Team work

Shaw remained in utter shock as he saw the beasts he had just stabbed a spear directly into its chest area which was also laced with numerous poisons get back up to it's feet. Shaw gritted his teeth wondering what more there is to do because at that point he was spent. The attack was solely reliant on the hope that the beast would fall but now that it didn't, Shaw had spent all his energy and didn't have any left in the tank again.

"I can't just conjure another attack, I mean, not this way. If I want to go all out then I'm afraid these kids will have more than this Mongoon stuck in their nightmare by the time they see what I am. Argh!!! I hate this!!!" Shaw cursed deeply inside. Meanwhile, the Mongoon staggered to it's feet and slowly began to make its way towards Shaw. Shaw looked around him for something he could pick up and use as a weapon but there was none around.