Influence tab

[] Discord for those that missed it****

Klaus wasn't sure what had come over him as he met face to face with the girl he now knew to be Luna. But one thing was certain, he wasn't under any influence and had done what he did by following her out of the cafeteria purely out of his own will. He walked in back to the cafeteria and couldn't stop thinking about what had happened between them.

"Do whatever you need to do with haste, my lord, "Klaus thought as he remembered the words vividly well. It was both odd as it was hard to turn into anything meaningful. But the things that occurred there on after were things he wasn't so much in a hurry to revisit. He felt uncomfortable just thinking about it.

Yet things didn't seem to settle down as he walked back to his table in the cafeteria. Not only was he seeing eyes glued to his body but he could hear passive comments as well.