He is fast!!!

Stepping back from his initial position, a puff of dark smoke engulfed him and when this smoke finally dispersed, Klaus was no where to be seen. But then three resonating bangs revealed his location as he was now found where one of the hall masters was standing moments ago. The shadow shuriken bomb had been put into good use once again and one of the hall masters was blasted aside to the wall of the dorm building not far from the wire mesh fence.

The other hall master saw this and immediately took action by shooting out a large ball of fire. This ball was so big it was the size of a car.

Illuminating the surrounding with it's hot flaming light, there was no way Klaus could be caught off guard by the fire ball. The hall master chucked this ball at Klaus and surprising for Klaus and the students who stood afar and watched, for the size of such attack, it flew quite fast.