Black mist

To Sage on the outside, the lights had never gone off. However, he had his eyes fixed up on the screen hung on the wall as it seemed to be displaying something.

[Synching with server....]

Sage remained standing even though he knew there were chairs around. While he stood and waited for whatever process the screen had on to be over with, his mind wandered and his thoughts began to manifest outside.

"I don't know how long i have here. But hopefully, I can complete my mission before that time. My DOUBLE MISSIONS, "Sage said and with that, he rubbed his head a big gesturing a sign of conflict or perhaps mental exhaustion. But either way, he found himself again and was back in the moment as a footstep could be heard approaching him.

He turned around to find a man who appeared to be in his mid-twenties. With light brown hair and dark facial hair which engulfed his face, he walked up and stood with both hands behind his back in front of Sage.