The Octagon

Coming out of Gustav's office was Erwin with a grin as wide as the ocean. Not wasting anytime, he stretched out his hand holding an object towards Klaus.

"What do I need that for?" Klaus asked referring to the object in Erwin's hand.

"Trust me, I share the same displeasure as do you. Why would i need to cover this face?!! But yeah, for some reason, everyone wears one so you would have to as well" Erwin said before handing Klaus the object.

Taking it from Erwin, Klaus examined the object which turned out to be a black mask with stripes of yellow running across the cheek. Then at the mouth gap with numerous forged teeth in place.

Erwin also pulled out a similar mask but he had one that was blue with black stripes on it. Seeing that the one who had brought him here and much more knowledgeable about the place had worn his, Klaus had no choice but to put his on as he tailed Erwin who wasn't planning to wait around.

"Now what?" Klaus asked as he caught up to Erwin.