strenght in numbers

It didn't take long for morning to come. Klaus once again stayed awake all night thinking about the possibilities the day might hold while the rest of his roommates were sound asleep. As always, Cyrus had the loudest snore in the room but it didn't seem to bother the other two who were sleeping, Shaw and Sumi.

"I won't lie, the team seems to have some elements that made us succeed. If it wasn't for Shaw's bravery and straight up no nonsense in any situation, I don't think it would have gone smoothly as it did. And not to mention, Sumi's knowledge about the beasts and what they were capable of. Despite the fact that I had the system to help me out, she seems to know just as much. Although, the stunt I pulled by not informing them of the presence of a clan war could have gone horribly wrong, I'm glad everything worked out fine," Klaus thought in silence.