80- Observation Training

I did it! I made a pat-reon. pat-reon.com/Kerolos_Hanna. or just look up Kerolos_Hanna. We are at chapter 95 on Pat-reon, so go on and read a head.


At UA, the students from both 1A and 1B have been working on their ultimate move.

Somewhere under the main UA building. Nezu was standing in a monitoring room. His eyes were fixed on a screen. On the screen there was a teenage boy with white hair. That boy was non other than Aska Minamoto.

Aska took a few steps forward. He was on top of the starting line. Aska raised his head to look at the room ahead of him. The room was very long. The room was about 500 meters in length. The width of the room was only 25 meters.

"Aska, you can begin when you're ready. If all goes well in this run, we will move on to the custom built room" - Nezu's voice came from the speakers

Aska nodded and then turned his focus on his track. He then pulled out a white piece of cloth. He wrapped the cloth around his eyes. He then pulled out two small pieces of rubber. He placed the two pieces of rubber in his ears. He had completely blocked his hearing. Then he took out a nose clip, the same one used by professional swimmers. Aska used the nose clip to block his nose. Once Aska had finished his preparations, he took a deep breath, he then focused his armament haki on his body, completely covering himself. After he was done preparing he started running.

Once his foot was lifted off of the starting line, the room's mechanism was triggered. Aska took a total of two steps before he had to dodge. It was a rather close call. He had to dodge metal arrows covered in paint. The arrows weren't that sharp, the most harm the arrows can do to him was slightly pierce to under his skin. Aska ran forward. Something came up from underground. Aska almost tripped over it, luckily he was able to react quick enough and jumped over it.

Just as his feet left the ground, many arrows were launched at him. Aska was not allowed to use his lightning at all, and if he were to get hit once, he would lose and have to start over.

Aska bent his back at an unbelievable angle. Actually Aska had bent so much that his body treated it as an injury and turned some parts of his spine into lightning.

Aska was just able to dodge the arrows. He then kept on running forward. Suddenly one part of the floor dropped down. Aska jumped as it happened. Once he landed on another area, that place also dropped.

Aska ran on to the next part, but before he can reach that area, the ground shook slightly and a foot long spikes came out from under. The spikes were actually rubber, they would hit him and only leave paint marks on him.

Aska, who was still mid-air, didn't panic, observing the ground carefully Aska saw that almost the whole area was covered with rubber spikes. Aska noticed one place where he can place his foot. The area was big enough for just one foot to be placed.

Aska landed on the area and balanced himself really quickly. He felt a slight shake under his foot. He instantly jumped from that spot. Just as he jumped another spike had erupted.

Aska's jump was low and slow, since he jumped using only one foot. Luckily for him though, Aska was able to make it to the next part. He ran in a place where the walls were lined with arrow launchers on both sides.

Aska started running as fast as he can. The walls started shooting hundreds of arrows, at the same time the walls themselves started closing in on Aska. He started zigzagging around the arrows.

The further Aska ran in the more arrows were launched, the closer the walls got, the less time he had to dodge.

Aska was sweating like crazy. He had kept up his armament haki to the highest degree and also had to focus his observation haki tightly around himself. He was also not allowed to use his lightning at all.

The whole run was two minutes, but to Aska it felt like an hour. Once he crossed the finish line. He slumped to the ground and removed all of the stuff that was on his head.

'Damn that was hard' - Aska thought as he got up and started doing stretches, readying himself for the custom room.

'If I had not limited my observation, I would've passed this room on the first day. Bat that would be very useless and unproductive.' - Aska though some more as he finished his stretches.

He had to limit his observation haki. He didn't look under the ground or inside the walls, since that was a dead giveaway to what attacks come next. He also limited the distance around himself to only two and a half meters.


The mechanical door behind Aska opened up and Nezu walked through.

"That was very impressive. Not many teachers let alone students who can do this with all of their senses, yet here you are doing it without your eyes, ears, or even nose" - Nezu

"Thanks sir. Can we move on to the next stage now" - Aska

"Yes we will. But I have a question for you. Why are you working so hard. Your senses are incredible as it stands now. Why are you pushing yourself to do this?" - Nezu

"Not sure. Maybe because I can get more out of my senses?" - Aska shrugged

"But you can already cover miles with your senses. Only All Might can do that. And that is in hearing only, meaning only when someone screams would he hear it. Yet you can predict the number of people and their place exactly. That already puts you miles ahead of any sensor type quirk that I know of. I guess what I'm asking is, what more do you expect? Cover a bigger distance? No... If that was the case then you would've trained to sense things from farther distances. So what is it you want to accomplish?" - Nezu

"I want to improve the accuracy of my senses" - Aska

"Any more accurate than that?" - Nezu

"There is more to my senses, I can feel it. I just need to train it harder" - Aska

"Alright. Let's move on to the custom built room. It was finished this morning. I must warn you. It's much harder than this room" - Nezu said as he turned around to leave

Aska didn't respond, he just followed Nezu to a different room in this underground area. After following him for about 10 minutes, Aska found himself standing in a circular room. He had limited his observation haki. He didn't want to see any of the innerworkings of room. He wanted to experience how difficult the room truly is.

At the center of the room there was a massive pillar. The pillar was so big that Aska had to tilt his head up to see the top of the pillar. Aska's eyes widened when he saw that the roof of the room was full of holes. No, not holes more like gun barrels, there were thousands of those. Aska's eyes quickly moved to the walls. The walls looked like a bee hive. It was full of different openings with different sizes. Aska quickly moved on to the floor. The floor seemed to be split into different rings, each ring encompass the smaller one. The smallest ring was the one in the center of the room of course and it was the ring around the pillar.

"Are you ready?" - Nezu

Aska nodded and then took out his white cloth the small rubber ear plugs and the nose clip.

"Why don't you try to go through the room without those first. If you can run through the whole room and touch the pillar then you can go on and put those on" - Nezu

"Is it that hard?" - Aska couldn't help but ask

"Oh it's hard alright. I designed it myself. And I made sure to make it as hard as it can be without it killing you" - Nezu smiled

After explaining some things to Aska, like where the starting line, and the finish line were, and how to stop in case of an emergency. After that Nezu warned Aska one last time before he left the room.

Aska shrugged his shoulders. He can do this. He then made sure that his observation was two and a half meters around himself. He then covered his entire body in armament haki.

Aska ran forward, he took a total of two steps before he was blasted to the wall at breakneck speed

'The hell?! I didn't even see what happened! If I wasn't wrapped in armament haki, I would've passed out from the impact alone' Aska's thoughts were interrupted as he saw the walls, ceiling, floor and even the pillar move mechanically as if the room was challenging Aska to try again.

A smile crept on Aska's face, 'Now, that will help me unlock advanced observation'


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