Entering God mode

[https://discord.gg/HK2h8R9skE] Discord for those that missed it...


[Blitz deactivated]

[All stats back to normal]



"Well, that does not matter. The system seems to have surprised me quite well this time. Now, it's my turn to surprise skinny boy over there," Klaus said with a smile appearing on his face, but in that split moment when the Blizt skill deactivated, it was seen that his speed had reduced drastically almost similar to a car hitting a bump and he was made to pay the price dearly with yet another chance gone.

"Oh No Klaus. You had this going quite nicely. Now if the Baton touches you again, you will be eliminated for sure. This can't get any worse!!" Cyrus thought while almost biting his fingers off after already chewing the better part of his nails.