67- Capture The Flag (5)

I did it! I made a pat-reon. pat-reon.com/Kerolos_Hanna. or just look up Kerolos_Hanna. I have five chapters a head, and I will publish three chapters a week, I also made it very cheap. So check it out!!


The group of thirty had just made it to the arena. As they entered, they saw a pale blue and a bright red streams flying over the arena. Unconscious bodies of students were on the ground.

"What the hell is this? This looks like a battlefield, not a spar" - Shelby said as his eyes scanned the arena. He saw students from both UA and Atlas knocked out.

*Clank! Clank!*

A sound of metal colliding drew their attention. The group looked at the center of the arena amidst the smoke and debris, they saw two shadows fighting.

"Is this the spar you were talking about" - Another teacher asked

The most to be shocked was scarlet. When she saw the intense battle happening right in front of her, she subconsciously took a few steps towards the arena. While she was looking up at the sky. She kept her eyes on the flashes. But just as she was a step away from entering the fighting area, she felt sharp gazes on her.

Two sets of eyes landed on her. She felt blood curdling chill run down her spine as well as an unbearable heat all over her body. She instinctively knew that she's way out of her depth. With sweat filled face, she took a few steps back, though she kept her eyes at the fight in the sky.

*Step Step*

Scaret heard the sound of footsteps coming from the fighting arena. Looking to one side she saw Todoroki and Toph making their way out of the rubble. A lightning bolt randomly hit nearby, casing the arena to shake. This caused Toph and Todoroki to fasten their walking speed.

"What the hell happened here" - Shelby asked the two students that just made it out of the arena.

"Those two started this whole thing as a "Team Competition" and then they just couldn't contain their excitement, so they went on and knocked out everyone and started fighting" - Toph was the first to respond

"How the hell do they knock out people like that" - Scarlet

"One sent a heat wave and the other sent some ripples through the air" - Toph answered again

"Hey, should you leave them keep going. I think you have to stop them" - Shelby looked at Damon


A figure landed from the sky right next to the group of people. It was a tall muscular man with blond hair; All Might

"So this is were they were?!" - All Might asked no one in particular. His eyes scanned the arena, his eyes stopped when he saw Midoriya knocked out in one corner of the arena.

"You're...You're All Might, Japan's number one" - Damon

"Humm? Hello there, I take it these students are yours?" - All Might

"They are. I'm sorry about all the trouble we caused" - Damon

"Don't! These are young students and they like to throw their weight around just like any other kid" - All Might said with a smile as if on que, a ten feet long spear of lava landed on the arena floor, causing a big part of the floor to melt instantly.

'Holly crap kids! Take it easy' - Shelby

"Shelby" - Damon called causing Shelby to come out of his own thoughts

"Can you teleport the knocked out kids away from the arena" - Damon

*Sigh* Shelby couldn't help but sigh. He then put his hands out and focused on forming the portal under the knocked out kids' bodies to teleport them out. It took Shelby a minute, but he was able to get all of the kids out of harms way.

Scarlet hadn't moved her eyes off of the two fighting, not even for a moment.

"I want to join them" - Scarlet said to herself. Every time she got close to the arena, she would get warned by the two above

All Might got closer to the knocked out students, with Todoroki's help he was able to patch up anyone with any injuries. After checking on all the students, and double checking on Midoriya, All Might turned his attention back to the fight.

He was probably the only one who can see what's happening exactly. The others only knew how strong the fight was because of the shock waves. Every time a lightning bolt or a lava spear flew by, massive chunks of the arena floor would be destroyed or melted.


In the sky above, Aska was circling around Lenox, Lenox put his hand out towards Aska. Similar to Ironman, a beam came out of Lenox's palm. Aska dodged the concentrated beam of heat while he was building up his own attack.

Aska had a dark blue ball in his hand but he didn't launch it yet. He was waiting for the right moment. Once Lenox's beam had past Aska, Aska threw the dark ball at Lenox.

Lenox dodged the lightning ball, but just as he dodged it, the ball expanded in size. This caught Lenox off guard. Lenox crossed his arms in front of himself. A translucent hue of red surrounded him.


As the lightning and the heat collided, the area shook from the resulting explosion. Lenox was flung to the ground. Aska who had been throwing his lightning around the whole time, had caused clouds to form in the sky.

'I think I'll use it to end this' - Aska thought. Lenox on the ground had a similar thought.

Aska put his hands up as the wind blew harder as a result because of the clouds spiraling around.


A Rawer mixed with lightning descended from the clouds. It looked like a scene straight from nightmares, as a dragon made out of lightning peaked it's head through the clouds. Noah who was standing midair had his hands raised up high. He put his hands down as he looked down.

The lightning dragon flew down slowly as the clouds shook from the pressure. The dragon's huge body started to coil around Aska. Aska stood still watching the world below him, as a mountain sized dragon was hovering around him.

"HAHAHAH, That one is bigger than the one you used in the sports festival" - Lenox's laughter can be heard from amidst the lightning calamity.

This caused all the spectators to shift their eyes towards Lenox. Lenox then slammed his hands on the ground, in an instant the ground around him turned hot red color, an indication that it had melted. Lenox stood u as he put his hands out, the lava around him bubbled. The lava moved quickly as it formed a deformed creature with no definite features.

Lenox clapped his hands together and the lava started to get condensed together. Then the formless creature turned into a demon straight form hell. The demons body was dark red, the heat coming from the demon's massive body, caused the air nearby to catch on fire.

"This is it. Give me your all!" - Aska said in a cold voice. Even though he spoke in a low tone, it seemed to be like the lightning around had carried his voice.

"BRING IT ON!" - Lenox shouted back

Aska pointed with his hand at Lenox. Lenox pointed his hand at Aska.



The lightning dragon and the inferno demon launched at each other. Aska was looking forward to watching this clash. Lenox had a massive smile on his face, he wanted to see how he measures up against Aska. Just a meter away from colliding, two massive portals appeared in front of each of the attacks.

Tens of miles away from the arena, over the vast ocean. Two massive portals opened. Out of the first portal cam out a massive lightning made dragon. Out of the second portal, came out a hot red demon. As the two devastating attacks collided with the water, a blinding light expanded over a huge distance. After the light came an ear shattering explosion.

The area in the ocean, where the attacks landed, were hollowed out. As the water filled back in, huge waves were created and the underwater currents shifted.

Thankfully the attack landed far enough so that it wouldn't cause any damage to the floating island.

Seeing their attacks getting sent away, both Aska and Lenox turned to the group, "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" - Lenox shouted

"Yeah! What gives? Who told you to interfere in our spar" - Aska landed near Lenox and said

"Young Minamoto! This was very irresponsible of you" - All Might was the first to speak

"Spar?! You two morons almost destroyed a huge part of the island and risked the lives of your fellow classmates!" - Damon

Aska and Lenox looked at each other for a moment, "Next time for sure" they fist bumped each other before leaving the arena


Don't forget to check out my pat-reon! (Kerolo_Hanna)

If you enjoyed my story, please leave a review, and hit me with some power stones. Feel free to leave any suggestions. Also don't forget to check out my other fanfic: Becoming the Strongest in Black Clover!