a second. Once he opened his eyes, ripples of fluorescent blue shot all over the field. At the same time Lenox opened his hands and let the intense heat expand outwards.

The combination of conqueror's haki and Lenox's heat curtain, knocked out every single student, except for four students. Aska was surprised when he saw that. He knew that his conqueror's haki had grown more since last time he used it. He wasn't able to knock out a few students in the sports festival, but now no one should be able to withstand it.

Other than Aska and Lenox themselves, the others were Toph, who stabbed herself using an earth spear, so she won't lose consciousness. And Todoroki, who used his ice ability to protect himself from Lenox's attack.

Other than them, everyone else was knocked out.

"It seems that we're the last four standing. I think it's for the best" - Lenox said as he looked at Todoroki, who was standing all the way near UA's flag.

"Seems so" - Aska.

Todoroki saw Aska VS Lenox and Toph. He wanted to go near Aska, for a two V two, but Aska signaled him to stay back and protect the flag.

Aska, slowly and sneakily, collected the black sand that was scattered around. Lenox also seemed to be sending heat to his feet, ready to launch himself. Toph...was picking her nose.


Aska and Lenox flashed away from their spot and appeared with their weapons interlocked.

Round Two!


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If you enjoyed my story, please leave a review, and hit me with some power stones. Feel free to leave any suggestions. Also don't forget to check out my other fanfic: Becoming the Strongest in Black Clover!