Chapter 19: Revenge is an act of passion

"So what are we going to do? we can't just stay here like statues" Varz asked, fear evident from his shaking voice.

"With how things have turned out, we can't go further than this. We don't know if whatever demon or devil left this aura residue is nearby so we can move forward. We have to find a way around."

Although unwilling, she knew this was the safest move to make. Swiftly making up her mind she turned around and started heading in another direction.

"Hey wait up." Varz called out as he chased after her before continuing. "Where are we even going to pass?"

"If all goes well, we will take one day to reach mount valor. Using the cave systems in the mountain we can reach my tribe in just three days."

Her words stunned Varz. If it would take three days just by taking this mountain path, why didn't they use it in the first place.

"The reason I didn't want to pass there is because that place is also dangerous. If not for what just happened, I won't have even considered it."


"How dangerous to be exact?" Varz asked

"Dangerous enough to be the birth place of all hellhounds."

"Wait wha_"


Her words stunned Varz so much that he tripped over his own feel, spiraling down onto the ground.

His earlier encounter with that hellhound pup had stayed fresh in his mind. How embarrassed he felt when he realized he was stronger than the fucking mutt.

When he heard he was going to the birth place of that bloody beast, Varz couldn't help but feel happy that he had a chance at revenge and scared because... well the damn pup had traumatized him.

"Isn't there any other place to pass" Varz whined, only to be met with silence.

It turns out Laha had not even stopped to check if he was okay and instead was already far away, about to disappear from view because of the scattered rock field ahead.

"Am fine, thank you for asking." feeling wronged, but what could he do. He quickly got up and tried to catch up.

Unknown to the two of them, a shadow rose form the group staring in the direction Varz and Laha had headed, before vanishing once more.

Varz and Laha reached mount valor with no troubles. The mountain in one word could be described to be massive. From the foot of the mountain, Varz couldn't even see the top.

'How the hell am I only seeing this now! it's fucking massive'

"Snap out of it, from here on out it's going to be very dangerous."

Before she could walk into the nearest cave, Varz stopped her

"Hey can you do me a favor? Can I take the lead from here"

She looked at him suspiciously.

"Am not going to do anything dangerous. I just want to use this chance to have as much combat experience as I can, that's all I promise."

She held her hand to her chin, quietly considering the pros and cons of his request.

The pros was that he would be less baggage in a fight if what he wanted actually happened, while the cons where that they would waste more time.

After considering everything she decided on what to do.

Varz walked in a dimly lit cave, grumbling as he went.

"What does she mean by splitting up! she obviously just wants to ditch me" He muttered in anger.

Her decision had pretty much destroyed any thoughts he had of her being a companion in this horror filled fantasy adventure.

Thinking back to her answer, Varz flames flared,asking the cave a little bit brighter.


"I think we should split up from here."

"What! Why?"

This was definitely not what he had in mind when he said he wanted to take the lead.

"It's simple. You get your much needed combat experience, while I do not waste any time. It's a win win situation. Just make sure that when your done and leave the cave, head north and only north."


That's was the last he saw of laha. Now he was just wondering around, going through different caves and heading towards God knows where.

"I expected this place to be crawling with hellhounds, since this is their actual birthplace, but it's actually chill."

Seeing that there was no disturbance anywhere, he decided to play around with his powers for a bit.

H stretched out his hand and thought of a fireball hovering over it. Almost instantly, a ball of flames the size of a basketball hovered over his hand.

Maybe it was because he was made out of fire, but Varz strangely felt connected with the ball of flames. He slowly used his thoughts to guide the flames to change shape from a ball to a javelin to a sword and other various weapons. The more transformations he made, the faster the flame changed shape.

'Exactly like the skill said, it feels like the flame is a part of me.'

Now I t was just a matter of seeing how effective it would be against his enemies.

Almost as of a deity was listening to him, a hellhound appeared in his front, just ten meters away.


Seeing the appearance of a glowing intruder, the hellhound growled manacingly, baring it's teeth at him.

Walking with slow and steady steps, Varz slowly closed the distance between the two of them.

"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."

He wasn't going to be the same manor elemental that ran away in fear the last time. No this time, it was his turn to have revenge.

Unlike last time, the hellhound didn't charge at him. It seems like it would only attack when the opponent was scared or that It was confident.

"Hahahahahaha! now you have done it" releasing a crazed laugh, Varz suddenly poured his mana to the palm of his hand, creating the biggest fireball he ever had.

He waited until the fireball was as big as a small house before launching it at the hellhound.

Just as Varz was reveling in his newly reclaimed honor, he remembered he was in a cave, a not so big cave.

"Oh fu_"


The explosion drowned out his curse, as the stored energy burst outward. The shock from the explosion caused the ground to cave in.

Varz fell through the ground with a smile on his face

"At least I had my revenge."