David Johnson??

"Hey hey speed up the car pls I don't wanna get caught." Jenna said to Jace while panicking. Fear was hovering in her heart once again. She doesn't wanna get caught and go to that bastard of her fiancee. Well he can't be called as fiancee when they weren't gonna be married and she would have stayed with him as his mistress.

"Calm down lady..even if I speed up the car it will be of no use.They are literally behind us." Jace tried to calm her down.

"No pls do something..dodge them somehow, change the route or do whatever the hell you want but pls get rid of them." She pleaded with tears filling her eyes leaving him helpless with no choice once again as he heaved a sigh and sped up the car.

"Buckle up your seat belt!!!" Jace ordered Jenna who nodded and obeyed him instantly.

The other car also increased its pace and followed them at the fullest. Jace changed the route and a traffic signal was approaching ahead and seeing the signal which was about to get red, he increased the speed at full rate and crossed it before the signal turned red.

While the car coming behind couldn't cross the signal on time and came to a sudden halt and people sitting inside cursed as they lost Jace's car track because of a damn signal uon which Jace heaved a sigh of relief as he finally got rid of them but more than him Jenna was relieved.

"Hey, slow down the car now." Jenna said, holding the sealtbeat tightly in her fists as he was still driving fast. For a second she thought her heart would come out from her ribcage in a state of panic when he drove the car at the full speed.

Hearing her Jace slow down the car's pace back to normal speed.

"Thank you so much Jace!!!" she looked at him and expressed her gratitude. She was truly grateful to him with the bottom of her heart. He is kind hearted enough to help her if not for him, she didn't know what she would've done. Maybe those people would've already captured her by now.

"Mention not!!!"Jace tilted his head towards her and stared at her for a short while before nodding his head.

Jenna smiled faintly listening to him and felt warm in her heart for some unknown reason. The rest of the ride was silent between them.

Shortly after they reached back to the city and Jace parked the car in front of a Hotel. It was the only place he could take her to at that time. He gestured Jenna to come out and took out her suitcase from the backseat before proceeding inside the hotel whereas Jenna quietly followed him.

It was not a luxurious hotel but not a low cost as well. It was just average and a comfortable hotel with good services and beautiful interior and exterior.

"Here is your room card..you must be tired. Go freshen up and take some rest." Jace handed Jenna the card of the room he booked for her after getting inside the hotel.

"Are you leaving now???" She took the card from his hand and questioned him innocently. She didn't want him to go because of two reasons.

Firstly she is scared to stay alone. It's her first time in foreign country and she doesn't know anyone here. What if those people find her and come for her here in the hotel as well then what will she do? Secondly she feels safe and secure with him. Both her heart and mind were screaming that she could trust him blindly. He is gentle and kind, not what she was expecting him to be when she entered his car. He helped her not only from escaping but brought her to the hotel as well so she could rest.

If it would be someone else in his place then he'd have thrown her into the streets or let her die in the hands of those animalistic people already.

Jace was silent when Jenna asked him if he was leaving or not. He just stares at her beautiful and innocent face. His eyes didn't want to remove its glimpse from her. Her dazzling green orbs bore into his brown ones as if asking him not to leave her alone.

Ofcourse he have to leave he happened to be at Airport because he had dropped his elder brother and his wife there and see them off since they were going for their honeymoon as they recently got married. They won't be back for a while so he has things to look after them, especially his brother's company as he is another well known reputed businessman of the US.

"Pls Jace stay with me don't leave me alone here. I'm scared..I can only trust you." Jenna held his hand and requested him.

When her silky smooth skin came in contact with his, Jace felt goosebumps rushing all over his body that his heart skipped a beat for a moment. Why is her presence and simple touch affecting him like this? He never felt this way with any other girl before.

"Please!!!!" she pleaded again while making a puppy face rendering him helpless once again like before.

"Alright!!" He agreed, this was his great weakness and good quality about him as well that he has a soft and kind heart and he can't say no to one's pleading especially when a helpless girl like her was requesting him.

Jenna became both happy and relieved when she heard him. She thanked him again for agreeing to stay with her.


In the room: 

Both of them were sitting comfortably on the bed while crossing their legs and finding ways to reach back to the airport so Jenna could go back to her country before her fiance and his people found her here.

When they came into the room Jace told Jenna to freshen up and take some rest but she refused and told him that she wanted to go back asap only then she would be at peace. Also she told him everything about her from A to Z to let all the emotions out she was holding in all this while and felt much better than before.

She told him how her father first forced her to get engaged with David Johnson and then after a few days sent her here alone to states saying they will be getting married while he will come later. But in actual there was no marriage between her and David. She was tricked by both of them in the name of marriage when she was obliged to stay with him as his mistress. Her father and David had an agreement with each other and in the end he sold her to his mistress just for few money and to get rid of her since they are from a middle class family. He never loved her or cared for her because he always wanted a son. Her mother died when she was only 10 because of an illness and her father's animalistic tortures on her for unable to give him a son.

Reminiscing everything she went through in her life, tears rolled down Jenna's eyes. Her heart ached with excruciating pain thinking how cruel and greedy her father was for money to sell her own daughter to be someone's mistress. If this all was not enough already, now David's people are after her life.

Jace was shocked as he listened to her but heard everything calmly and felt bad for the woman. Don't know why but his heart also twisted at the sight of her crying.

"Hey pls don't cry...I said that we will find a way. You will go back without any harm and I myself will send you back I promise you." he coaxed and assured her.

Jenna stopped crying and looked at him with her innocent eyes, "Really??"

Jace nodded, "Yes trust me!!!"

"I trusted you the moment you decided to help me, Jace." Jenna mumbled only for herself to hear. Her voice was not audible to Jace.

"I will go and make a call to my men ok? they will do something." saying he rose from the bed and walked to the balcony attached with the room.

He took his phone out from jeans pocket and was about to make a call when something caught his attention and his jaw dropped upon seeing four to five well built muscular and armed men coming out from the huge black car which just parked right in front of the hotel building.

"Huh? David Johnson? What is he doing here?" He was shocked to see the great businessman and Mafia of the US among those men.


Hello all!!! sorry for the late update. How's the story? Are you guys liking it? pls share your reviews with me.