Military space

Soon, a man stepped on the stage causing all attention to swing to his end.

He stood on a holographic board with a hat on which had a weird depression at the top. Nonetheless, his sleek purple velvet suit made up for certain strange fashion choices. His hands were swung behind his back as he gazed at the crowd of students giving them ample time to adjust to his presence.

This man in question was someone that of the year ones had no idea of a soul in the school, they'd recognize him in a heartbeat.

Mr hank, the man who coordinated to some degree the entrance examination weeks before. And now he was back standing in front of them. But not just the year ones this time. The entirety of Blackwood academy were in attendance.

"Good day, I would like to welcome you to a crucial part of your assessment in this noble academy, the school rank test!!!" Mr Hank said and cheers and claps erupted from the sea of students.