Vampires everywhere?

Klaus stared keenly into the bushes and for a moment, there appeared to be silence up until ruffling sounds were made and a figure came outside from the bushes making a rather bold statement.

"I'm sorry if I sneaked up or it seemed as though I was peeking at what you two were doing, I just didn't want to interrupt whatever you two had going on," The figure said. Although it was night time, from the voice alone and the immediate frown on his face, Klaus knew who this person was.

Walking up to them, his blond hair was usually scattered and his clothes appeared quite damp in a way. These were all things that in a short time, Finn was known not to go by. Considering the manner in which he came out to them, Klaus was quick to notice the trembling in his voice even though Finn attempted to hide this fact through the prideful, brave facade he had on.