
Waking up again, it was the start of another day meaning the group had one more hunt trip to embark on. Today was the big day for all the kids as right after the hunt, the winners will be announced. Other than that, they would return back to the academy seeing that their trip would be complete then.

As usual, the loud Knock on the door echoed through the camp and the annoying morning bells woke the kids up. They all knew how the process worked and in no time after freshening up, they made their way out to the open camp area where this time they met their homeroom teachers, Sage, Adetayo and Logan of the blue, red and green house respectively, standing and waiting for them.

Amongst the group standing were also camp master and winger, Raymond and Klova his daughter. There seemed to be a heavy weight in the air as they knew a big announcement was due. The students all gathered and after about a minute when everyone had settled down and stopped chattering, Sage began first.