Chapter 21: A step closer to understanding Art

"Where am I?" Varz asked, as he looked around. All he could see was endless darkness all around. The last thing he could remember was launching that huge fireball and seeing a white light, and that's where his memory stopped.

Thinking back on how he was ganged up on by a bunch of dogs, Varz squeezed his fist in anger "I swear, if I make it out of this alive, I will make sure to hunt this stupid race down to extinction"

After making that silent vow, Varz turned his mind to other matters.

The first thing that he had to address was his most recent fight. How was he able to have a somehow semi rational thought process In that kind of unorganized fight?

He was pretty sure that he was not that coordinated normally.

Thinking back on it, back when Laha and the demon were fighting too, he had a somehow rational thought process too.

The only two times that he didn't have any shred of rationale was when he was being influenced by his personal emotions.

If he was talking about emotions, then it made sense. Although he felt disgust and anger just by seeing a demon, those were not his personal feeling, but instead the feelings of the body he is in. It could be said that what he was feeling at that moment was a racial thing, but not a personal thing.

Coming to this conclusion Varz suddenly had a realization. the two times that he acted very irrational, he was being driven by two very personal emotions.

The first was fear that carried over from his past life, while the second was anger from being chased by something of lower status than himself.

Varz went through everything that he had experienced in this life and realized that his best moments had taken when he was influenced by positive emotions, while his worst and painful moments had taken place when he was influenced by negative emotions.

Thinking up to this point, Varz became even more confused. Why was his ability to think and be more calm boosted when he was affected by his drive and positive emotions, while it was reduced when he was angry or feeling negative emotions.

Thinking of any sort of answer, Varz remembered a saying back in his former world. Back there, some people believed that a man is a being driven by dreams and emotions, while his emotions where like a flaming giving the energy to the body.

It sounded like utter bullshit through and through but who was he to complain of that bullshit like sentence fits his current predicament.

Plus who was he to say that things like that can't be real for he is a literal example of a man who died and got reincarnated into a game.

"Sigh!" It was at times like this that Varz missed his hair so he could ruffle it. He sat down on the black floor and looked listlessly into the darkness.

It seemed like every time he thought that he had uncovered all the secrets this world had, more secrets would reveal themselves.

This world reminded him of an onion. The more you layers that you revealed, the more tears you would shed. If his thought process was actually correct, then that means that the body he is inhibiting has a lot of untold secrets to uncover.

For now he could only wait until he discovers more things about himself. What was really troubling him now was where this place was.

He had been waiting for some time now, but still there had been zero changes in scenery.

"Where the fuck am I!" Varz cursed, when suddenly the world turned blindingly white, with no trace of darkness to be found.


*Consciousness reboot...*

*Adequate mana detected to restart consciousness...*

Rows of floating screens appeared one after another in rapid tandem that before Varz could even make sense of what it was saying, the world suddenly warped forward.

"Ahhhh" Varz got up with a start, feeling week all over. He looked left and right trying to get a bearing of where he was.

One thing that he noticed was that although everywhere was still dark, it wasn't the same suffocating darkness that he had just been in previously. This one felt more natural than the other.

Apart from the apparent darkness, another thing that he noticed straight away was the ruin like environment he was in. If he was alive to see Hiroshi and Naga explosion in hapan, he was sure the aftermath would have been very similar to what he was seeing.

The once beautiful cavern had now turned into ground zero. The natural splendor that the cavern walls once had could no longer be seen, the huge lake that had once almost killed him had also disappeared, leaving just a huge crater behind, while just a bit ahead, was a hole so massive that he couldn't even see the bottom.

Although it looked chaotic, Varz couldn't help but feel like he just took one more step to understanding art. The wasteland kind of feel left Varz with an artistic touch.

"Now I know why keidara from the anime Aruto always said art is an explosion" he stood proudly at the edge of the huge crater admiring his artwork.