
Raiding a tower and retrieving the orb from said tower was quite a difficult task for a number of reasons. But in the long run, the red-themed team named the "Outlaw trio" was doing exactly that without much difficulty. In such a short time, they had taken down three towers and were on their fourth one.

"That was a close one I must say, "Shaw whose gaming name was sleeper said. He had just narrowly escaped a green glowing arrow fired his way. He wasn't sure where it had come from but for one, he knew he had to get out of the location and find somewhere safer on the map. His strategy was quite simple, avoid all and every confrontation.


[Soaring falcon base destroyed and orb retrieved]

"That quick?!. Which team is doing all of this?"Klaus thought as he saw that every single enemy base had been taken out leaving them and one other team left standing. And from that alone, he knew it had to be the sole team responsible.