Special skill


[Skill recognized]

-Phantom fist strike.

[Arts derived - Crav maga].

-category- The way of the fist.

[Host knowledge of category- 84%]

[Installing data into Host - 85%...]

[Installation complete]

[Host knowledge of category - 100%]

[Host must move on to next category]

[Available skills host can perform from current category]

-phantom fist strike. [Select]

-spinning back fist. [Select]

-Nerve punch. [Select]


[-10 HP]

"Argh!" Klaus shouted as he was hit again and tossed to the ground. Yet again, the pop up notification had distracted him and his initial plan to jump out of the way was halted making him pay.

"Are you okay?. You look a little dazed" Mr Zen reached out to lift Klaus up.

"I'm fine" Klaus said getting up by himself and shrugging off the offer from Mr Zen to help him.

They set off once again. Ignoring all that he saw and focusing on the training with his dad, they went back and forth again and moved all over the place. He was now multitasking. He focused on the exchange with his father and at the same time prepared to dismiss any notification that would pop up instantly. It failed a few times but he was slowly getting the hang of it.

And soon enough, he timed himself perfectly by instantly dismissing a pop up and focusing on his dad's attacks. It was a hard thing to do but given distraction was a major lesson he had been taught, it was easy to find a way around it. Fighting had basically become his niche. He prospered here the most than in any other thing he tried to do. sometimes he faulted it to be how early he had began and other times, he believed it was the hard disciplinary way his dad employed.

Either way, he knew deep within himself that he was good. But when it came to his father, Mr Zen, different story.


Just like that, and Mr Zen was sent back staggering into a shelf behind him.

"Dad!!" Klaus said and rushed forward. On getting to where his father was, Klaus tried to help him out of the fallen pile of doll weapons that fell on him along with the shelf.

"I'm fine..I'm fine. Let's go again" Mr Zen said with a grin on his face. This sent chills down Klaus's spine as a strange feeling overwhelmed him. But as he walked back to the center of the dojo, he just couldn't help but have one thought.

"It works. It really works!" Klaus thought excitedly. Mid fight, Klaus had decided to give one of the skills listed by the system a chance and selected a skill. It couldn't hurt to try and moreover if it failed, it only meant all that he was seeing was unreal, a possibility he hung on to.

He chose the "phantom fist strike". Immediately he did, it was like he had practiced the skill a million times and just performed it easily. Stomping his foot on the ground and then throwing out a punch that came with a surge of energy unknown to him escaping his fist, the result was what happened to his father. Just like the system said, it was like the knowledge had been passed directly to him. Now he just knew how it was done.

"Son, don't hold back" Mr Zen said as Klaus stood far from him. Surprisingly this time, it was Mr Zen who rushed at Klaus with a grin on his face. Klaus could see the excitement on his father's face. In a way, it was like what had happened moments ago gave him joy. Which was scary and strange to think about for Klaus. But seeing his father that way made him excited and he gained confidence and went in on the attack as well. Both of them locked in on each other.


[-10 HP]


[-15 HP]


[-10 HP]



[Two out of three daily quest completed]

[Quest: Take damages until HP reduces to 20]

[HP - 18]

[Quest Status- completed]

"That's enough for today" Mr Zen stood over Klaus's body laying on the ground. He offered a hand and this time Klaus didn't reject it.

"Let's see that lip of yours" Mr Zen said as he approached with a box. Mr zen began to access the area and oddly, a frown appeared on his face.

"Strange, I thought you had it bursted open a couple of hours ago?" Mr Zen asked.

"Yeah, you should look well" Klaus said. And after minutes of searching, Mr Zen only found the blood trail on Klaus's Chin and white training outfit. But no wound in sight. This caused Mr Zen to stare at Klaus in the eye for a while again. An awkward silence between the two. But eventually Mr Zen would drop the kit and head out towards the exit.

"Prepare, we start training tomorrow" Mr Zen said as he was going out.

"Training?" Klaus asked unsure of what that meant. If anything, they just finished training so what was that supposed to mean?.

"The way of the feet. " Mr Zen said with a smile and as if Klaus was imagining it, he could have sworn he noticed his father's eyes slightly change colour. But as he was left in silence to clean, thoughts began to cross his mind. And he sat and said with a smile...

"Let's see what other things you can do".