
"What are you?" Wayne asked standing face to face with Erwin.

"Your king, now bow!" Erwin replied but this didn't seem to satisfy Wayne. A frown quickly crept up on his face as he kept his eyes locked on Erwin. Erwin had misunderstood the other's question. There was a reason Wayne asked and that reason appeared to be one he found very shocking.

"His Mana...From that first punch he delivered to me, it's like a dose of poison landing inside my system. But somehow, it a bid to get rid of it, I ended up doing something else. I achieved breakthrough!!. Nonetheless, even though I have hit another Mana shell and awakened for the second time, it still doesn't answer my question. What is he?" Wayne thought deeply but while at it, Erwin with his palms shoved him on the chest and moved him a few inches back.