Summoning the demon companion

Klaus's face was etched with a frown as he turned to see who was standing there. Adorned in an old military attire, Klaus saw that Sage had arrived.

"Where were you all? we will come running you all said!!!" Klaus immediately fired off and began to throw blames.

"I understand how you feel. It's not..." Sage was going to say but Klaus too angry to listen then began to limp towards Sage, evidence of his injury in battle.

"You understand?!!! you understand how I feel?!!!" Klaus inquired with a high pitched voice, seemingly traveling along the length of the field.

"Look around you!!! no...just...loo..." Klaus was unable to finish his statement before falling on the ground on his face, he had passed out from all blood loss and exhaustion. But just as he fell, the mark on his neck, the sting like mark turned into a smoke and varnished from his neck, moving around the chaos that was the battlefield. This had not been noticed because several other things needed to be addressed by Sage.