Cyrus Emergency

Klaus walked closer to the figure he could see lying on the ground amidst piles of food particles here and there.

"Are you okay?"Klaus asked Cyrus who remained still. Klaus grabbed Cyrus's hand to feel his pulse. This was basic knowledge that most people knew. He held onto the wrist and listened to feel a pulse.

"You are alive, just unconscious. Whoever did this to you certainly went too far. You might be quite annoying and maybe childish to a degree but this...this is past bullying. Oppressing the weak just because you have the power to isn't right. Maybe they need to be oppressed as well, "Klaus thought.

He was surprised that he found himself getting angry over the matter. Perhaps it was because he found Cyrus in the condition he was in. Either way, he felt it was now his business.

On further examination, he found that Cyrus was bleeding from his rib area. When he looked closely, he could see that it was a stab wound.