Diamond ranked trouble

By now tensions were high. Everyone sitting in the class hung tightly to the edge of their seats. Even as they had never been in a school environment like this, they knew one thing.

The world was now divided. Right now two different sets of people were about to clash. The weak against the powerful. And they need not be in the situation themselves to tell things could go bad for the weak side. After all, it was now a "dog eat dog" in the world they lived in.

Duncan stared at the two boys standing against him. On the left side was a brown-haired kid with a weirdly distributed moustache who seemed rather poised to engage if things turned the other way.

And on the other hand, the kid on the right. The one with the black ponytail knotted neatly with Crystal blue eyes remained almost anonymous to the situation. It was like he wasn't even there. Duncan found him hard to read and even worse hard to gauge his strength level.