The son of Shiro Senshi

"Export chainsword," Klaus commanded.


[Chain sword exported]

[Weapon stats]

Strenght - 5

Attack - 10

Durability - 8

[Special attack - 1/2 available]

1. Chain reaction < Error!! health is too low to use this skill>

2. ???

"It doesn't matter how low my health is. I can't go down without trying," Klaus said as he wielded the chain sword with resolve. Suddenly it all dawned on klaus. The gravity of the situation before him. The air was thick with tension as Klaus stared down the three monstrous pig-nosed and tailed figures, their sinister eyes gleaming with malevolence.

The once formidable team that stood by his side had been reduced to mere memories, fallen victims of the relentless assault these creatures unleashed upon them. But Klaus was determined to avenge his comrades, to make sure their sacrifice would not be in vain.

"Shaw,Emily, Sumi....they are all gone... everyone's gone. I can't let that be in vain," Klaus muttered with a steel resolve.