New enemy

As the guy stared at Klaus, he could see a sinister smile carved across his face. He felt Klaus's grip around his neck to be vise-like. More so, proverbial the nail on the coffin, the stamp on his fears was the eye his presumed opponent looked at him with.

"Your... Your eyes... They are... They are red!!" The boy stuttered. But even as he struggled to say, the message was effectively passed across and to this effect, a frown appeared on Klaus's face.

Suddenly, he let go of the boy's neck allowing him to fall to the ground. Then with his two hands, Klaus covered his face. This turn of events left the boy who was held up moments ago, perplexed. And for all the right reasons, he has every right to be.

Klaus removed his palms from his face and there, then the boy looked with more shock.

"They are gone?!" he couldn't help but beat himself about it. Seeing how the person in front of him now had blue eyes and not red made him question his sanity. But then he saw how Klaus behaved.