The age of magic

Change, a force of nature said to be constant and inevitable. There was always talk of how the world would eventually change and the human race would ultimately cause its own extinction. And a hundred years ago, many thought that time had come. Change was upon us.

In the year 2200, the world changed for good never to remain the same. A certain historic event took place knocking the world from its course as at that time.

Back then, war raged the lands. There was chaos everywhere with no place untouched. The human race fought against themselves. Nations against nations with no clear winner in sight. But there was one thing that was certain to come out of this at the end, Nothing.

As at that time, scientists predicted that when the war was over, there would be little to nothing left of the earth. But a certain event would not allow this prediction to come to fruition.

Two years into the world war 3 between the inhabitants of earth, an unnatural phenomenon took place changing everything forever, a storm.

But not just any storm. This storm lasted for over a year. And what was even more bizarre about this storm was the strange characters it exhibited.

The sky had turned black all over the world. And this day was one where environmentalists initially celebrated saying "we told you so". But their joy was suddenly sucked away as things turned out worst than they had thought. The original cause of the storm as thought wasn't what it was. In fact, scientists looked into the case and discovered the world was a long way away from such kind of events occurring. They simply hadn't charted down the possibility of such a situation ever occurring. And not only that, there was simply no way to resolve the situation as no one understood what it was.

After two months of the world wide storm, a lot of speculations began to erupt.

Some claimed it was indeed the biblical end of the world. But the fact that I'm narrating this just proves that was far away from the truth.

Others speculated that it was a war between the gods. And as bizarre as that sounds, a lot of people were inclined to believe this claim. People wound up laying out items and sacrifices to gods they believed in. Others gave in to the change and had accepted that indeed their undoings to the world had come to a full circle and they were now paying for it.

The arrival of the storm brought with it changes. The World war 3 at hand back then slowly began to come to a pause. And four months into the undying storm, the war had totally stopped. Nations packed up and retreated from enemy territory. Finally there was some sort of breather for a moment but then the knowledge of the world's state was still there. The war ending was brought about by the storm and frankly, this was a welcomed change.

But the other changes that came along weren't exactly pleasing to say the least.

Because of the nature of the storm, the sun was blocked out. And this led to so many dire consequences.

Food being the first one became scarce. Plants failed to grow without the sun and this generally led to a downwards spiral in global food production. Being as at the time of war food was already scarce to begin with. So inadvertently ,the storm only made it worse. It didn't take too long and global hunger soon ensued. Next, millions began to fall sick and died everyday.

And at the very peak of it was the final blow, one that wasn't recovered from.

Humans began to change. The old fell sick and died but the young survived. Their survival would eventually lead to what the world is today. A world of magic. The definition of normal now had a new meaning. Slowly a new generation was born. Humans became capable of wielding "magic". This was the term used as there was no other explanation for how a human was able to control elements such as fire or even move at supersonic speeds. Humans with abilities, an almost imaginary world.

Animals were not left behind as these changes taking place also affected them. Slowly regular animals seemingly disappeared and the age of beasts was upon the earth. Humans tried as much as possible to salvage the natural pre-existing beings that roamed the earth once. They even went as far as isolating them just to protect native species. But bizarre looking creatures took the earth by storm.

The earth was slowly being consumed by these unexplainable changes.

With no means of the human race defending themselves, as regular weapons proved futile against these beasts, they were sure then that their extinction was indeed close.

A year later, through all the hurdles and struggles, a loud sound accompanied by a bright flash of light was witnessed all around the world. The earth shook in fear but soon after, they rejoiced as the storm slowly drifted away and for the first time in months, the human race saw the sun again and appreciated its majestic beauty.

The nations eventually came together to call a truce. After all, they had all nearly witnessed their extinction. Millions were already dead as no one knew exactly how to handle the beast situation.

The issue of the beasts became a top priority for the world. It was something that simply had to be tackled as lives and territories were being lost daily.

They had arms and fire powers that proved futile against these monstrous entities. And while a lot of research was on going to find a way to tackle the beasts, one man came out and presented the world with a gift, a crystal.

Not just any crystal, a strange crystal that held explosive powers that could rival a bomb made back in those days but the effect it had on beasts was something extraordinary.

The man in question was seemingly a ghost as he wasn't known by authorities. When research was reportedly done on him, he simply had no origin. To simply put, it was like he had fallen out of the sky. But with his great knowledge of magic and amazing show of it as well, he would eventually gain the favour of the majority. And his elusiveness was quickly overlooked and outrightly forgotten by the world.

And with him, the fight against the beast was shifting in tides.

He taught the humans how to awaken their magic genes and this knowledge was then passed on. The world now stood a chance against the beasts. He further went on to discover what was now known as "Beast core". Strange crystals found inside beasts that was then manipulated by him to forge weapons and items which held incredible power. Slowly now, the world began to ditch it's traditional weapons and go for what was now known as "Beast weapons" because it was made from the core of beasts.

Months later humans were gradually gaining foot and recovering lost territories. The fight against the beasts couldn't be done in one day. Sooner than later, humans began to pull back on their offence. They realized how vital the existence of these beasts somewhat mattered to them. Now it was time to move on to something else.

The world needed a leader. This was again the turning point of the human race as another war was on the horizon. Many people wanted this position for themselves. And at the end, this caused alliances to be formed.

But the expected war did not happen as all the major leaders in the world back then all died over night. And shortly after, the man who had helped fight against the beast and brought to light the "Beast core" was then crowned as the world leader. Now this was done somewhat in a haste. But as at that time, no one questioned it because the social divide was a prevailing factor.

There were now three sets of people the world recognized. The rich, the powerful and the strong. Now the human race was thrown into a race. As the first two categories were already occupied (The rich and the powerful), the human race struggled to occupy the last one, THE STRONG.

The rich already controlled the world's affairs from the behinds. There weren't many that successfully climbed up to that ladder again. Those that were rich only grew richer and remained rich. The different currencies in the world seized to exist at one point. And a new currency that was accepted by the general public came in.The new world currency was named the ZITCOIN.

The powerful were those that had money as well as connections. And not just any connection, those that had close relationship with the world leader. They controlled the rich from behind. The world government system took a new turn. Other than the world leader, twelve individuals ruled along side with him. Though the decision making and important moves were mostly made by the world leader, the twelve individuals seemed more on the spotlight. They were called the ZODIACS. Strong, powerful and rich, they all controlled the affairs of the world now.

So this left only one spot available, the strong.

Now there were many strong people out there. Everyday people struggled to get strong. As the old saying goes, " only the strong survived".

With no means of gaining influence other than working under established names, the race was on.

Traditional occupations mostly seized to exist and the main occupations taken up were Guild and travelers cooperation, the tech Organization with other small time careers that fell under these two.

It was now mostly about having the "skills". You just had to be good, very good at something to prevail in this new age.

And a lot of people were good, very good at what they did. Slowly the world progressed and very little was heard about the world leader as he made very little appearance. Although occasionally, messages would be broadcasted all around the world in form of holograms. This was possible due to the incredible advancement in technology. With magic and smart people out there, the world simply went from zero to a hundred in a small amount of time.

Now humans slowly adjusted to this changes and eventually, it became the way their lives worked.

But things wouldn't always stay rosy forever. Now that the beast situation was somewhat under control apart from few areas, a new threat was on the horizon.

CAMBIONS,human like creatures thought to be demons residing in the bodies of the dead and forgotten arose out of no where and once again, the world had it's back pushed against the wall with a sword to it's neck. Only few people ever saw them and told the tale. The story about them was horrific.Superhuman speed, quick reflexes, incredible strength and resilience, exceptional regeneration and above all, uncontrollable growth in their size.

At first they only came few in numbers but gradually rose to thousands attacking a city and bringing it down overnight. The humans fought for their existence but were being simply overwhelmed. But with the help of the world leader leading the battle at the forefront yet again, things were beginning to look up for the humans. At a crucial point when it seemed like no one was winning the war, a peace negotiation took place. The leader of the cambions and the world leader were said to have had a secret peace negotiation and soon after, the cambions were seen moving out. Till this day, no one knew their origin nor where they had gone to. But one thing stood out amongst everything. The fear of the cambions still resided in the hearts of humans. But they had to move on. The world needed to get back on track and rebuild.

People took beast hunting up as a job, others took up healing jobs being their magical ability in the first place . Some involved themselves in the technological world and gifted the world with new advanced technology. All in all, same old human instincts to thrive prevailed. And with everything having changed, one thing had stayed the same, human emotions. People eventually got married and did the regular things humans would do in a not so regular world anymore.

Countdown to two hundred years after the storm, two people eventually met themselves and fell in love. A boy was given birth to and sixteen years later, the product of their love would be found laying on bare wooden floor facing the ceiling and in pain.



This is how my life has been since I was four. Couldn't get more exciting than it already was .....unless my dad decided it would.


"Up!!!" a voice resonated.

Yeah....that's the word.