What destination?

" That's a Tezzla!!!" Klaus shrieked from the confines of his lungs. If he had wings at that moment, one could see it flap in total ecstasy. But just like him, he appeared not to be the only one stunned by the appearance of this rectangular object which in fact was a vehicle.

Although, from the fuss being made about it, anyone could tell this wasn't just any vehicle. It was the Tezzla Mobile!!! The most expensive and highly esteemed vehicle currently in the world. But that wasn't the part that took the air out of Klaus and the on lookers lungs away.

"She seemed to have controlled it with her phone. It's got to be!!!" someone exclaimed in a bit of a dramatic fashion.

"It's the latest edition!!! No frigging way does a student have one of those!!" another said.
